Oregon PERS Process - PYRERROR
The Oregon PERS process produces the standard Oregon Public Employees Retirement System report and file.
BusinessPlus setup
CDH Miscellaneous Codes setup
Each CDH that is involved in PERS reporting needs to be identified by one of the following Miscellaneous Codes. You may specify which Misc Code to use (1 through 8) by the common code settings.
Misc Code | Description |
OR01 | Wage Code 01 |
OR04 | Wage Code 04 |
OR05 | Wage Code 05 |
OR05 | Wage Code 06 Use OR05 for both wage codes 05 and 06. For negative adjustments, the timecard entries will be negative. The report process will convert the Wage Code to 06 and switch the sign to positive for both hours and dollars. |
OR07 | Wage Code 07 |
OR08 | Wage Code 08 |
ORXX | Use an EMPM attribute specified in Common Codes to retrieve the Wage Code. ORLS Lump Sum Payoff ORVC |
Misc Code | Description |
ORPT | PERS Pre-Tax |
ORAT | PERS After-Tax |
ORUN | Unit Contributions |
Misc Code | Description |
ORPT | Employer Paid Pre-Tax |
OREM | Employer Matching IAP Amount |
Other Hrs
To make prior-period adjustments to Deduction and Contribution amounts, you need to set up special hour codes for timecard entry to provide a date associated with the prior period. Use these Misc Codes.
Misc Code | Description |
ORD1 | Adjust PERS Pre-Tax (deduction) amounts for a prior period. |
ORD2 | Adjust PERS After-Tax (deduction) amounts for a prior period. |
ORD3 | Adjust Unit Contribution (deductions) for a prior period. |
ORC1 | Adjust Employer Pre-Tax (contribution) amounts for a prior period. |
ORC2 | Adjust PERS After-Tax (contribution) amounts for a prior period. |
Common Code Setup
You must set up common codes before running this process. Required common code settings are outlined here.
EMPM Attributes
Wherever EMPM attribute is indicated, enter the attribute from the Employee Master record that holds the value to be reported. For example: EMPM.UNIT would indicate that the value in the Employee Bargaining Unit is to be used. For attributes having multiple occurrences, the user may specify a numeric subscript after the attribute, such as EMPM.SKILL3. For a full list of these attributes, run PYREFLAT and request a list for EMPM@. Other examples are attributes MNUM, MLCHR, and MSCHR.
For any of the EMPM attributes specified, items taken from numeric fields may require an edit code to interpret the numeric value. Set the last two characters of the Assoc-Code field to N0 through N5 to indicate decimal precision.
Short Description: Set to one of the following debug levels:
DEBUG: Activates a basic debug level showing basic process information
DEBUG2: Activates more detailed debug. This level will include values for EMPM attributes based on Common Code settings.
DEBUG3: Includes debug related to storing and retrieving the archive demographic data.
Medium Description: Two optional settings here are designed to let users make corrections to the Archive Demographic data that is stored in the retirement records. Archive data is written to the database for new hires and for specific changes to employee data. If that Archive Data is wrong, it may be necessary to correct it. Set to CLEAR-ARCHIVES to delete all demographic archive data and re-create the initial archive record for each employee in the selected list. Run the process for the timeframe in which the initial records should be created and run in Report-Only mode to effect the changes. Set to WRITE-ARCHIVES to write out new Archive Demographic records for a specific reporting period. Again, run the process in Report-Only mode. This option writes records for new hires and for changes, but does not delete any data. To re-create archive data over multiple reporting periods, you must run the process for each period in order.
Two additional optional settings limit the files to only one detail record type: Set to DTL1-ONLY to create a file of only Demographic records, or set to DTL2-ONLY to create a file of only Wage records.
Long Description: Not required. Used to describe the common code.
Associated Numeric Values
1: Set to a pay base number for PERS Gross Pay. Defaults to pay base 2.
2-5: Reserved for future use.
Associated Codes
1: PERS Employer Number, the 5-digit number assigned by PERS
If reporting as multiple employers, set Code 1 to GENM and put each Employer Number on the PY Entity Definition (PYUPGN) record in the 4th SID (State ID #) field.
2: EMPM attribute for Estimated Leave End Date
3: EMPM attribute for PERS Job Class Code
4: EMPM attribute for FTE Hours Code
5: EMPM attribute for Average OT Hours Code
Associated Descriptions
1: Set to USE-LEAVE-DT to activate an option to pull Hire Date from the Leave Date field. If the Leave Date field is blank, the process reverts to the Hire Date field. This option is intended to provide for the reporting of re-hired employees, especially returning retirees, without having to change the original Hire Date.
2-5: Reserved for future use.
Short Description: First letter of file name. The file name will be this letter + pay period ID.
Medium Description: Not required. Used to describe the common code.
Long Description: Not required. Used to describe the common code.
Associated Numeric Values
1-5: Reserved for future use.
