Employee Definition - PYUPEM
Use the Payroll (PY) Employee Definition (PYUPEM) page to review employee's information that originated from the Human Resources subsystem. This page can be used to enter employees not derived from HR if necessary, but not recommended.
Main Window
Employee ID: Enter up to twelve characters that uniquely identify the employee. Keep in mind that for the name to transfer properly to the Person Entity (PE) Person/Entity Information (PEUPPE) page the PEID name should have been entered as Last Name, First Name Middle Initial.
Name: A read-only field derived from the individual name fields on the Name/Addresses tab.
Type: A client-defined code identifying the type of employee (for example, TEMP for a temporary and PERM for a permanent employee). Code values can be defined in the NU Common Codes (NUUPCD) page, with a Category of PYTP and a one to four-character Code Value of what is to be recognized as valid. Values in this field are validated by entering a Y in Switch 13 - Validate Emp. Type, on the Process Switches tab of the PY Entity Definition (PYUPGN) page.
Cycle: A number identifying the pay cycle of the employee. Pay cycles are defined on the PY Pay Period Definition (PYUPPR) page.
SSN: Enter up to ten characters representing the employee's social security number. If this field is left blank and the employee ID is ten characters, the field populates automatically.
Entity: A code identifying the entity to which the employee belongs. As indicated on the PY Entity Definition page, each entity may be an independent payroll unit with its own federal and state taxpayer ID. Codes are defined on the Entity Definition page.
Status: A code representing the status of the employee. Although this may be client-defined, the system only recognizes A to represent an active employee and I for inactive.
Use the Name/Addresses tab to enter the employee's demographic information. An employee definition may not be deleted using the normal delete method. If detail entries are associated with the employee record, you will need to use the delete utility (PYUTDU).
PEDB: Use this field to indicate whether an employee's name and address are to be found in a system-supported PE database. If the employee information can be found in the PE system, enter a P. If referencing a PEDB for employee information, the system will transfer over the employee's social security number (SSN). To prevent transferring the SSN, enter NOPEDBSSN in the associated code (1) field on the NU Common Codes Category/Value of PYFG/PY350C.
Address Code: When using a Person/Entity database that allows multiple addresses (for example, home, mailing) for one person per entity, indicate in this field the address the Payroll system should use. Code values are defined in NU Common Codes Category/Value of PEAD/XX (XX = Address Code).
Last Name: Enter up to 20 characters identifying the employee's last name.
Salutation: Select the employee's salutation (for example, Mrs., Dr.) code. Salutation codes are defined in NU Common Codes Category/Value of PESA/XXXX (X = salutation).
Suffix: Select the code to be used for the employee's last name suffix (for example, JR, SR, III, Ph.D.). Suffix codes are defined in NU Common Codes Category/Value of PESF/XXXX (X = suffix).
First Name: Enter up to 20 characters identifying the employee's first name.
Middle Name: Enter up to 10 characters identifying the employee's middle name.
Preferred Name: Enter up to 10 characters for the employee's nickname or preferred name.
Address 1: Enter up to 30 characters identifying the first line of the employee's address. This field may be used for In-care-of information.
Address 2: Enter up to 30 characters if identifying a second line of the employee's address. Include the street number and name.
City: Enter up to 20 characters identifying the city.
State: Enter or select the postal abbreviation identifying the state or province. Code values are defined in NU Common Codes Category/Value of PEST/XX (XX = two-character state abbreviation).
Zip: Enter up to 10 characters specifying the postal zip code. Up to six characters may be used for the postal zip code extension.
Country Code: Select or enter the code identifying the country. Code values are defined in NU Common Codes Category/Value of PECO/XXXX (XXXX = four-character country abbreviation).
Dates/Other Information
In addition to dates, this tab allows the user to issue a check message for individual employees.
Hire Date: Enter or select the date that the employee was hired. The date can be entered in MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY format.
Part1 and Part2: Part1 and Part2 are typically populated from Human Resource system based on NU Common Code settings HRPY/TCPARTS (global definition) or HRPY/TCPXXXX (XXXX = Entity Code). They may also be set directly from the PY Employee Definition page or via the PY Rebuild Sort Items (PYUTRS) utility process. These fields are used within PY Timecard Online processing for both security and classification purposes.
Begin: Enter or use the calendar to select the date of the employee's first active day of employment. To be considered active, the employee's record must have an A (active) in the Status field for this period. The date can be entered in MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY format. The begin date must be less than or equal to the end date. If the employee is always actively employed, leave this field blank.
End: Enter or use the calendar to select the last date of the employee's active employment. To be considered actively employed, the employee must have an A (active) in the Status field for this period. This date can be entered in MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY format. The end date must be greater than or equal to the begin date. If a begin date is entered, an end date must also be specified.
Term Date: Enter or use the calendar to select the date the employee separated (was terminated) from the organization (if applicable). The date can be entered in MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY format.
