California Retirement - HRRTCA
The Human Resources (HR) California Retirement (HRRTCA) page is used to record retirement information for employees in the state of California. Other retirement information may be entered on the HR CDH Assignments – Miscellaneous Tab, HR Benefit Information – Benefit Assignments tab, or another state specific page. Assignments entered onto this page update the Payroll (PY) Employee Assignments (PYUPEC) page, and the PY Employee Definition (PYUPEM) page is updated with the STRS and PERS Codes.
The header row consists of information from the HR Employee Master (HREMEN) page. An employee must be previously defined before records can be created in HR California Retirement page. All the header fields are read only; however, the fields are enabled when in search mode for use as search criteria.
Entity: Employee's Entity ID from HREMEN. The Entity is used to identify security clearance. The field defaults to the entity associated with the logged in user on HRRQUS, if a record exists. Code values are defined in the HR Entity Codes (HRRQEN) page.
Employee ID: Employee's ID Number from HREMEN.
Name: Employee's name from from HREMEN.
SSN: Employee's SSN from from HREMEN.
Type: Employee's type from from HREMEN.
HR: Employee's HR Status from from HREMEN.
PY: Employee's PY Status from from HREMEN.
Action: Indicates the action/purpose for entering or modifying a record. Possible values are restricted to those defined in the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page where the Code ID equals ACTION_CODE.
Retirement Cd: Indicates if the employee is retired and from what plan(s). The field is for informational purposes only except with regard to PERS. The value, including a blank, will be placed into the first position of the Associated Description on the PY Employee Definition (PYUPEM) page, Associated Codes tab, followed by the begin and end dates of the record. Possible values are restricted to those defined in HRTBHR, where the Code ID equals RETIREMENT_CODE.
PERS (Public Employee Retirement System)
Selection Cd: Indicates the employee selection status of PERS. Possible values are restricted to those defined in static codes.
PERS ID: The employee’s PERS unique identifier. Common code PERS/PERT is used to control whether the field is required. The limit is 10 digits.
CDH: System derived from the HR System Set Up (HRRQSS) page, CA Retirement tab.
St: Indicates the assignment status. Possible values are restricted to those defined in HRTBHR, where the Code ID equals CONT/DEDUC_STAT. Updates PYUPEC, Status field.
Fq: Indicates the frequency or type of payroll for the PERS entry. Enter A if this field will not be used. Possible values are restricted to those defined in HRTBHR, where the Code ID equals FREQ/ PY_TYPE. Updates PYUPEC, Freq field.
Bx: Indicates the box number applicable, if frequency match codes are being used in payroll. Updates PYUPEC, Box field.
PERS Beg/End Dt: Indicates the effective date range of the PERS assignment. The presence of dates is what triggers the PERS processing to PY. Updates PYUPEC, Begin and End Dates, and PY Employee Definition page, Association Codes tab.
Acct Cd: Indicates the PERS account code (client defined). Possible values are restricted to those defined in HRTBHR, where the Code ID equals ACCOUNT_CODE.
Coverage Group: Typically, the PERS coverage group is defined globally in payroll. If an employee can be enrolled under various or multiple coverage groups, the group code may be entered here.
Unit: The PERS unit code is client defined. Updates PYUPEM, Location/Misc. 1 tab, Skill Codes field, 4th column to the right. Relates to common code PYFG/PY268C.
FICA: If the employee elects certain PERS codes, then the employee must also be assigned FICA. If a FICA assignment exists on the HRPYPR, Taxes tab, and PERS is selected, this field defaults to selected. If the system evaluates the assignment and determines that the employee indeed needs FICA, and the system does not find a FICA assignment on HRPYPR, then a warning will appear.
Vendor: Indicates the vendor associated with the entry. Possible values are restricted to those defined in the HR Vendor Codes (HRTBVE) page. Updates PYUPEC, Vendor ID field.
STRS (State Teacher Retirement System)
Selection Cd: Indicates the employee election status of STRS. Possible values are restricted to those defined in static codes. A value <> X combined with Begin and End dates triggers processing.
CDH: System derived from HRRQSS, CA Retirement tab.
St: Indicates the assignment status. Possible values are restricted to those defined in HRTBHR, where the Code ID equals CONT/DEDUC_STAT. Updates PYUPEC, Status field.
Fq: Indicates the frequency or type of payroll for the PERS entry. Enter A if this field will not be used. Possible values are restricted to those defined in HRTBHR, where the Code ID equals FREQ/ PY_TYPE. Updates PYUPEC, Freq field.
