Contract Reconciliation Report
The HR to PY Contract (PY3110) CDD report is designed to compare amounts from PY contract accumulators to the amounts on the HR pay assignments.
- The Allowable Differences amount is the amount used as the allowable difference between the PY and HR contract amounts.
- Entering a "Y" in "Only Show Problem Contracts" will suppress contract information for contracts where no problems are found.
- Additional warnings will be printed to the report if the year to date earnings have exceeded the TCV, or the year to date payments have exceeded the TCV.
1. Total Contract Value
PY: Total Contract Value (TCV) from PY contract accumulator.
HR: Sum of the Actual Annual amount from HR pay assignments.
2. Total Payment Periods
PY: Total Payment Periods from PY contract accumulator.
HR: Sum of the Actual Periods from HR pay assignments.
3. Remaining Period Pay
PY: Average Per Period pay amount calculated by taking the PY contract accumulator's Remaining Pay and dividing it by the Remaining Periods to pay.
HR: Actual Per Period amount from the last active HR pay assignment record.
4. Remaining Pay
PY: Remaining Period Pay (calculation described in "3" above) multiplied by the Remaining Periods to pay from the PY contract accumulator.
HR: Remaining Period Pay (calculation described in "3" above) multiplied by the Remaining Periods to pay from the PY contract accumulator.
5. Total Contract Pay
PY: Sum of Regular, Retro, Pending Retro and Remaining Payments on the PY contract accumulator.
HR: Sum of the actual Per Period amounts multiplied the number of periods.
Any differences that exceed the "Allowable Difference" specified at run time of the report are shown in red below the "problem contract."