PCN Position Code Definitions - HRTBPC
The Human Resources (HR) PCN/Position Code Definitions (HRTBPC) page identifies how Position Control will be set up and the background parts to be associated with any employee who is assigned a PCN & Position Number combination. The PCN (Position Control Number) is used for budget checking purposes against the Position Control Regulation (HRTBRG) page. The Position Number is the code value that indicates what the employee who holds the position does. Typically, the position number is a concatenation of the background parts of Job Code, Location, and Assignment Number.
Both the PCN and Position Number are assigned to the employee on the HR Employee Pay Assignment pages. There may be a one-to-one or a one-to-many relationship between the PCN and the Position. If there is a one-to-one relationship, the Position may be derived based on the PCN on the employee level pages. Otherwise, during the assignment process, the specific Position Number will need to be identified. Action on this page creates and updates the PCN Number table (hr_pcnotble table) and the Position Number table (hr_postble). Additionally, if the HR System Set Up (HRRQSS) page, Position by ID field = N, definition information will be sent to the Payroll (PY) Job/Position Definition (PYUPJB) page.
Action: Indicates the action or purpose for entering or modifying a record. Codes are defined in the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page under the Code ID of ACTION_CODE.
Entity: The Entity is used to identify security clearance. The field defaults to the entity associated with the logged in user on HRRQUS, if a record exists. Code values are defined in the HR Entity Codes (HRRQEN) page.
Location: Indicates the location code. The location refers to a specific physical location and/or site code associated with the specific entity. Codes are defined in the HR Entity Specific Misc HR Codes (HRTBCE) page, Location Codes tab.
Job Code: Indicates the job code. Generally, the job code refers to a certain job group or class. Codes are defined in the HR Job Code Definitions (HRTBJB) page.
Assignment #: Indicates the assignment number. If used, it generally identifies specific duties within a location and job code. Codes are defined in the HR Entity Specific Misc HR Codes (HRTBCE) page, Entity Specific Codes tab under the Code ID of ASSIGNMENT_NO.
Records cannot be saved with an invalid Assignment#. A validation message will notify users if an assignment is invalid.
POSITION - Create the POS: Indicates how the Position Number is to be created. It can reflect information pertinent to the location, function, and specific duty to be performed by an employee filling the position. Codes are predefined in the system and not available for modification.
Position: The position typically identifies what the employee does. Refer to the POSITION – Create the POS field for options on creating the position number. If the Use POS or PCN on Pay Line indicates POS, the position number will be sent to payroll.
Short Description: Indicates the position short description. The description may appear on reports and/or pages. The short description entered on the Job Code Definitions page for the matching job code will default into this field but it may be overridden.
Long Description: Indicates the position long description. The description may appear on reports and/or pages. The long description entered on the Job Code Definitions page for the matching job code will default into this field but it may be overridden.
PCN - Create the PCN: Indicates what method is used to derive the PCN. Codes are predefined in the system and not available for modification.
PCN: The position control number is the number used throughout the system for position control checking. Refer to the PCN - Create the PCN field for information on how the PCN is derived.
Short Description: Indicates the PCN short description. The description may appear on reports and/or pages. The short description entered on the Job Code Definitions page for the matching job code will default into this field but it may be overridden.
Long Description: Indicates the PCN long description. The description may appear on reports and/or pages. The long description entered on the Job Code Definitions page for the matching job code will default into this field but it may be overridden.
Approval: Represents the approval code. When the approval code is set to SEND, the PCN/Position information will transfer to payroll. The only exception to this process is if the HR System Set Up page, Pay Info tab, Position by ID field does not equal N. If that is the case then information from this page will only be sent to payroll when this record is assigned in an HR Pay Assignment and the Send to Payroll process is run. Codes are defined in the HR Entity Specific Misc HR Codes (HRTBCE) page, Entity Specific Codes tab under the Code ID of APPROVAL_CODE.
PCN Profile
Use Pos or PCN on Pay Line: Indicates if the Position or PCN is to be sent to payroll for use on the pay line. Codes are predefined in the system and not available for modification.
