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Pay Assignments - HRPYPA

Use the Human Resource (HR) Pay Assignments (HRPYPA) page to set up employee pay assignments, including position and salary, which will be passed onto Payroll. The employee must have a record in HR Employee Master page.

Page Header

Entity: System-derived from the HR Employee Master, based upon the entered Employee ID. The Entity is used to identify security clearance. The field defaults to the entity associated with the logged in user on HRRQUS, if a record exists. Code values are defined in the HR Entity Codes (HRRQEN) page.

Type: System-derived from the HR Employee Master, based upon the entered Employee ID. 

Employee ID: Indicates the employee identification number. Codes available for selection are defined on the HR Employee Master page.

Bargaining Unit: System-derived from the HR Employee Master, based upon the Employee ID entered.

Name: System-derived from the HR Employee Master, based upon the entered Employee ID. 

HR Status: System-derived from the HR Employee Master, based upon the entered Employee ID. 

Social Security #: System-derived from the HR Employee Master, based upon the entered Employee ID. 

PY Status: System-derived from the HR Employee Master, based upon the entered Employee ID. 

Pay Assignment Tab

Rec Tp: The record type is like an alias for the pay line that is created in payroll.  All employees must have at least a PM - Primary Pay Line. Because a pay line is labeled with PM does not mean it is more or less important than an R0, S0, T0, or related entry. In Add Mode, if the system finds another record for the employee with the same entity and record type, and where the As of Date falls within the pay date range, it will paint the entire page (those appropriate fields) with information from that record. The new pay begin date will be set to one day after the old record pay end date. Manually adjust the dates to reflect the new assignment. When the new assignment is saved, the old record will be end-dated one day prior to the new record begin date. Other appropriate changes may be made as well. Code values are restricted to static system codes.

FY: The fiscal year for the assignment. Defaults to the fiscal year set up on HR System Set Up (HRRQSS) page.

Sequence: Some clients using contract accumulators attach a unique sequence number for each instance of a contract pay assignment (for example, when a step increase is given, the sequence would go from 1 to 2). The payroll system does not require a unique sequence number for each instance of a contract. If this functionality is selected, then it is because the client has an internal reason for it.

PCN: The position control number is the number used throughout the system for position control checking. Codes are defined in the HR PCN/Position Code Definitions (HRTBPC) page.

Position: Indicates the position number associated with the selected PCN. Codes are defined in the HR PCN/Position Definitions (HRTBPC) page.

Pay Class: The pay class is used by Payroll to perform hours and benefit patching and distribution. Code values are defined in the PY Pay Class Definitions (PYUPPY) page.

Pay Begin/End: Indicates the pay assignment's begin and end dates. The field is used to figure out the number of periods to pay, and it is passed to the PY Employee Pay Assignments (PYUPEP) page. These dates must be run within the fiscal year specified on the entry.

Calc Begin/End: The calculation dates, in association with the entered Calendar, are used to figure the actual days per year value. Calc Dates in HR are called Patch Dates in PY.

When a new record is created and its pay/calc date ranges overlap with an existing matching record type record, the existing records' end dates are updated to one day prior to the new records' begin date. This is so there are no date overlaps in the database for an employee’s records where the record type is the same. For example:

Existing record Pay Begin/End dates of 09/01/2022 - 08/31/2023 and Calc Begin/End dates of 08/24/2022 - 06/09/2023.

New record added has Pay Begin/End dates of 08/01/2023 - 07/31/2024 and Calc Begin/End dates of 08/24/2023 - 06/09/2024. Notice the overlap of the pay begin dates.

After saving the new record, the old/previously existing records' Pay Begin/End dates are: 09/01/2022 - 07/31/2023. The end date is one day prior to the new records' begin date. The Calc Begin/End dates are: 08/24/2022 to 08/23/2023. The calc end date was extended to one day prior to the new records' calc begin date.

Pay and Calc dates should always be evaluated and modified as needed when new overlapping pay assignment records are added.

