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Contract Assignment Utility - HRUTCU

The Human Resources (HR) Contract Assignment Utility (HRUTCU) page is a multi-purpose tool providing support for the mass-creation of contract assignments.  It selects all pay assignments that have been changed, then copies the information over to the HRUTEA screen.  It is recommended that all pay assignment changes be selected when the process is run.


Option: Select the run option from the drop-down list.

Run Index: The Run Index reference number may be manually entered, or system generated by defining the NU Common Codes Category/Value of SYNO/CONTUTIL.

Test: Check this box to run the utility in test mode.

Begin Date: The date the contract became active.

End Date: The date the contract ended.

Assignment Date: The date the contract was assigned.

Selection Criteria

Entity: The Entity ID associated with the contract. The field will default to the entity associated with the logged in user on HRRQUS, if a record exists. Code values are defined in the HR Entity Codes (HRRQEN) page.

Employee ID: Enter the employee ID used in the selection criteria.

Fiscal Year: The assignment fiscal year. This field defaults to the fiscal year the contract was created but may be overridden.

Record Type: This field is used to identify the contract assignment record type.

Reason Code: Input applicable reason code (optional).

Assignment Status: Input a valid contract status.

Calendar: Enter the calendar to be used for the contract.

Pay Class: Enter the pay class associated with the contract.

Bargaining Unit: Enter the bargaining unit associated with the contract.

Department: Enter the department to be used.

Division: Enter the division to be used.

Contract ID: Enter the contract ID.

HR Select Seq #: The sequence is determined within the cluster type. Summary pages are sorted together by this number. Browse numbers are always 1 for NAME and 0 for Key Clusters (Key Clusters are shown alphabetically).

Custom SQL: This field provides facility to enter custom SQL as necessary.

New Information

PCN: The PCN associated with this contract.

Position: The position number indicates what the employee is doing and where they work. It may be system-derived based upon the PCN entered above.

PCN FTE: The PCN/Position FTE value. By default, the actual amounts (daily, period, annual) are prorated by the PCN FTE. When a Position is assigned on EMPPAY (Employee Pay Assignments (HRPYPA)) and the PCN FTE is entered as less than 1, the salary table amount is prorated by the PCN FTE giving the employee an amount lower than desired. This has forced the clients to either assign a PCN FTE of 1 or override the salary. The PCN FTE is divided by the Total FTE to calculate the Total Effort. The system checks to make sure the FTE does not violate the FTE entered in the system. Upon tabbing into the PCN FTE field, if it is blank, the FTE will be derived based on the actual hours value divided by the default hours value. It may be overridden.

Salary Index: The salary index associated with the contract.

Actual Days: The actual days associated with the contract.

Actual Hours: The actual hours associated with the contract.

Calendar: Indicates the employee's primary calendar. Each employee is associated with a calendar. If multiple positions are assigned to an employee, he or she may have different calendars. Validates to Payroll Calendar Definitions (PYUPCA). Updates EMPM.CLDCD.

Pay Class: The pay class is used by payroll to perform hours and benefit patching and distribution. Validates to Payroll Pay Class Definitions (PYUPPY).

Ratio Factor: If ratio percentage factors exist, it will default to any position utilizing the job code on PCNTBLE/PCNTBLE2. Ratio factors are for use on EMPPAY where a base salary may be increased appropriately by indicating a ratio factor. Use of ratio factors could reduce the number of required Salary Definitions (HRTBSL) entries.

Ratio Amount: A ratio amount will be system derived if the ratio factor is one through four. If the ratio factor is a 5 then enter a ratio amount.

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Run Information

Run By: The User ID of the person who ran the utility.

Run Date: System derived. Displays the date the utility was run.

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