Position Type: The position type is used in various pages such as the pay assignment pages, to identify types of calculation options that apply. Here, it may be derived from the Job Code Definitions page. Otherwise, it must be specified as City, Certificated, Classified, etc. The first two characters of the code must be CL, CE, or CY. The third and fourth characters are optional. Codes are defined in the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page under the Code ID of POS/JOB_TYPE.
PCN Budget Status: Indicates how the PCN/Position will be budgeted in Position Control. Codes are predefined in the system and not available for modification. Changing a Budget Status, in update mode, to anything other than 00 will cause Pay Assignment Approval Code changes in the HRPYPA and HRPYQP Pay Assignment screens. Where there is a match between PCN and Position and today’s date falls within the Pay Assignment Pay Begin and Pay End dates, the Approval Code will be set to WAIT. The valid codes are described below.
00 | Do not Perform Budget Checking. This option tells the system that no Position Control will be defined for this PCN and Position combination. |
01 | Budget by FTE. This option tells the system that, at any given time, there will be a limit on the number of FTE that can be assigned. The actual FTE Budget for this PCN would be defined on the HR Regulation of PCN page, PCN by FTE tab. |
02 | Budget by Amount. This option tells the system that, at any given time, there will be a limit on the salary amount that can be assigned to an employee. The actual amount budgeted would be defined on the Regulation of PCN page, PCN by Amount tab. |
03 | Budget by Amount and FTE. This option tells the system that, at any given time, there will be two limits placed on this PCN and Position combination. Limits are on the number of FTE and the salary amount (this option combines previous options 01 AND 02). The actual FTE and amount budgeted would be defined on both the Regulation of PCN page, PCN by FTE and PCN by Amount tabs. |
04 | Budget by APU. This option tells the system that there will be a limit on the number of Allocated Person Units assigned to the PCN and Position, if specified, at any given time. An Allocated Person Unit is used by clients for whom one (1) employee does not necessarily equal one (1) FTE. There are various ways to calculate Allocated Person Units. The actual APU budgeted would be defined on the Regulation by APU page. Note: APU budgeting can only occur from the HR Employee Pay Assignment page. |
06 | Budget by PCN and FTE. This option is very similar to Option 01 above (Budget by FTE). The only difference between this option and Option 01 is that this option does not consider account distribution information in its decision as to whether the pay assignment passes Position Control budget checking. This budget checking option will simply check if there are enough FTE available for the PCN/FTE being assigned on the HR Employee Pay Assignment pages. |
07 | Budget by PCN and Amount. This option is very similar to Option 02 above (Budget by Amount). The only difference between this option and Option 02 is that this option does not consider account distribution information in its decision as to whether the pay assignment passes Position Control budget checking. This budget checking option will simply check if there are enough dollars available for the PCN/Amount being assigned on the HR Employee Pay Assignment pages. |
08 | Budget by PCN and APU. This option is very similar to Option 04 above (Budget by APU). The only difference between this option and Option 04 is that this option does not consider account information in its decision as to whether the pay assignment passes Position Control budget checking. This budget checking option will simply check if there are enough Allocated Person Units available for the PCN/APU amount being assigned on the HR Employee Pay Assignment pages. Note: APU budgeting can only occur from the HR Employee Pay Assignment page. |
PCN Status: The status code can represent anything desired by the client. Codes are defined in the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page under the Code ID of PCN_STAT.
Position Active: Indicates if the position is active. Only active positions (A or blank) may be assigned on the HR Employee Pay Assignment pages. Codes are predefined in the system and not available for modification.
PCN Effective Dates: Indicates the date range in which the PCN is active.
Board Approval Date: Indicates the board approval date. This is for informational purposes only.
Hours/Day: Indicates the default hours per day to be used when calculating base pay for pay assignments.
Days/Week: If the base days per week are not to be derived from the payroll calendar, when assigning the PCN/Position on the HR Employee Pay Assignment pages, enter a value here. The value will be used in certain base pay calculations.
