Benefit Assignment Utility - HRUTBU
The Human Resources (HR) Benefit Assignment Utility (HRUTBU) page is designed to manage benefits on a larger scale. Functions can be processed for one or multiple employees:
Change from one benefit to another
Extend benefit dates
Insert new benefits
Overwrite benefit amounts
Stop or close benefits
Update or insert benefits
Enter selection criteria to identify the records to be manipulated and process data for a selected record. The wildcard % is accepted in all selection fields for pattern matching.
The HR Benefit Assignment Utility page inserts an action code BUTL into HR Benefit Assignments (HRPYBE) records. The code BUTL needs to be added to the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page where the Code ID is ACTION_ CODE.
For each record processed, a record is added to a listing page, Benefit Assignment Utility List (HRUTBL). Review these records before final processing. They will indicate if there is a problem with a record.
This HR Benefit Assignment Utility page is very powerful. Carefully consider the option that is chosen on the Benefit Data section and select an appropriate set of records. Select the Test checkbox to run the process in test mode where records are inserted into the listing page (HRUTBL) for review. When you are ready to process the changes in the database, clear the Test checkbox before you run the utility.
Option: The HR Benefit Assignment Utility page can perform six different functions. Code values are defined in static codes.
C - Change Benefit to Another: This option closes a current benefit and replaces it with the benefit you enter in the New Information section. The benefit search date is a key element for this option.
E - Extend Benefit Dates: This option extends the end date of a current benefit to the end date you enter in the New Information section. The option ignores the begin date in the New Information section. The benefit search date is a key element for this option.
I - Insert New Benefit: This option inserts a new benefit and uses the dates entered in the New Information section.
If the employee has no benefits, leave the Benefit Search Date blank. If a Benefit Search Date needs to exist, it must fall within the date range of an existing employee record, because it is used as selection criteria.
O - Overwrite Benefit Amounts: This option overwrites the current amounts on the HR Benefit Assignments page with the amounts found on the HR Benefit Definitions (HRTBBE) page, Benefit Definition tab, without changing the current benefit dates. The benefit search date is a key element for this option.
S - Stop/Close Benefit: This option closes out a benefit using the end date you enter in the New Information section. The benefit search date is a key element for this option.
U - Update/Insert Benefit: This option takes existing HR Benefit Assignments and end dates them one day prior to the new begin date you enter in the New Information section, then it inserts a new record for the same benefit with the new begin and end dates. The benefit search date is a key element for this option.
This option is used when benefit amounts change on HR Benefit Definitions page and no new record is created there, but the employee record needs to show when the old rates ended and the new rates started.
Test: Select the checkbox to run the utility in test mode.
Entity: Select an Entity. Different entities may have unique benefit plans, amounts, special codes, or other attributes. The field defaults to the entity associated with the logged in user on HRRQUS, if a record exists. Code values are defined in the HR Entity Codes (HRRQEN) page.
Benefit Search Date: The field defaults to today's date and is required for all options, except I - Insert, as part of the selection criteria.
When you insert a new benefit for employees with no existing benefits, this date field must be blank. If the date is populated, then it is used as selection criteria and the employee must have at least one record with begin and end dates surrounding this date.
For example, you run the S - Stop option on a benefit and use an end date that is prior to the current date. Then, when using the I - Insert option, the date needs to be changed to a date that falls within the dates of the benefit plan used as selection criteria. This is because, by default, the system will find and only process the same benefit plan that was entered in the selection criteria section that has dates spanning the Benefit Search Date.
Selection Criteria
Benefit Plan: Enter the Benefit Plan to be selected from the HR Benefit Assignment Utility page. Code values are defined in the HR Benefit Definitions (HRTBBE) page, HR Benefit Definition tab where the entities match.
Benefit Package: Indicates benefit codes entered on the Benefit Master or Benefit Assignment tabs of the HR Benefit Assignments page. Code values are defined in the HR Benefit Definitions page, Package Definition tab where the entities match.
Contribution CDH: Indicates the contribution number associated with the employer amount or premium. Code values are defined in the Payroll (PY) Contribution Definition (PYUPCC) page.
Deduction CDH: Indicates the deduction number associated with the employee amount or premium. Code values are defined in the PY Deduction Definition (PYUPDD) page.
Benefit Begin Date / Benefit End Date: The selection criteria benefit begin and end date that is assigned to employees.
Employee ID: Indicates a specific valid Employee or an array of employees matching a pattern. Code values are defined in the HR Employee Master (HREMEN) page where entities match.
Type: Enter employee type as on the HR Employee Master page.
Emp HR Status: Enter employee HR status as on the HR Employee Master page.
Emp PY Status: Enter employee PY status as on the HR Employee Master page.
Bargaining Unit: Employee Bargaining Unit as assigned on the HR Employee Master page, and to be used for selection criteria purposes. Code values defined in the HR Entity Specific Codes (HRTBCE) page, Bargaining Unit Codes tab, where the entities match.
Department: Department as assigned on the HR Employee Master page to be used as selection criteria. Code values are defined in the HR Entity Specific Codes (HRTBCE) page, Entity Specific Codes tab, under the Code ID of DEPARTMENT_CODE.
