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Distribute and Pay Payroll - PYPADP

Period as YYcclll (YY=Year, cc=Pay Cycle, lll=Number): Enter the period for which this function is to be performed.

How would you like employees selected? Select one of the following selection options:

  • ID – Select by ID.
  • PC – Select entire pay cycle. For a regular payroll, select this option.
  • SC – Select by selection criteria. For interim checks, select this option.

General check message: Enter up to 76 characters indicating the check message to be printed on the entire range of new checks.

Starting Check Number: After entering the pay period for PYPADP and tabbing out, the Starting Check Number field auto-populates with the next available check number based on Associated Numeric Value 1 of common code CKID/PY, where PY is the check stock ID for payroll checks.

Starting EFT Number: After entering the pay period for PYPADP and tabbing out, the Starting EFT Number field auto-populates with the next available EFT number based on common code CKID/PY, Associated Numeric Value 1 field.

How would you like the employee Prelist sorted? Enter the two-character code designating the order in which the report is to be sorted.

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