Paid Begin/End: These optional dates are used primarily with contracts to show the effective dates of the salary. This is useful when a contract stops and the spread balance needs to be paid over the remaining part of the contract. If overlapping HR Pay Assignments are found with the same contract ID, a warning is displayed. This warning is required because we do not support the ability to have concurrently active pay assignment records with the same contract ID (effective with 7.9 release).

Assign St: Indicates an assignment status and can represent whatever a client wishes. Code values are defined in the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page under the Code ID of ASSIGNMENT_STAT.

Reason: Indicates a reason code and can represent whatever a client wishes. A code of 00 requires a manual description be entered. Code values are defined in the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page under the Code ID of REASON_CD. 

Wages Tab

Position Details 

Prorate Salary: Indicates whether to prorate the salary by PCN FTE. If the field is selected, HR Pay Assignments will prorate the salary. If the field is blank, a PCN FTE will be assumed by the system and thus the salary amounts will not be prorated by the PCN FTE.

PCN FTE: Indicates the PCN/Position FTE value. By default, the actual amounts (daily, period, annual) are prorated by this value. To recalculate PCN FTE based on Actual hours to Default Hours:

  1. Set the PCN FTE field to blank or zero.

  2. Tab or click out of the field.

  3. Tab or click back into the field and the recalculated amount displays.

Overriding calculate PCN FTE:

  1. Set the PCN FTE field to the desired value.

Setting PCN FTE to zero:

  1. Set the PCN FTE field to blank or zero.

  2. Tab or click out of the field. Do not tab or click back into the field since the 0.00000 value will cause a recalculation.

Each time the value is recalculated by focusing back to the field it will need to be reset to zero.

Total FTE: Derived value from the HR Employee Master page. Represents the employee's total FTE for all PCN and Position assignments. For the system to function correctly, it must have the total FTE value before entering in position assignments on HR Pay Assignments. It is also needed to calculate the PCN Effort.

PCN Effort: Derived value, representing the amount of effort being put forth toward a position. If an employee is 1.00000 total FTE and they work one position, then all of their effort is going to that one position; therefore, a value of 1.00000 should be found in the PCN FTE field and the PCN Effort field. Likewise, if an employee is a part time person at .50000 Total FTE and they work one position, then all of their effort is going to that one position; therefore, a value of 1.00000 should be found in the PCN Effort field. If an employee is .75 Total FTE, and works two positions, then their effort could be .50000 on each position assignment.

APU/APU 2: The calculation of Allocated Person Units is system-derived or manually entered depending on the entry in the APU Code fields on HR PCN/Position Code Definitions (HRTBPC) page. If a value is manually entered and, according to the coding on HR PCN/Position Code Definitions page, manual entry is not allowed, a warning is displayed and the value resets to its original value or calculates after leaving the Index Key field.

Spread Info: Indicates how the payroll pay assignment and benefit information is to be spread.

Budget Override: System-derived checkbox indicating if the budget is being overridden. To clear the checkbox, there needs to be an HRTBRG distribution record covering the current budget amount for a matching date range. If the HRTBPC PCN Budget Status code is to be changed after this field is showing a check mark, there needs to be ample budget established on the appropriate HRTBRG budget tab first. If there is, then the HRTBPC code can be changed.

Schedule Details

Calendar: Indicates the employee's assignment related payroll calendar. Each employee is Associated with a calendar but may use a different calendar for different positions. Code values are defined in the PY Calendar Definitions (PYUPCA) page.

Period Tp: Indicates the default Period Type code. This identifies how the employee is paid (M=Monthly, B=Bi-Weekly, S=Semi-Monthly). Code values are restricted to static system codes.

By default, the entire default line of values comes from the HR PCN/Position Code Definitions (HRTBPC) page for the PCN/Position combination. The Actual Hours/Day and Days/Week also come from that page. The Default line values can also be controlled using the HR System Set Up (HRRQSS), Addl Pay Info tab, Use Calendar to set Default Days/Hours field. There are two options on that page. One is to default the entire line and the other is to default only the Default Days/Year.

