Pay Period Definition - PYUPPR
The Payroll (PY) Pay Period Definition (PYUPPR) page is used to define the pay period records in the Payroll system. A pay period chronologically identifies a payroll event that has occurred or is scheduled to occur in the future.
Throughout the Payroll system, pay periods are referenced by a code that combines the period year (YY), pay cycle (cc), and number (III) in a YYccIII format. For example, 1124024 references the twenty-fourth pay period (III=024), for pay cycle one (cc=24) in the year 2011 (YY=11).
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Period: Enter the payroll period consisting of year, cycle, and period.
Year: Enter the last two digits of the tax year in this field. This tax year should coincide with the year entered in the Check Date field.
Cycle: Enter the two-digit pay cycle number to which the PY Pay Period Definition relates. A pay cycle provides for the grouping of employees that are to be paid at the same time and frequency. Enter the two-digit pay cycle number to which the period relates. Each employee defined in the system is assigned to a particular pay cycle. The system selects all employees whose pay cycle matches the Pay Period selected for calculation or distribution. Each pay cycle is run as a separate payroll. It is important not to confuse pay cycle with frequency (a measure of how many times a month a payroll is run). For example, pay cycle 01 may be for regular employees normally paid on a monthly frequency, while pay cycle 02 is used for temporary employees normally paid on a bi-weekly frequency. In both cases, there might also be additional Pay Periods defined for the pay cycle's normal period.
Number: A sequentially assigned number to identify the particular Pay Period within the given period year and pay cycle. This allows the information unique to a Pay Period (e.g., beginning date, ending date, posting date, etc.) to be easily referenced. Weekly payrolls typically use 1 to 52. Bi-weekly payrolls typically use 1 to 26. Semi-monthly payrolls typically use 1 to 24. Monthly payrolls typically use 1 to 12. This field can contain up to three digits, and period numbers other than those suggested above may be assigned to accommodate exceptional cases (e.g., bonus pays and history rollovers).
Period Code: Up to an eight-character code that describes the Pay Period and/or Pay Cycle (e.g., REGULAR and TEMPORARY). Entering "NOPATCH" in this field will disable direct patching for the given period. Note: this is only for daily patching. Regular patching through pay classes is unaffected. In addition, entering "TCONLY" directs the force calculation process to copy only timecards to history. In this case, no other processing will occur.
Period Type: Four-character user-defined code used to classify different types of Pay Periods. Typically set to "REG" or "SUPP" to distinguish regular from supplemental periods. This Type Code may be used as the basis for counting pay periods for contract purposes.
Begin/End Dt: Enter the date, which represents the beginning of the period, and the date representing the end of the period. It must be less than or equal to the Ending date. Periods of up to 62 days can be defined. If a period of more than 31 days is desired, the string "62 DAYS OK" should be placed in the NU Common Code, with a Category/Value of PYFG/PY305C, associated code (1). The date can be entered in MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/CCYY form.
Frequency: A two-character code that designates how often payroll is run for the Pay Period being defined. The following is a list of the codes supported:
W | Payroll is run weekly (every week) |
B | Payroll is run bi-weekly (every two weeks) |
S | Payroll is run semi-monthly (twice a month) |
M | Payroll is run monthly (once a month) |
If a "special" pay period is being defined for exception-type processing, this code is unimportant and any value may be entered.
Periods in Year: Enter the normal number of pay periods that occur in one year for the given pay cycle. For example, for a semi-monthly pay frequency, the user would enter "24" in this field.
Periods in Month: Enter the normal number of periods that occur in one tax month for the given pay cycle. For example, for a bi-weekly pay frequency, the user would enter "2" or "3" in this field.
Sequence: Two-digit designation of the period's order within the given tax month. For example, for a bi-weekly period, the value of this field should be either "1", "2", or "3", depending on whether the period is the first, second or third of the month.
Check Date: Enter the date to be printed on the employee's paycheck indicating the date the check was written. The date can be entered in MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/CCYY form. This date is recorded on the employee's Payroll History record and is used by the Check Register for automatic posting to the General Ledger and Check database. The date can be entered in MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/CCYY form.
EFT Date: Enter the effective date for the EFT file that will be created this period. If left blank, this date will automatically default to the Check Date. The date can be entered in MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/CCYY format.
Posting Date: Enter the date that will be used as a General Ledger posting date. This date is recorded on the employee's Payroll History record and is used by all General Ledger postings except entries that relate to the Check Register. The date can be entered in MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/CCYY form.
Check ID: Two-character code that identifies the check stock on which paychecks are printed for a given period. The code must be previously defined in common code CKID/PY (where PY = check ID).