Associated Codes
1: EMPM attribute for Contract # Months.
2: EMPM attribute for Site Dist. Code. This is an optional sorting code.
3: EMPM attribute for XX Wage Codes. Use this if the wage code is stored on the Employee rather than the CDH.
4: Place UNIXREMLABEL here to remove the file label on UNIX.
5: Employer matching percentage, a single-digit value of 1 through 6.
Associated Descriptions
1-5: Reserved for future use.
Short Description: Not required. Used to describe the common code.
Medium Description: Not required. Used to describe the common code.
Long Description: Not required. Used to describe the common code.
Associated Numeric Values
1: Contribution Misc. Code Used. Set to 1 through 8 to identify which Misc Code is used.
2: Deduction Misc. Code Used. Set to 1 through 8 to identify which Misc Code is used.
3: Hour Misc. Code Used.
4-5: Reserved for future use.
Associated Codes
1: EMPM attribute for Alternate Leave Date (optional).
2: EMPM attribute for Alternate Term Date (optional).
3: EMPM attribute for Non-Subject Indicator.
This identifies an attribute used to mark an employee as Non-Subject status (waiting time). Mark employees with NS for any reporting period in which their wages are to be reported as Non-Subject.
4-5: Reserved for future use.
Associated Descriptions
1-5: Reserved for future use.
Run the extract
Run the extract process using the mask PYRERROR.
Report Date
Enter the date to be written to the PERS header record.
Target Payroll Period as YYcclll (YY=Yr, cc=Cycle, lll=No)
Enter the reporting period.
Begin and End Dates
Enter Begin and End date range indicating which additional pay periods to include in the report. All periods with Check Dates in the range will be included.
How would you like to run the report
Select RO for report-only, or RT for report and file output.
Do you wish to include information from unpaid history records?
Select the checkbox (Yes) to include WP history records.
Including WP records forces the Report-Only option.
How would you like employees selected?
Standard PY selection criteria.
Would you like Totals only on the report?
Select this option to print report totals only. A complete detail file is built in either case.
File records produced
Header record
A single header record will exist as the first record in the file.
Record Item | Description |
Section Id | Set to HEAD. |
Employer Number | Specified in a common code associated with the process. |
Employer Name | Taken from the PY-GEN-MSTR (PYUPGN) record. |
Pay Date | Check Date for the pay period MMDDCCYY format |
Date Created | Date the process is run MMDDCCYY format |
Service Center Code | Not used. Leave blank. |
Service Center Name | Not used. Leave blank. |
Demographics record (Detail 1)
A single Demographics Record will be produced for each employee in the file. This record includes employee name, SSN and address information along with additional employee level information. This record identifies certain changes that are to be reported. According to PERS, it is OK to send this information each reporting period, as long as change-sensitive items (for example Name Change Indicator or Old SSN) are only populated for actual changes.
To identify changes that must be reported, the process writes necessary demographic information to a table in Payroll (pyu-utl-dtl). The records are stamped with the Check Date from the reported pay period. On subsequent runs, where the new period check date is higher than the stored date, a comparison is made to determine if changes need to be reported.
Name changes result in the Name Change Indicator being set. SSN changes result in the Old SSN field being populated. Status Changes are noted by a Job Status Date falling within the Pay Period dates. If the Job Status matches the prior period Job Status, it is set to 00, indicating no change. Files will be named Rnnnnnnn according to the pay period for which the process is run. For example, for period 1701001, the file is named ‘R1701001’. Files may be retained as long as needed. The user may specify an optional prefix letter. R is the default if not otherwise specified. Refer to the common codes for more details.
Record Item | Description |
Section Id | Set to DTL1. |
Employer Number | Specified in a common code. |
SSN | From employee master record. |
Old SSN | From prior period extract file. Blank if not changed. |
Last Name | From employee master record. |
First Name | From employee master record. |
Middle Name | From employee master record. |
Name Change Indicator | Based on period-to-period comparison. Y if changed, otherwise blank. |
Date of Birth | From employee master record. |
Gender | From employee master record. |
Address (-1, -2, -3) | From employee master record. |
City | From employee master record. |
State | From employee master record. |
Zip1 | From employee master record. |
Zip2 | From employee master record. |
Province | From employee master record. |
Country Code | From employee master record. |
Postal Code | From employee master record. Only required for non-US addresses. |
Job Status Code | Stored in Employee Associated Detail record in the following format. Assoc-Cd Assoc-Desc Where nn specifies the PERS member Status Code and the date represents the date the status became effective. Association codes are defined in the common code, with the code category of PYAS. |
Job Status Date | Stored in Employee Associated Detail record in the following format. Assoc-Cd Assoc-Desc Where nn specifies the PERS member Status Code and the date represents the date the status became effective. Association codes are defined in the common code, with the code category of PYAS. |
Unused Sick Leave Hours | Sick Leave balance taken from Hour Base 8. |
Memo Text Field | User-defined notes Optional. Not used. |
Each of the following coded values will be stored as EMPM attributes. Each client decides which attributes to use. Specific attributes are identified by common codes. | |
Estimated Leave End Date | Date that an employee on leave is expected to return. |
PERS Job Class Code | Two-character code for the PERS classification an employee is hired into. Required for New Hires only. |
FTE Hours Code | Three-character code for FTE classification. Required for New Hire School Employees only. |
Average OT Hours Code | Two-character code indicating Average Overtime classification. Required for New Hires only. Otherwise blank. |
Contract Number of Months | Two-digit number representing school contract months worked. Required for School Employees only. Otherwise 00 (two zeros). |
Site Distribution Code | User-defined location code to control the sort order on Annual Employee Statements. Optional. The maximum is 15 characters. |
Wage and Service record (Detail 2)
The Wage and Service record includes transaction information for each employee for the period. There may be multiple records for each employee if the employee has multiple wage codes. Wage codes are derived based on the Misc Code assigned to the CDH. An option is available for the regular wage codes, not Retro or Prior Period Adjustment wage codes, to be taken from a user-specified EMPM attribute. The CDH codes using this option will have ORXX in the Misc Code field.