Hours/Day: Actual/Default values are derived as listed above but additionally, if the Hours Pro-Rate field is H, then the final value is the default hours per day multiplied by the PCN FTE.

Days/Week: Actual/Default values are derived as listed above.

Hours/Week: Actual/Default values are derived by the Hours per Day multiplied by the Days per Week.

Days/Year: The Default value is derived as listed above. The Actual Days/Year value is derived from the payroll calendar using the assignment calculation dates.

Periods: The Default value is derived as listed above. The Actual Periods value is derived from the HR Pay Period Definitions (HRRQPR) page based on the Pay Dates and Period Type.  There are Contract related NU Common Codes that can be set to have the pay periods counted based on the PY calendar as well. Code Category/Value of HRPY/CNTRCTID with Associated Desc 4: USE PY PERIOD TABLE – The Actual Periods value on the HR Pay Assignments Position tab is calculated using the PY Contract counting mechanism as defined in NU Common Codes with Code Category/Value of PYFG/CNTRCTID with Associated Value 4. or USE PY PERIOD TABLE W CALCOPT – When using a contract calc option (for example 23, 25, 26 or 27), the Actual Periods value on the HR Pay Assignments Position tab is calculated using the PY Contract counting mechanism as defined in common code PYFG/CNTRCTID with Associated Value 4. 

Ovrd Hours/Days/Perds: Indicates if the system-derived values for any of the Default and/or Actual Hours, Days, Periods are overridden. Leaving the checkbox blank results in the Actual and Default Hours, Days and Periods being system-derived.

FY Days: The fiscal year days to be worked. This is a system-generated field. If the Hours Pro-Rate value equals D then the FY Days will contain the Actual Days/Year multiplied by the PCN FTE. Otherwise, the FY Days value will equal the Actual Days/Year value. This value will be recalculated when the record is submitted, whether in add and browse modes, as well as when the cursor leaves the PCN FTE.

Wage Details

Index Key: The salary index is key in calculating employee pay and provides the link back to HR Salary Definitions (HRTBSL) page. It enables the system to determine the employee's base and actual pay. Valid HR Salary index values are those that encompass the pay begin and end dates on the record. If a default salary index exists on HR PCN/Position Code Definitions (HRTBPC) page, it will default into the field. It may be overridden. Codes are defined in the HR Salary Definitions (HRTBSL) page.

Reg Rate: The value to be sent to payroll and used as the Regular Rate. It may be a Daily (D) or an Hourly (H) rate. Code values are restricted to static system codes.

Ratio Factor: The ratio factor indicates what the employee salary should be multiplied by to obtain an accurate value. The field defaults to 1. The Ratio Amount defaults to the Associated Values on HR PCN/Position Code Definitions (HRTBPC) page. Values one through four are derived from HR PCN/Position Code Definitions page. Value 5 allows for manual entry of an amount. Code values are restricted to static system codes with a business rule dynamically populating the values from HR PCN/Position Code Definitions page.

Calc Option: Indicates how the pay is to be calculated. Code values are restricted to static system codes. Client-defined calculation options can be created using the HR Custom Pay Calc Definitions (HRTBCC) page.  

Override Salary: To override the calculated actual salary figures, enter the appropriate override code. Anything other than N will be considered an override code and a value must be entered into one of the actual amount fields. Use Re-Calc to calculate the other fields. Code values are restricted to static system codes.

Re-Calc: Indicates which actual salary field is to be manually modified. The field, used in conjunction with the salary override field, will disable the feature that obtains the salary from the salary table. After the indicated field has been modified, the other actual salary fields will be modified by the system. The actual days/hours/periods will be used, in conjunction with HR System Setup page, in the salary calculation. Code values are restricted to static system codes.