Bx: Indicates the box number applicable, if frequency match codes are being used in payroll. Updates PYUPEC, Box field.
STRS Beg/End Dt: Indicates the effective date range of the STRS assignment. Updates PYUPEC, Begin and End Dates and Association Codes tab, Associated Description field.
Assignment Cd: If the payroll STRS report will look for the STRS code at the deduction assignment level, enter a code here, otherwise leave blank. Possible values are restricted to those defined in static codes. Updates PYUPEC, Special Codes field, 1st column to the right.
Membership Cd: Indicates the STRS membership status code (i.e., 1-member, 2-non-member). The STRS code (47, 57, etc.) is set up on either the HR Job Codes Definitions (HRTBJB) page or the HRPCN/Position Code Definitions (HRTBPC) page and updates the PY Job/Position Definition (PYUPJB) page. STRS programs and reporting look to this field to determine calculation methods and output requirements. As a single employee may hold multiple STRS codes, the STRS code must be associated with the job, not the individual person. If an individual holds a job that is associated with a STRS code, but the employee elects not to select STRS, then the STRS assignment will not be made. Possible values are restricted to those defined in static codes. Updates PYUPEM, Switches tab, field 04 - STRS Member Stat and Association Codes tab, Associated Description column.
MR-87 Cd: The MR-87 Code is to be entered directly by the user and will be validated against the following list of codes:
01 Query Only
02 Establishes a Non-Member account
06 Establishes a Cash Balance account
11 Establishes a Member account
36 Report reduced workload
50 Name change
61 Report STRS retiree
63 Report class size reduction81 Report elective membership
The MR-87 Code is a Transaction Type Code that will become part of the Transmittal File that is created by the MR-87 Windows software for delivery to the State of California. Possible values are restricted to those defined in HRTBHR, where the Code ID equals MR87.
Change Dt: System derived based on a change to the MR-87 Code. Each time the MR-87 Code changes, the date field will be updated with the current date.
Name Change Dt: This field only applies to those employees with CA Retirement records that have a STRS Membership Code of 1 (member), 4 (reduced workload), or 5 (class size reduction retiree). Each time the employee's name changes on HREMEN, this field will be updated with the current date.
Vendor: Indicates the vendor associated with the entry. Possible values are restricted to those defined in the HRTBVE. Updates PYUPEC, Vendor ID field.
Special Cd 2/3: Special codes are used for various purposes, are client defined and based on payroll setup. Updates PYUPEC, Special Codes 2 and 3 fields.
ARS (Alternate Retirement System)
Selection Cd: Indicates the employee election status of STRS. A value of Y combined with Begin and End dates triggers processing. Possible values are restricted to those defined in static codes.
Cont: System derived from the HR System Set Up page, CA Retirement tab.
Ded: System derived from the HR System Set Up page, CA Retirement tab.
St: Indicates the assignment status. Possible values are restricted to those defined in the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page where the Code ID equals CONT/DEDUC_STAT. Updates PYUPEC, Status field.
Fq: Indicates the frequency or type of payroll for the PERS entry. Enter A if this field will not be used. Possible values are restricted to those defined in HRTBHR, where the Code ID equals FREQ/ PY_TYPE. Updates PYUPEC, Freq field.
Bx: Indicates the box number applicable, if frequency match codes are being used in payroll. Updates PYUPEC, Box field.
ARS Beg/End Dt: Indicates the effective date range of the ARS assignment. Updates PYUPEC, Begin and End Date fields.
Vendor: Indicates the vendor associated with the entry. Possible values are restricted to those defined in HRTBVE. Updates PYUPEC, Vendor ID field.
Status Information
Notes: Indicates any notes associated with the entry.
Approval: The approval code indicates whether the record is ready to send or has been sent to payroll. If the record is to be sent to payroll, it must indicate SEND. Possible values are restricted to those defined in HRTBCE, Entity Specific Codes tab, where the Code ID equals APPROVAL_CODE.
Tools for CA Retirement
Global Processing Retirement
This tool will send one or more assignments to Payroll. One way this is used is for new clients that roll their data into this page only. They then will use the tool to populate the appropriate payroll tables.
It works as follows:
The tool only runs in browse mode, accepting the last QBE value as input. It will process all the records that meet the last queried results.
When the tool starts processing it will show a message to the user indicating the number of records to be processed.
The tool will only process the data if the Approval is set to SEND.
The employee ID(s) being processed need to exist in payroll, otherwise an error is displayed.
If there is no record available for the employee then a new record is inserted. If a record does already exist then it will be updated. The status and any errors as a result of processing can be viewed in the Console and the job output tail sheet.