Adjusted Hire Date: This field allows you to adjust a hire date to account for an employee's previous service or for time taken for leave (if applicable). The date can be entered in MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY format or selected from the drop-down calendar. If the Entity Definition Process Switches 15 is set to Y, then MSCX.EMPMOS will be based on this date.
Seniority Adjustment: A value which represents an adjustment (in months) to be made to the employee's seniority. This value typically indicates the number of months of leave without pay an employee has taken. The value may be positive or negative. It does not affect MSCX.EMPMOS.
Calculated Period: This display-only field indicates the last payroll period number for which a payroll calculation (with no subsequent adjustments) was performed for this employee. This field will be blank if an adjustment was made to the employee's record.
Birth Date: Enter or use the calendar to select the employee's date of birth. The date can be entered in MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY format.
XTD Date: This display-only field indicates the date that the employee's XTD (accumulator) records were last updated (no adjustments were made after this date). This field will be blank if an adjustment was made to the employee's XTD records.
Calendar: Select or enter the calendar code that identifies the employee's pre-defined work calendar. The Calendar Code must have been previously defined on the PY Calendar Definition (PYUPCA) page.
Marital Status: Select the code of the employee's marital status. This field is used for informational purposes, not tax filing purposes.
Sex: Select the code indicating the employee's gender.
AA Code: An eight-character code representing the employee's affirmative action or EEO code. For example, AIF might indicate American Indian Female. Codes values are defined in NU Common Codes Category/Value of PYAA/XXXXXXXX (X = affirmative action code). Validation of the AA codes is controlled via switches on the PY Entity Definition page.
FTE: The Full Time Equivalent (FTE) assigned to this employee. FTE is used to prorate an employee's default hours. For example, if the FTE = .5, the default hours used in the patch hour type will be reduced by 50%. The value entered in this field can be accurate to five decimal digits. If nothing is entered in the FTE field, the default value is 1.00000.
FLSA: Enter Y if the calculation of the employee's FLSA hourly rate should comply with FLSA rules. Leave this field blank if the FLSA hourly rate calculation should not comply with FLSA rules.
Bargaining Unit: Enter an eight-character code identifying an employee's membership in a bargaining unit (worker's union). The system does not validate the value entered in this field.
Check Message: Enter a message up to 50 characters that will appear on the employee's paycheck on the period specified in the following field. For example, Bill: merit increases on next paycheck.
Period: Enter the pay period number for which the preceding field's check message is to appear on the employee's paycheck.
Max Pay: A value identifying the highest check amount an employee is authorized to receive. A warning message will be given during the payroll calculation and check printing process if an employee is to receive a check with an amount that is greater than the value defined in this field. If an amount is entered in this field, it must be less than or equal to the amount entered in the Max Pay field on the PY Entity Definition page.
Use the Switches tab to define special conditions to be considered when processing an employee's demographic information.
01: Smooth Tax Calc: Enter Y if the tax smoothing calculation algorithm should be applied to this employee's tax calculation in an earning spike situation. Before using this function, contact PowerSchool for further information.
02: Record Modified: The system sets this display-only field to Y whenever modifications are made to an employee's records. It is used to notify other processes in the system that a recalculation is necessary.
03: Daily TC Flag: This flag is used to set the daily timecard status for an employee.
Y Sets employee to process in daily timecards. Daily patching is inactivated.
P Sets employee to process in daily timecards. Daily patching is activated, and only positive amounts are daily patched.
Z Sets employee to process in daily timecards. Daily patching is activated, and positive and negative amounts are daily patched.
These flags may also be set globally in common codes. If they are set in NU Common Codes, they will be the same for all employees, and this flag need not be set. See common code PYFG/PY200C for more information.
04: STRS Member Stat: This field is used for California State Teachers Retirement System (STRS). A Y or 1 in this field will assign to the employee a STRS member status of 1 indicating that the employee is contributing to STRS. An N or 2 in this field will assign to the employee a STRS member status of 2 indicating that the employee is a non-STRS member who must be reported to STRS.
05: Suppress EFT Prt: PY Employee Definition 05 setting to Y will suppress the employee EFT Pay stub from printing. This feature is used by Employee Online clients whose employees can view EFT Stubs online.
06: No Patch Split: This flag is used in conjunction with the Daily TC Flag. A Y in this field accompanied with daily patching (P or Z in Daily TC Flag), causes the daily patch hour to only patch to pay lines that contain that hour in their pay class. If a Y does not appear in this field, the hour will be split among all pay lines.
For example, an employee has daily time patching turned on (P in switch 3) and has two pay assignments: one with pay class 100, and the other with pay class 200. The work schedule contains hour 210, the hour that will be daily patched. Hour 210 is in pay class 200 but not 100. If No Patch Split is set to Y, hour 210 will only patch to the pay assignment with pay class 200. If No Patch Split is not Y, hour 210 will patch, and be split to both pay assignments.