Annual: Base/Actual/Addl/Total

Per Period: Base/Actual/Addl/Total 

Daily: Base/Actual/Addl/Total

Hourly: Base/Actual/Addl/Total 

Distribution Worksheet

By default, records with duplicate account information are not allowed to be entered into the Distribution Worksheet for HR Pay Assignments. To accommodate the instance where duplicate account information is needed, NU Common Codes Category/Value of HRPY/MISCDIST may be defined. Each record in the distribution is still required to be unique but with the MISCDIST common code defined the item that is checked for uniqueness is the Misc field. The MISC field must be part of the pay string and the common code needs to exist in order for the functionality to work.

Values entered into the Percent field need to be positive values however, NU Common Codes Category/Value of PYHR/PERCENT can be set up If negative values or zero need to be allowed.

The field labels display based upon the Input Format defined on the Presentation Tab of the General Ledger (GL) General Information (PYUPGN) page. 

+Add Account: Select to enter pay assignment distribution.

Import Default Budget: The PCN/Position Code Definitions (HRTBPC) page, PCN Budget Status code indicates whether budget should be predefined on the Regulation of PCN page. If budget is pre-defined, clicking on the DFLT BUDG button will cause all appropriate lines to be defaulted to the Distribution Worksheet.

View Budget: The PCN/Position Code Definitions (HRTBPC) page, PCN Budget Status code indicates whether budget should be predefined on the Regulation of PCN page. If budget is pre-defined, clicking on the VIEW BUDG button will cause all appropriate lines to be displayed in a popup. One or more lines can then be selected for insert into the Distribution Worksheet.

Total: Indicates the total distribution percentage for the assignment and must equal 100 percent. System-derived.

Remaining: Indicates the total percentage remaining. System-derived.

Rec Type: Derived from the pay assignment definition on the page header. Record type used in the new distribution must match the active record type on the pay assignment.

Account Information: This field will display the input fields based upon the Input Format defined on the Presentation Tab of the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page. The General Ledger account control functionality is used for validation and lookup of account parts. The JL Ledger fields are optional. 

Percent: Percent for this distribution. There can be multiple distributions but the total of all distributions must equal 100%.

Over Code: The budget override code. This code is used to allow a record to be approved and submitted to payroll even if adding the record causes an over budget status in position control.

Misc: Miscellaneous field.

Over Budget: Indicates if the budget is being overridden. Determination is based on how/if the PCN/Position is set up for budgeting on HRTBPC. If budgeting is set up, then HRTBRG is set up for budget amounts and dates. If a budget tolerance value is to be considered then common code HRPY/PC TOL needs to be set up. Calculations are done based on PCN/Position, pay assignment dates, distribution account details. System-derived.

Delete: Select to delete distribution.

Contract Tab

Much of the information on this tab originates in the Payroll subsystem and is for display only.

Contract Details

Contract ID: Client-defined combination of pay string parts that constitute a contract. Normally, clients utilize the fiscal year and a unique contract number as the Contract ID. System-derived.

Begin/End Date: Contract Begin Date is the earliest effective Begin Date of the Pay Assignments belonging to the Contract and Contract End Date is the latest effective End Date of those Pay Assignments. System-derived.

Contract Idx: Indicates the Contract Index used to indicate how periods will be counted but may be overridden.

TCV: Total Contract Value is the sum of all earnings on the Contract. That is the sum of To-Date Regular Earnings, Retro Earnings, Pending Retro Earnings, and Future Earnings. System-derived.

TCV Override: Indicates the system-calculated TCV but may be overridden.

Float Days: Floating Non Contract Days (FNC) translate as Unpaid earning days when payroll is run. When the NU Common Code with a Category/Value of HRPY/FLOATDAY is activated, any Float Days designated here will be seen in Employee Online under the Current Jobs and Historical Jobs Pages. From those pages, the actual Planned float days are set. When the days are unknown, they are considered as System days.

Total Contract

Spread Balance: A portion of the escrow balance that has been set aside to be paid out over a specific time. System-derived.

Pay Code: The spread pay code to pay out the spread balance. System-derived.

Retro Balance: An amount that can be set to allow retro paid to be paid over time. System-derived.

Retro Code: This is the retro code to payout the retro balance. System-derived.

Total Earnings: Total Earnings defined as the escrow in value. System-derived.

