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Benefits Settings in EO

Other Benefits

Other Benefits setup is accessed though EO Administration, Settings, Benefits, Other Benefits.

Read Only: No longer used, may not appear.

Active Benefits: No longer used, may not appear.

Special Code: Used for benefits that allow the employee to enter their own amount or percentage. Tells the system what special code will store the symbol used to represent Amount or Percent.

Amount Symbol: Used for benefits that allow the employee to select that they want to use Amount. The symbol will be sent to the indicated Special Code field on the HR assignment.

Percent Symbol: Used for benefits that allow the employee to select that they want to use Percent. The symbol will be sent to the indicated Special Code field on the HR assignment.

Dependent Coverages

Read Only: No longer used, may not appear.

Filter Dependents by Active Date range: No longer used, may not appear.

Card Management

Card Name:  Insurance, Reimbursement, Retirement, Other Benefits,  and Dependent Coverage.

Hide: Used to make the card not visible on the Benefits page. Functionality removes card from page only. To remove the item from the Benefits menu, use Settings, Menu Setup.

Display Name: Used to change the card title on the Benefits page. Name change is seen on the actual Benefits page, not the menu. To change the item in the Benefits menu use Settings, Menu Setup.


The Benefit settings on the Employee Online Settings page allows users to define codes and configuration options used in the benefit enrollment process.

Benefit Plan Type Definitions

The Benefit Plan Types section defines the plan type codes that will be used on the benefit plan configuration for Benefit Enrollment. This section also defines whether a plan is exclusive in the plan type and required during an open enrollment process.

Benefit Plan Type: This field is used to group similar plans for selection during the benefit enrollment process (for example, MEDICAL would group all medical benefit plans defined in the Benefits Enrollment Settings page). This entry is used to create the drop-down menu for the Plan Type field on the Benefit Setup page.

Exclusive in Type: This field indicates the employee may only have a single plan within the benefit plan type, at a given time.

Required in Open Enrollment: This field indicates that the plan type is a mandatory/required selection during the Open Enrollment process. Employees will be required to navigate through required plans first in the benefit enrollment wizard.

Secondary Plan Type: This field indicates that the plan type is dependent on the selection of a primary plan type. Secondary plans will not show to the end user until a primary is selected. This plan type will inherit the open enrollment date and coverage rules of the primary plan. Example: An employee can only select a Health Savings Account plan if they have selected a Health HSA option plan.

Dependent Mapping

The dependent mapping section is used to map benefit category codes to the associated relationship code(s). This section defaults in the benefit categories as they are defined in HR Entity Specific Codes, HRTBCE. Users can select the relationship code(s) from a drop-down list for each benefit category. Benefit categories are read from HRTBCE, Code ID = BENEFIT_CATEGORY. Relationship codes are read from HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR), Code ID = RELATIONSHIP_CD.

When the employee selects a benefit plan, the page looks up the benefit category code, from this table, and displays all dependents with the matching relationship code.

Entity: The entity used for benefit setup.

Benefit Category: Benefit Categories as they are defined in the HR Entity Specific Codes, HRTBCE, Entity Specific Codes tab.

Display Name: Field will default to the Benefit Category description but can be overwritten. This is what will display to the employee when selecting benefits.

Max Dependents: If a benefit is going to allow dependents to be included, this value indicates the maximum number of dependents allowed.

Relationship Codes: Select the relationship codes that a dependent/beneficiary must have in order to qualify for the benefit category.

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