EFT ID: Two-character code which identifies the EFT stock and bank associated with the EFT stubs for this period. This code will default to "EF" if left blank. The code must have been previously been defined in common code CKID/EP (where EP = electronic bank code).
TC Lock: This flag may be used to control when timecards may be entered for this period. Set to one of the following:
' ' (blank) | Full Access; Employees may enter their Timecards. |
L | Fully Locked; No Access. |
T | Timekeeper and Payroll Access only. |
P | Central Payroll Access only. |
Tax Year: This display-only field indicates the tax year in which the period occurs. This number is the same as the first two digits of the pay period number (e.g., pay period 1124024 occurs in the '11 tax year).
Tax Quarter: The system will derive the value for this field. To override the system-derived value, enter the tax quarter (1-4) in which the period occurs and press ENTER.
Tax Month: The system will derive the value for this field. To override the system-derived value, enter the tax month (1-12) in which the period occurs and press ENTER.
Calendar Year: The system will derive the value for this field. To override the system-derived value, enter the four-digit calendar year number (e.g., 1992) in which the period occurs and press ENTER.
Calendar Quarter: The system will derive the value for this field. To override the system-derived value, enter the calendar quarter (1-4) in which the period occurs and press ENTER.
Calendar Month: The system will derive the value for this field. To override the system-derived value, enter the calendar month (1-12) in which the period occurs and press ENTER.
Fiscal Year: The system will derive the value for this field. To override the system-derived value, enter the four-digit fiscal year number (e.g. 2011) in which the period occurs and press ENTER. The Fiscal Year is based on two settings from the PY General Information (PYUPGN) page for the ROOT entity, "Process Switch 08" and "First Fiscal Month." Note that when Process SW(8) = "Y," the fiscal year may at times be less than the tax year.
Fiscal Quarter: The system will derive the value for this field. To override the system-derived value, enter the fiscal quarter (1-4) in which the period occurs and press ENTER.
Fiscal Month: The system will derive the value for this field. To override the system-derived value, enter the fiscal month (1-12) in which the period occurs and press ENTER.
Main Tab
Associated FLSA Periods: These five fields allow the present period to be associated with other periods for the purposes of FLSA calculation. The periods entered here allow PY200 to check the date ranges of these associated FLSA periods. An FLSA associated period does not have to be a period that is actually used in a payroll run. It can be arbitrarily defined to cover the desired date ranges.
Frequency Match Codes: Up to ten, two-character codes can be used in conjunction with the "Fq" and "B#" fields on the Employee's Contribution, Deduction, or Hour Assignment records. Used together, these determine whether each assignment is considered active during this Pay Period. Each individual employee assignment (CDH) will be considered active if the value in the "Fq" field of the assignment record matches the value in the Pay Period definition's frequency match code which corresponds to the "B#" field (box number field) on the assignment record.
Typically, these fields are used in conjunction to activate the employee's assignment records during a special Pay Period. For example, teachers may receive ten normal paychecks and two summer paychecks during a year. To activate a special assignment to be applied to the two summer paychecks, the user may enter a frequency match code of "SU" in the first box on the Pay Period definition form. When "SU" is entered in the "Fq" field and a "1" is placed in the "B#" field on the Employee Assignment screen, the assignment (contribution, deduction, or hour) will be activated for that Pay Period. These fields may also be referenced inside a CDH's calculation formula and when referenced, automatic inclusion/exclusion of CDHs may be accomplished (e.g., quarterly payments for auto allowance).
Period calculated: A check mark indicates if the period has been calculated. Two users may not calculate the same period at the same time.
Period paid: A check mark indicates the Pay Period has been paid. A period may not be recalculated after it has been paid, until it has been undone using the PY Undo a Payroll (PYUTUN) utility.
Contract Count Types Tab
Contract Count Flags: Used to identify different counting schemes for this Pay Period in the Contract Accumulator process. Basically, we are identifying whether the period is to be counted as an Earning Period, a Payment Period or Both. Set to "E", "P", "B", or blank.
Different employees working in different contract types may have different counting schemes. For one contract type, this period may be an Earning Period only. For another contract, it may be both an Earning and a Payment Period. Accordingly, there may be up to 10 different counting schemes defined.
Employees may be marked as belonging to one of these schemes. See the PY Employee Definition (PYUPEM) page, Switch(8), which may be set to read 1 - 10. Switch(8) is a single character field, so 10 will be entered as 0.
If an employee belongs to 2 or more counting schemes, each type may be marked at the Pay Assignment level using the field labeled "Contract NDX", using values 1 - 10.
Refer to Common Code PYFG/PY305L1 and PYFG/PY305L2for setting the labels in front of each code.