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Attendance Record - STUPAT

The SubTracker (ST) Attendance Record (STUPAT) page displays timecard record information created from the ST Make Attendance Records (STUTMA) utility. Notice there are two tabs: one for the Absentee and one for the Substitute. Depending on the record, there could be data on one or both of these tabs.

Entity: When the Load Substitute Management System Flat File (STUTLF) utility is run to load the file from the Substitute Management System, an Entity ID is provided. That entity was applied to all of the records that were imported from that particular flat file. If there are multiple entities, be sure that all of the records in the ST Business Rules Step (STUPBR) page are applied to the correct entity.

Imported Job ID: This field will contain the system derived Job ID.

Date of Absence: This field specifies the date of absence.

Imported Location/Site: This field contains the location or site ID associated with the job.

Imported Position: This field contains the position which was present in the imported file.

Reason for Absence: The reason code for this absence.

Imported Account: This field specifies the GL Account.

Input File Name: This field specifies the input batch.

Absentee / Substitute Tabs

Employee ID: The BusinessPlus ID for the Absentee/Substitute.

Import ID: The imported ID for the Absentee/Substitute.

CDH: This field specifies the CDH. The CDH value should be greater than or equal to 3000 and less than or equal to 3999.

Absence / Sub Hours: This field specifies the Absence or Sub hours – Added to/Subtracted from/Multiplied by/Divided by Override Hours.

Rate: This field specifies the Rate associated with the hour code.

Rate Override: This field specifies the Rate Override.

Pay: This field specifies the total payment.

Pay Override: This field specifies the Pay Override.

Status: This field specifies the Pay Assignment Status.

Record Type: This field specifies the Pay Assignment Record Type.

Position: This field specifies the Pay Assignment position.

Pay Class: This field specifies the Pay Assignment pay class.

Salary Index Step: This field specifies the salary index step.

Timecard flag: This field specifies the timecard flag.

Prime Dist: No longer used. May not appear on the page.

Hours: This field specifies the distribution hours.

Percent: This field specifies the distribution percent.

Timecard Batch: This field specifies the Timecard Batch.

Timecard Pay Period: This field specifies the Timecard Pay Period.
To see distributions, either use the shortcut of the Ctrl+W keyboard combination or go to the top of the page and click on the Options button, then Distribution Worksheet. If on the Absentee tab, the Absentee's distributions will display. If on the Substitute tab, the Substitute's distributions will display.

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