Benefit Enrollment
On the Benefit Enrollment page, users can select new benefit plans and update or delete current benefit plans.
Update Plan
Choose New Plans
Select the Choose New Plans button to launch the Benefit Update wizard, from which you can select and save available benefit options.
Confirm All
Click Confirm All to finalize requests, whether made through the benefit wizard or in the Summary section. Final checking for accuracy and requirements is completed. If errors exist with any of the benefit records, messages appear. The employee will be required to access the Benefit wizard and make corrections. If you click Confirm All and there are no errors, all the employee-associated records in HREOTR with an Approval Type of HOLD are selected, and the Approval Type is changed to WAIT. Records with WAIT are ready for HR to approve and process.
Current Enrollment
The Current Plan Info card shows active benefit plans with Begin and End dates surrounding today’s date.
Coverage Type: The coverage type is based on the plan type field in the Employee Online Settings, Benefits Settings, Benefits card.
Plan Name: The associated Benefit Long Description from HRTBBE, Benefit Definitions (hr_benetble.long_desc).
Coverage: Benefit is set as coverage type in Benefit Setup, Forms and Coverage Information, Coverage Info = Special Code Box value identified in Open Enrollment Settings.
Premium: Employee cost.
Covered Dependents: Lists the covered dependents.
Covered Beneficiaries: Lists the covered Beneficiaries, percentage, and primary status.
Status: Indicates the enrollment status of the coverage.
Future Enrollment
The Future Enrollment card shows future-dated plans or plans that are in Submitted or Pending Approval (HREOTRApproval Type <> APPR) status. New plan information is pulled from the employee online transaction table (HREOTR, hr_trnsreq) with connections to the Benefit Definition table (HRTBBE, hr_benetble).
Coverage Type: The general type of coverage.
Plan Name: The associated Benefit Long Description from HRTBBE, Benefit Definitions (hr_benetble.long_desc).
Coverage: The annual amount of coverage selected, for instance, for Life Insurance.
Premium: Employee cost. The representative amount is based on the HRTBBE Axp (i.e., Monthly, Per Period, etc.) value.
Covered Dependents: Selected dependents are listed, separated by commas.
Covered Beneficiaries: Selected beneficiaries, their percentage, and primary status are listed, separated by commas.
Status: Status of enrollment as interpreted from the HREOTR Approval Type (hr_trnsreq.apprv_cd01). If SEND = Active, If <> SEND and Mode Type <> CLOSE = Pending Approval. If <> SEND and Mode Type = CLOSE = Pending Close.
Closing Current Plan
If a currently enrolled plan has been set up to Allow Close or Mid-Year Changes, a trash can icon/button (Close Benefit) will appear in the Status column. When you select the Remove icon, the benefit plan name is crossed out. If the plan is a 125 plan, a Change Reason is required. Comments are optional. If the plan does not require a reason, the Change Reason and Comment fields will not display.
Change Reason codes are hard-coded. The Reason code and comments are inserted into HREOTR page, Requestor Notes field.