Total Payments: Total Payments defined as the escrow out value. System-derived.

Escrow Balance: Defined as the Total Earnings minus the Total Pay. System-derived.

LWOP Balance: Represents the amount of Leave Without Pay that exceeds the pay in a given period.


Regular Hours/Earnings/Periods: Total Earning Hours, Earning Dollars, Earning Periods. System-derived.

Retro Hours/Earnings/Periods: Total Retro Earning Hours, Dollars and Paid Dollars. System-derived.

Pending Hours/Earnings/Periods: Total Pending Retro Earning Hours, Earnings, Periods. System-derived.

Remaining Hours/Earnings/Periods: Total Future Earning Hours, Earnings, Periods. System-derived.

Total Hours/Earnings/Periods: Shows the Earning Hours, Earnings, Periods. All values are the sum of the values above in their respective columns. System-derived.

LWOP Hours/Earnings: Total LWOP Hours and Earnings. System-derived.


Regular Pay/Periods: Total Paid Dollars and Periods. System-derived.

Remaining Pay/Periods: Total Future Paid Dollars and Periods. System-derived.

Total Pay/Periods: Total Pay and Periods. System-derived.

Pending Pay: Total Pending Retro Payments. System-derived.

Retro Pay: Total Retro Paid Dollars. System-derived.

Miscellaneous Tab

Special Values

Bargaining Unit: Indicates the primary bargaining unit. Code values are defined in the HR Entity Specific Codes (HRTBCE) page, Bargaining Unit tab, where the entities match.

As of Dt: The As of Date defaults to the current date. When browsing records, the entries displayed will have begin and end dates surrounding the As of Date. The date may be changed to show the desired record groupings.

Department: Indicates a department. Code values are defined in the HR Entity Specific Codes (HRTBCE) page, Entity Specific tab, under the code ID of DEPARTMENT_CODE.

Division: Indicates a division. Code values are defined in the HR Entity Specific Codes (HRTBCE) page, Entity Specific Codes tab, under the Code ID of DIVISION_CODE.

Hours Pro-Rate: The hours pro-rate field affects the Actual Hours/Day and the FY Days values and is used to indicate whether to pro-rate by PCN FTE. A D indicates not to take FTE into consideration when calculating the Hours/Day, and an H indicates to multiply the Hours/Day by the PCN FTE. Code values are restricted to static system codes.

Patch Tp: The Patch code is used by the Patch by Pay Line process to include or exclude employees from the process. Defaults can be set up on the HR System Set Up page. Code values are restricted to static system codes.

Cont Begin/End: Indicates the Contract Begin and End dates for the new pay assignment. If this date is left blank, then the Contract Begin Date on the current assignment(s) will be used for the new assignment(s). 

PCN Begin/End: Indicates the PCN Begin and End dates for the pay assignment. Is sometimes used to indicate the total time span an employee occupied a particular PCN.

POS Anniversary: Indicates the PCN/Position anniversary date.

Payout Tp: The payout type signifies how the escrow balance and/or retroactive pay is to be paid out in payroll (for example, a lump sum or spread over remaining periods). It is intended to be used by payroll calculation codes set up for contract accumulators. Updates pyp_pay_dt.pyp_payout_tp. Code values are defined in the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page under the Code ID of PAYOUT_TYPE. The codes should not differ than the codes listed in the PYUPEP, Payout Type field.

Retro Tp: Indicates how retro dollars are to be paid out. The codes are client-defined and must have PY calc codes that interpret the codes. Example codes: P1 – pay retro dollars in one lump sum, P2 – spread retro dollars across remaining contract. Codes available for selection are defined in HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page under the Code ID of RETROTYPE.

Retro Begin: Indicates the date in the past at which point the Retroactive Pay process will begin calculating. The retro date is used by the contract retro process to determine retro earnings and retro pay eligible for the employee.

Cnt St/Cd/Vector: Used for payroll vectoring. All three fields are used in conjunction to direct the payroll system to post or not to post a contribution to the pay line. Updates pyp_pay_dtl.pyp_cdh_vect01.