Division: Division as assigned on the HR Employee Master page to be used as selection criteria. Code values are defined in the HR Entity Specific Codes (HRTBCE) page, Entity Specific Codes tab, under the Code ID of DIVISION_CODE.
Location: Division as assigned on the HR Employee Master page to be used as selection criteria. Code values are defined in Entity Specific Codes (HRTBCE) page, Location Codes tab.
Pre-Defined SQL: Select a Pre-Defined SQL code, defined on the HR Stored Selection Criteria (HRUTSC) page.
Custom Select SQL: Enter custom selection criteria. Any column from the HR Employee Master (HREMEN) and HR Employee Benefit Assignments (HRPYBE, Benefit Assignments tab) page may be referenced. If the column name appears on both the Employee Master and the Benefit Assignments, then a table qualifier needs to be added. Use qualifier A for Employee Benefit Assignments and B for Employee Master.
New Information
New Effective Dates: Enter new effective dates. Depending on the option, either the begin, end, or both dates may be used by the utility. The dates determine what information to extract from the HR Benefit Definitions page.
New Benefit Plan: Enter the Benefit Plan to be inserted into the HR Benefit Assignment records. The amounts, status, frequency, box, special codes, and other attributes appear after you enter the benefit plan. This is only used with I - Insert and C - Change Benefit to Another. Code values are defined in the HR Benefit Definitions (HRTBBE) page, HR Benefit Definition tab where the entities match.
Benefit Salary Code: A benefit salary may be used in calculations depending upon the option being run. This requires every employee in the selected group to have the same benefit salary. If this is not the case, then a benefit salary may be chosen at an employee level. Depending on the code chosen, an employee's base annual, actual annual, base per period, actual per period, or hourly rate from their primary (PM) pay assignment may be used as the benefit salary. Code values are defined in static codes.
Benefit FTE Code: A Benefit FTE Code is required even though not all options utilize it. Code values are defined in static codes.
Employer Cost: Value is pulled from the HR Benefit Definition based on the New Benefit Plan. If the Calc Code option is MN or FE, then you must manually enter the employer benefit amounts.
Contribution Axp: The amount expressed as for the Contribution CDH is pulled from the HR Benefit Definition based on the New Benefit Plan.
Contribution CDH: The Contribution CDH code is pulled from the HR Benefit Definition based on the New Benefit Plan.
Contribution Status: The contribution status is pulled from the HR Benefit Definition based on the New Benefit Plan. If none exists, enter contribution status for the benefits.
Contribution Fq: The contribution frequency is pulled from the HR Benefit Definition based on the New Benefit Plan. If none exists, enter contribution frequency for the benefits.
Contribution Fq Tp: The contribution frequency type is pulled from the HR Benefit Definition based on the New Benefit Plan. If none exists, enter contribution frequency type for the benefits.
Spec Cd 1-4: The special codes are pulled from the HR Benefit Definition based on the New Benefit Plan. You may override the special codes.
Employee Cost: Value is pulled from the HR Benefit Definition based on the New Benefit Plan. If the Calc Code option is MN or FE, then you must manually enter the employee deduction amounts.
Deduction Axp: The amount expressed as for the Deduction CDH. Value is pulled from the HR Benefit Definition based on the New Benefit Plan.
Deduction CDH: The Deduction CDH code. Value is pulled from the HR Benefit Definition based on the New Benefit Plan.
Deduction Status: The deduction status is pulled from the HR Benefit Definition based on the New Benefit Plan. If none exists, enter deduction status for the deductions.
Deduction Fq: The deduction frequency is pulled from the HR Benefit Definition based on the New Benefit Plan. If none exists, enter the deduction frequency for the deductions.
Deduction Fq Tp: The deduction frequency type is pulled from the HR Benefit Definition based on the New Benefit Plan. If none exists, enter deduction frequency type for the deductions.
Spec Cd 1-4: The special codes are pulled from the HR Benefit Definition based on the New Benefit Plan. You may override the special codes.
Other Information
Calc Code: Indicates the calculation code to be used when the benefit plan is assigned to an employee. Value is pulled from the HR Benefit Definition based on the New Benefit Plan.
Date Calc: Indicates if this benefit plan requires any special date calculations. Value is pulled from the HR Benefit Definition based on the New Benefit Plan.
Use Date Calc Formula: Only applicable with the I - Insert option. Select the checkbox to take the date calc adjustment from the HR Benefit Definition into account.
Salary 1: Value is pulled from the HR Benefit Definition based on the New Benefit Plan.
Salary 2: Value is pulled from the HR Benefit Definition based on the New Benefit Plan.
Vendor Code: Value is pulled from the HR Benefit Definition based on the New Benefit Plan.
Group: Value is pulled from the HR Benefit Definition based on the New Benefit Plan.
Sub Group: Value is pulled from the HR Benefit Definition based on the New Benefit Plan.
Salary Index: Enter salary index. Many calculation options require at least one of these fields to be entered.
Benefit Salary: Enter a benefit salary. Many calculation options require at least one of these fields to be entered.
Benefit FTE: Enter a benefit FTE. Many calculation options require at least one of these fields to be entered.