Pay Assignment Checklist
This checklist will serve as a guide to assist Human Resources with making sure they have completed all tasks when creating a pay assignment (HRPYPA/HRPYQP).
Pay Assignment Entry
Record Type: Select PM for primary assignment, select anything else for supplemental or secondary assignments.
Sequence: Insert the contract number.
PCN/Position: Tab to the position field, and select the position for the employee. This will cause the system to default in most of the position information for the pay assignment.
Pay Class: Select the pay class which the assignment will use. The pay class determines the allowable payroll hours for each type of assignment.
Pay Dates: These are the dates for which the payments to the employees will be spread.
Calc(ulation) Dates: These are the actual days that will be worked by the employee.
Assignment Status: Choose the appropriate status for the pay assignment.
Reason Code: Choose a meaningful reason code to explain what action is being taken to the pay assignment.
PCN FTE: Determines how much of the full time equivalent the system will calculate.
Calendar: Select the appropriate calendar to coincide with the pay and calc dates.
Period Type: Set the type according to the year.
Salary Index Key: Select the appropriate salary index to pay the individual based upon the position that was selected.
Calc(ulation) Option: This needs to be set to one of the Contract Calc Options (23, 25, 26, 27, or 10 for hourly/timecard employees.
Distribution Worksheet: The account information. Can import default budget or view budget information as well.
Hours Pro-Rate: Set to D or H.
Patch Tp: This should be set to H for Contract pay assignment.
Action Code: Choose a meaningful action appropriate the pay assignment that you are creating.
Checking Your Work
Actual Annual: Does the value represents the actual amount to be earned on the contract?
Per Period: Does the per period pay amount reflect the proper amounts? Note: These fields will be accurate after you save the record.
Daily/Hourly Work: Is the amount that is earned over each working day on the contract correct?
Actual Days/Hours: Are the days what is expected?
Actual Periods: Are periods in the system what is expected?
Distribution: Be sure there is one or more accurate distributions.
Sequence: Is the contract ID setup correctly?
How to see Contract Values: Click on tools Send this Pay Assignment to Payroll. A message stating that the Pay Assignment has been sent, and an additional message stating that the contract has been recomputed, will display. The values on the Contract tab will not be computed until after the pay assignment has been sent to Payroll – which also recomputes the Contract.
Termination/Payoff Checklist
Payout Type: Is the correct payoff type selected? Is the desire to pay in a lump sum (PF) or spread the escrow over the new amounts (PS)?
Paid Dates: Copy the existing Pay Dates to the Paid Dates.
Contract Dates: Copy the existing Calc Dates to the Contract Dates.