Ded St/Cd/Vector: Used for payroll vectoring. All three fields are used in conjunction to direct the payroll system to post or not to post a deduction to the pay line. Updates pyp_pay_dtl.pyp_cdh_vect02.

Hrs St/Cd/Vector: Used for payroll vectoring. All three fields are used in conjunction to direct the payroll system to post or not to post an hour to the pay line. Updates pyp_pay_dtl.pyp_cdh_vect03.

Special Information 

Spec Cd 1-5: The special code is normally used by K-12 clients to track the Contract ID that is used in the calculation of contract pay, contract earnings, and the resulting escrow balance.

Misc Cd 1-5: Miscellaneous codes are client-defined.

Misc Val 1-5: Represents miscellaneous values. The attributes are defined as integers.  

Notes: Represents associated notes.

Special Tab

Special Function: The special function code is client-defined and can be used for any purpose. Codes are defined in the HR Entity Specific Misc HR Codes (HRTBCE) page, Entity Specific tab, under the Code ID of SP_FUNCTION, where Entity matches. If the code STIPEND or STP is detected and the salary table amount has an Axp of A, the salary amount in the salary table is pro-rated to allow the stipend amount to be broken down into the individual period amounts defined by the client.

Auxiliary Salary: The auxiliary salary field is an integer that may be used to store an auxiliary salary amount or any miscellaneous amount and is referenced by PYPX.AUXSAL.

Payroll Open: Indicates additional information for use in payroll.

Sequence Sep ID: This field is used to differentiate between two or more pay assignments that represent the same contract. This field is used in conjunction with the HR Pay Assignment Utility (HRUTPU) sequence
update functionality to enable the client to, for example, apply a step increase to, and increment the sequence of, one of the contract's pay assignments while not affecting the other.

Retro Factor: This field is used to modify prior pay assignments that match by contract. For example, to give a 10% increase to an employee, enter 1.10000 in the field. The system would then take the old rate and
multiply it by the retro factor value to give the increase (10%).

Standard Cost: Total cost of employee. System-derived.

Lmt: Indicates the maximum budgeted amount for the pay strings. Payments will stop whenever the budgeted amount is exhausted for the time span specified by the Lxp field. The field stores the amount as a decimal (10,3) (3 decimal places). Updates pyp_pay_dtl.pyp_lmt.

Lxp: Indicates how the limit amount will be expressed in payroll, if applicable. The list of codes resides within the system and may not be modified. These codes are based on acceptable codes in payroll. Code values are restricted to static system codes.

Unique ID: A unique ID that is assigned to the pay assignment when it is created and used to link the pay assignment to the distributions defined for it.

Status Information

Approval: The Approval code dictates whether a pay assignment record is ready to be sent to payroll. When the code is changed to SEND a number of things happen, including budget checking. If the PCN Budget Status code has been set, on the PCN/Position Code Definitions (HRTBPC) page, to anything other than 00, budget checking against the Regulation of PCN (HRTBRG) page occurs. If insufficient budget exists for the associated distributions, the System Set-Up (HRRQSS) page, Addl Pay Info tab, Block/Warn on insufficient PC Budgeted is checked. If it contains a W then a warning message is displayed but processing can continue by pressing Enter. If it contains a B then a block message is displayed and the record cannot be placed in SEND status. Code values are defined in the HR Entity Specific Codes (HRTBCE) page, Entity Specific Codes tab, under the Code ID of APPROVAL_CODE. If codes other than SEND are to trigger budget checking then those codes must be defined in NU Common Codes Category/Value HRPY/POSCNTRL.

PY St: The payroll status flag is system-derived. Codes are WAITAP (waiting approval), WAITPY (waiting to be sent to payroll/approved), and SENTPY (successfully sent to payroll).

St: The pay assignment status is used for payroll processing purposes and indicates the status of the assignment. Code values are defined in the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page under the Code ID of CONT/DEDUC_STAT.

