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Approval Utility List - HRUTAL

The Human Resources (HR) Approval Utility List (HRUTAL) page stores the records resulting from the running of the Approval Utility. Each record processed, whether run in Test or Live mode, has a results record placed into this page and table.

Screen: Indicates the screen selected for the utility process.

Run By: Indicates who ran the Approval Utility. System-derived.

Run Date: Indicates the date the tool was used. System-derived.

Test: Indicates if the tool was used in test mode.

Entity: Indicates the Entity for which the Approval Utility was run. The field defaults to the entity associated with the logged in user on HRRQUS, if a record exists. Code values are defined in the HR Entity Codes (HRRQEN) page.

New Approval Code: Indicates the approval code the updated records received.

Records Updated: The number of records updated during the Approval Utility run.

Employee ID: Indicates the ID selected for the approval update process.

Effective Dates: Indicates the date range selected for the utility run.

Record Type: Indicates the Record Type selected for the utility run.

PCN: Indicates the PCN selected for the utility run.

Position: Indicates the Position selected for the utility run.

CDH: Indicates the CDH selected for the utility run.

Benefit Plan: Indicates the Benefit Plan selected for the utility run.

Old Approval Code: Indicates the approval code for records before updating.

Error: Indicates if an error occurred while the utility was processing the given record.

Message: Indicates the error message if any.

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