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Bank Routing Information - HRTBBK

The Human Resources (HR) Bank Routing Information (HRTBBK) page stores information about Financial Institutions that are assigned on the CDH Assignments (HRPYPR) page, Direct Deposit tab. The Bank Routing Numbers and associated Check Digits are entered into this page.

Bank Routing #: The first eight digits of the nine-digit Bank ID. This value will be found at the bottom left of a check, located between the two colons just before the bank account number.

Check Digit: The last digit of the nine-digit Bank ID described above. When the Check Digit is entered, the system will run the standard algorithm used by financial institutions to determine if the combination of the bank routing number and check digit constitute a valid Bank ID. If not, the cursor will be blocked from tabbing out of the check digit field. This would indicate either that the bank routing number is invalid, or that the correct check digit for the routing number (0-9) has not been entered. In this instance, verify the employee's personal check and ensure both the Bank Routing Number and Check Digit has been entered correctly. If the combination is rejected on this page, the financial institution definitely would reject it as well. To get out of the check digit field to fix the bank routing number, space/blank out the field.

The standard algorithm is:

Check Digit = ((1st digit of Routing # * 3) +
            (2nd digit of Routing # * 7) +
            (3rd digit of Routing # * 1) +
            (4th digit of Routing # * 3) +
            (5th digit of Routing # * 7) +
            (6th digit of Routing # * 1) +
            (7th digit of Routing # * 3) +
            (8th digit of Routing # * 7)) mod 10

Each digit is multiplied by the respective number as shown and its sum is taken.

The sum is divided by 10 and the remainder is taken.

  • If the remainder > 0, then it is subtracted from 10 and the difference obtained is the Check Digit.

  • Else, if remainder = 0, then zero is the Check Digit.

Financial Institution: Indicates the full name of the Financial Institution represented by the Bank Routing Number and Check Digit combination.

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