Action: Indicates the action/purpose for entering or modifying a record. Codes are defined in the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page under the Code ID of ACTION_CODE.

Fq: The frequency or type of payroll for the pay line. Enter O if the field will not be used. Code values are defined in the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page under the Code ID of FREQ/PY_TYPE.

Box: The applicable box number. If frequency match codes are being used in payroll they will need to be matched on the PY Pay Period Definition (PYUPPR) page.

User ID: Displays the User's ID who last updated the record.

Updated: Displays the last time and date an update occurred to the record.

Additional Pay

Use the Additional Pay tab to enter direct contributions that relate to pay assignments.  Contributions such as longevity are typically entered here.  When entering a contribution, it can be attached (piggy-backed) onto a specific pay assignment.  If a contribution is attached to one or more pay assignments, when viewing the pay assignment record on the Wages tab, a realistic value of the contribution will be displayed with the employee’s salary.


As of Dt: The As of Date is used for consideration purposes. It defaults to today's date and is used for reference purposes on the HR Pay Assignment tab when calculating the total salary. 

FY: The fiscal year for the assignment. Defaults to the fiscal year set up on the HR System Set Up page but may be overridden. 

Begin/End: Indicates the effective beginning and ending dates for the assignment. 

CDH: The contribution (CDH) number. Code values are defined in the HR Entity Specific Misc HR Codes page, Additional Pay Codes tab. 

Rec Tp: Indicates the record type with which to associate the contribution, if appropriate. Code values are restricted to static system codes.

PCN: Indicates the PCN associated with the contribution – if PM or PP Add To Position or Employee ID codes are used. Populated from the employee's associated pay assignment for above record type.

Pos: Indicates the position number associated with the selected PCN. Populated from the employee's associated pay assignment for above record type. 

Use Pay Calculation: Indicates if calculation options should be considered when calculating the contribution amount. 

Add to Pay Assignment: If the checkbox is selected, then the Pay Related Contribution amount will be added to the ACTUAL amounts on the Pay Assignment itself. The Pay Related Contribution amount will not display on the ADDITIVE line and the CDH will not be sent to payroll. 

Vendor: Indicates the Vendor associated with the entry. Codes values are defined in the HR Vendor Codes (HRTBVE) page. Updates PY Employee CDH Assignment, Vendor ID. 


Override: Indicates if the salary index, amount, per, priority, pro-rate, or amount/percent fields may be overridden. 

Pro-Rate: Indicates if the contribution is to be pro-rated (should the Position FTE be considered) during the calculation and display process on the HR Pay Assignments tab. 

Priority: Indicates the priority of calculation. The priority value is used in the calculations that display the additional pay contribution amounts on the Pay Assignments tab. 

Amt:  Indicates the amount or percent to be used for payroll calculation purposes. Updates PY Employee CDH Assignment, Amount if an actual contribution assignment is being created. 

Axp: Indicates how the amount is expressed, for example Per M for Monthly Amount. Code values are restricted to static system codes.

Amt/Pct: Indicates if the associated amount is a percentage or dollar value. Code values are restricted to static system codes. Updates PY Employee CDH Assignment, Special Code 1.

Calc % Hrly/Annl: This field is only used for percent Pay Related Contribution entries. If the field is A or blank, then the percent will be calculated on the Actual Annual amount. If the field is H, then the percent will be calculated on the Actual Hourly amount. This is pertinent for pay assignments with a PCN FTE < 1. Code values are restricted to static system codes.

Index: If Override Defaults is selected, a new or different index value may be entered. The associated salary amount and Amount Per value, from the HR Salary Definitions page, will be extracted and assigned. Code values are defined in the HR Salary Definitions page. 

Add To PCN/ID: Indicates if the assignment should be calculated on the Pay Assignment tab into the total salary. If the code entered is PM, pay vectoring may need to be established and the following message appears: This CDH is tied to a specific record type. If the employee has multiple pay assignments, then pay vectoring may need to be set up to ensure the CDH is posted correctly. Code values are restricted to static system codes.