Retro and Adjustment wage codes require a prior period pay date. The extract process will read pyh-hst-dtl (Payroll History) records initially, but if adjustments or retro codes are found, the process must read the SYSTM timecard records to get appropriate dates for those wage codes. For that reason, all retro and adjustment transactions must be recorded as Hour Codes and entered as Daily Timecard records with the correct pay date for the transactions. The standard Contract Retro utility process does record Retro Pay by pay period using a date for each retro period.
Specific items in the record are defined as follows:
Record Item | Description |
Section Id | Set to DTL2. |
PERS Employer Number | Same as in Demographics Record. Set in common code. |
SSN | From employee master record. |
Last Name | From employee master record. |
First Name | From employee master record. |
Pay Date | Check Date for the pay period. MMDDCCYY format |
Hours Worked (Regular) | Total hours for the period that touch Regular Hour Base (HBS 2). |
Hours Worked (Overtime) | Total hours for the period that touch Overtime Hour Base (HBS 3). |
Wage Code | Two-digit wage code associated with those CDHs having a corresponding Misc Code. Wage codes for prior period adjustments (05 and 06) are represented by the same Misc Code, OR05. The extract process will recognize negative adjustments by the sign, set the wage code to 06 and report the hours and dollars as positive. |
Subject Salary (Regular) | Total regular dollars paid in the period into the Retirement Pay Base (PBS 7). These hour codes are identified as those affecting Pay Base 7 and Hour Base 2. Round to whole dollars. |
Subject Salary (Overtime) | Total overtime dollars paid in the period into the Retirement Pay Base. These hour codes are identified as those affecting Pay Base 7 and Hour Base 3. Round to whole dollars. |
Gross Salary | Gross Pay Base (PBS 2) amount for the period. Round to whole dollars. |
Non-Subject Salary | Total dollars paid in the period that do not touch the Retirement Pay Base (PBS 7). This number should exclude waiting-time salary. Round to whole dollars. |
Lump-Sum Vacation Payoff | Salary paid as a lump-sum for vacation balances based on CDH Misc Code. |
Member Paid After Tax Contribution (MPAT) | After tax PERS deductions, identified by Misc Code. |
Member Paid Pre Tax Contribution (MPPT) | Pre-tax PERS deductions, identified by Misc Code. |
Unit Contribution | Total dollars deducted under special CDH marked with corresponding Misc Code. |
Employer Paid Pre-Tax Contribution | Pre-tax employer contributions, identified by Misc Code. |
Employer Matching Pct (IAP) | Optional IAP percentage specified in common code. |
Employer Matching Contribution (IAP) | Employer contributions, identified by Misc Code. |
PERS Job Class Code | Derived from an EMPM attribute (refer to Demographics Record). Only report if this represents a change. |
FTE Hours Code | Derived from an EMPM attribute (refer to Demographics Record). Only report if this represents a change. |
Average OT Hours Code | Derived from an EMPM attribute (refer to Demographics Record). Only report if this represents a change. |
Job Grade Start Date | Period Begin Date. Only report if the Job Grade (combined codes for Job Class, FTE Hours Code and Avg OT Hours Code) has changed. In other words, the date is set only if any of the 3 codes has changed. |
Site Distribution Code | Same as Demographics Record. Optional field. |
Memo Field | Not used. Leave blank. |
Footer record
The Footer record is a single, final record in the file.
Record Item | Description |
Section Id | Set to FOOT. |
Employer Number | Specified in a common code associated with the process. |
Employer Name | Taken from the PY-GEN-MSTR (PYUPGN) record. |
Total Detail Records | Total count of all Demographics Records and Wage and Service Records. |