07: Contract Modified:
S: The employee pay assignment information has been updated and the contract is ready to be recomputed.
C: The employee will be considered for Retro when the user answers Y to process question: Of the employees selected, process only employees flagged for retro?
R: The retro process has been run on the employee. The setting differentiates the employee from those with C so they are no longer considered modified and will not be picked up when the user answers Y to process question: Of the employees selected, process only employees flagged for retro?
Blank: Since the employee's last Distribute and Pay process, no actions have been performed.
08: Contract Type
09: PYEN Modified
10-29: Reserved for future use.
30: 2 Jobs Total: Holds 2 Jobs setting (Step 2) on W-4 form. The value can be Y or N. Blank is interpreted as N. This value interacts with the HRPYPR, Taxes screen, FIT section. The switch is not associated with a date range. If it is changed, it is immediately effective. If there is a change in tax amounts because of it, the yearly tax amount corrects itself by the end of the year.
31:Suppress W2 Prt
32: Suppress ACA Prt
Location/Misc. 1
Use the Location/Misc. 1 tab to allow for entry of several fields that are user definable. This tab gives the user fifteen numeric fields, to define as needed.
Selection Codes: Up to two, eight-character selection codes may be specified. These are used to identify and group employees for inquiry/report extraction purposes. For example, using XX as a selection code would allow a report generated that included only employees who have XX as one of their selection codes.
Excp.: Reserved for future use.
Education Codes: Select up to five, four-character education codes. For example, BA might indicate a Bachelor of Arts degree. Code values are defined in NU Common Codes Category/Value of PYED/XXXX (XXXX = education code). Validation of the education codes is controlled via switches on the PY Entity Definition page.
Skill Codes: Select up to five, four-character skill codes. For example, TYPE might indicate an employee has the ability to type. Values placed into this field can be previously defined on the NU Common Code page. When the NU Common Code page appears, enter PYSK in the Code Category field; and enter the desired Job Skill code in the Code Value field. Be sure to enter a description in the Medium Description field. Validation of the skill codes is controlled via switches on the PY Entity Definition page.
Values (1-4): Up to four, ten-character numeric fields may be used to store various types of employee-related numeric values (for example, wedding anniversary dates). Up to two decimal places may be specified. These values are primarily used for reporting/calculation purposes.
The titles for these four fields are defined in NU Common Codes Category/Value PYFG/MISCVALS. The code field is used to define the type of field, for example, date, integer, decimal, etc. Codes are entered in the following format: Nx, IN, Dx. The x in Nx can be a number from 1-9 designating the number of decimal places (Nx). The x in Dx designates the date format. Two common choices are DU and D8.
Numeric Desc (1-15): The field tags for these fields are user definable in NU Common Codes with a Category/Value of PYFG/MSCNUM01-03. The field tags are twelve characters in length. These fields can store several types of numbers and dates that are also defined on the previous common code. This fields store up to ten digits.
Miscellaneous 2
The primary use of this tab is to allow for entry of several fields that are user-definable. This page gives the user 28 character fields to define as needed. The first 16 are reading the NU Common Codes Category/Value of PYFG/MSCLCHR1. The remaining 12 fields are reading the NU Common Code of PYFG/MSCSCHR1.
Miscellaneous Eight Character Fields (1-16): The eight-character field tags for these fields are user definable by defining the NU Common Codes Category/Value of PYFG/MSCSCHR1-4. Field entries will display in upper case.
Miscellaneous Four Character Fields (1-12): The six-character field tags for these fields are user definable by defining the NU Common Codes Category/Value of PYFG/MSCSCHR1-3. Field entries will display in upper case.
Associated Codes
The Associated Codes tab is used to associate any information with an employee that has not been defined on another tab. For example, if an employee desires electronic fund transfers (EFT), the employee's account numbers may be stored using this form.
Associated Code: Enter up to 12 characters representing the code being associated with the given employee (for example, EFT900S indicates a direct deposit deduction number 900 to Savings). If associated codes have been established using common code PYAS you can view them by pressing Ctrl+L. If switch 10 of PY Entity Definition page is set to Yes, the system will validate all entries.
Associated Description: Enter up to 30 characters describing the code being associated with the given employee (for example, for the code EFT900S, the description could include the employee's routing number followed by a comma then the bank account number.
To Copy Employee Data: To copy data from a current employee record, find the record with the data to be copied, then select Copy Record from the Options menu. To use this information in creating a new employee record, click the Add icon. Then, select the Paste function under the Options menu. The system will paste employee address (not including associated detail). Select Paste Cascading to paste the entire set of an employee's address information, contribution, deduction, hour, and pay assignment entries from the copied employee record to the employee record currently being defined. Change the employee ID, save the record, and edit the newly copied record. This is useful to begin the definition process of new employees.