St: Status of the entry. Code values are defined in the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes page under the Code ID of CONT/DEDUC_STAT. Updates PY CDH Assignment Status field. 

Fq: Frequency Code of the entry. This indicates the frequency or the type of Payroll for which this assignment will be effective. If you do not wish to use this field, enter an A. Code values are defined in the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes page under the Code ID of FREQ/PY_TYPE. Updates PY CDH Assignment, Frequency. 

Bx: Indicates the Box Number or number of months for which this benefit will be effective. If this field is not being used, it should be left blank.

Special Information

Spec Cd 2-4: Special codes are used for various purposes, are client-defined, and based on Payroll setup. Updates PY CDH Assignment, special codes 2-4. 

Accumulator Information

Accumulator Year: Indicates the accumulator year used for displaying the XTD values. 

Calendar To Date: The Calendar To Date payroll accumulator value for the CDH, based on the XTD Year. System-derived. 

Fiscal To Date: The Fiscal To Date payroll accumulator value for the CDH, based on the XTD Year. System-derived. 

Period To Date: The Period To Date payroll accumulator value for the CDH, based on the XTD Year. System-derived. 

Status Information

Approval: The approval code. When the approval code is set to SEND, the PCN/Position information will transfer to payroll. Codes are defined in the HR Entity Specific Misc HR Codes (HRTBCE) page, Entity Specific tab, under the Code ID of APPROVAL_CODE, where Entity matches.

Action: Indicates the action/purpose for entering or modifying a record. Codes are defined in the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page under the Code ID of ACTION_CODE.

Notes: Represents associated notes. 

User ID: Displays the User's ID who last updated the record.

Updated: Displays the last time and date an update occurred to the record.


Recalc Hours/Days for this Record

This tool will recalculate the Actual Hours/Day based on the (possibly modified) page information and settings.

Recalc Salary Amounts for this Record

This tool will recalculate the Salary Amounts based on the (possibly modified) page information and settings.

Global Recalc Hours/Days and Salary Amounts

This tool will recalculate the Hours/Days and Salary Amounts based on the (possibly modified) page information and settings for multiple records.

Send this Assignment and Update Contract

Sending Employee Pay Assignments to Payroll (PYUPEP) is handled using a utility, which manipulates and formats the records. The tool runs only in browse mode and supports only asynchronous processing. It works as follows:

  1. This option of the tool processes the currently displayed record only.

  2. The tool will only process the data if the Approval is set to SEND and Enable Payroll Interface is selected in HR System Setup (HRRQSS) page.

  3. The employee ID being processed needs to exist in payroll, otherwise an error is displayed.

  4. The Pay String is generated, validated, and stored in the PY Pay Assignment Code (PYUPAC) page.

  5. If the Pay String is valid, a search of PY Employee Pay Assignment will be conducted to find out if a record for the employee already exists.

  6. If there is no record available for the employee then a new record is inserted. If a record does already exist then it will be updated. The status and any errors resulting from processing can be viewed in the Console.

Global Send Assignments and Update Contracts

Sending HR Employee Pay Assignments to Payroll is handled using a utility, which manipulates and formats the records. The tool runs only in browse mode and supports only asynchronous processing. It works as follows:

  1. The tool accepts the last QBE value as input. It will process all the records that meet the last queried results.

  2. When the tool starts processing it will show a message to the user indicating the number of records to be processed.

  3. The tool will only process the data if the Approval is set to SEND and Enable Payroll Interface is selected in HR System Setup.

  4. The employee ID(s) being processed need to exist in payroll, otherwise an error is displayed.

  5. The Pay String is generated, validated, and stored on the PY Pay Assignment Code page.

  6. If the Pay String is valid, a search of PY Employee Pay Assignment will be conducted to find out if a record for the employee already exists.

  7. If there is no record available for the employee then a new record is inserted. If a record does already exist then it will be updated. The status and any errors resulting from processing can be viewed in the Console and the job output tail sheet.

Global Set Contract ID

This tool recreates the contract ID for each selected record.

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