Hours/Week: This display only field Indicates the default hours per week to be used when calculating base pay for pay assignments. The value is system-derived based on Hours/Day multiplied by Days/Week.
Periods/Year: Indicates the default periods per year to be used when calculating base pay for pay assignments.
Days/Year: If the base days per year, when entering a pay assignment, are not to be derived from the payroll calendar, enter a value here. The value will be used in certain base pay calculations.
Work Day Code: The day code identifies the actual days of the week associated with the PCN/Position. Codes are defined in the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page under the Code ID of DAY_CODE.
Ratio Factors 1-4: Indicates the percentage ratio factor to be applied to the base salary amount on the employee pay assignment. A value greater than zero must exist in Ratio Factors 1.
Maximum Incumbents: The maximum number of incumbents allowed into the PCN & Position combination at a given time. This does not represent position control. During assignment on the pay assignment pages, after position control has been checked, this field is evaluated.
Approved FTE: Indicates the board approved FTE value. This does not represent position control. It may be used to express the overall number of FTE given for the PCN & Position combination.
STRS: Indicates the STRS code to be associated with an employee who has selected STRS on the California Retirement (HRRTCA) page. Will default from the Job Code Definitions page if it is defined there. This field should only be used if the CA Retirement STRS code will not be utilized as established in the Nucleus (NU) Common Codes (NUUPCD) page set up for payroll. Codes are predefined in the system and not available for modification.
APU and APU2: APU tracking codes. Indicates if APU tracking is occurring. If a code is entered, the system will check the Regulation of PCN page, PCN by APU tab from the HR Employee Pay Assignment page, when assigning this PCN & Position combination. Codes are predefined in the system and not available for modification.
Round: If the APU and/or APU2 code has been entered, this field indicates the decimal places to round the APU value. If the field is left blank, then 5 decimal places will be used as the default. Codes are predefined in the system and not available for modification.
PCN Profile Supplemental
EEO Function: Represents the EEO function code. The data is used for EEO reports in payroll. Codes are defined in the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page under the Code ID of EEO_FUNCTION. When a pay assignment is sent to Payroll and the associated PCN contains NA as the EEO Function then an EEO4INFO Pay Association Detail record will not be created in the PY Employee Definition (PYUPEM) page, Association Codes tab. An EEO Function value of NA would commonly be used for Elected Officials.
Record Type: The Record Type field is used to trigger functionality when creating distributions on the HR Employee Pay Assignment pages. If a record type is entered, an employee's distribution will be defaulted from their current, existing pay assignment where there is a matching record type. Codes are predefined in the system and not available for modification.
Safety Sensitive: Indicates if the record is safety sensitive.
Grade Level: Indicates the grade level/category. It does not necessarily refer to an actual teaching grade, but is used for client specific grade level purposes. Codes are defined in the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page under Code ID of GRADE_LEVEL.
Calendar: Indicates a calendar code. The value will default on the employee pay assignment. Codes are defined in the PY Calendar Definitions (PYUPCA) page.
Itinerant: Indicates if the PCN and Position combination is a roving position (incumbent will move from location to location).
Bargaining Unit: Indicates a bargaining unit. On an existing record, if the field is changed, a warning message will display. The message is more to inform the user that the change they are making could be affecting important employee records and they should make sure the change is what they want to make. Codes are defined in the HR Entity Specific Misc HR Codes (HRTBCE) page, Bargaining Unit Codes tab.
Pay Class: Indicates the pay class used by payroll to perform hour and benefit patching and distribution. The value entered will be used as a default when entering new pay assignment records. Codes are defined in the PY Pay Class Definitions (PYUPPY) page.
Float Days: Indicates the number of floating non-contract days. This would be used when a contract contains some number of days that need to be worked in a larger timeframe. The employee occupying the position determines when they will use these days. This value, if entered, will default to the associated field on the Contract tab of the HR Employee Pay Assignment pages. All processing related to this value occurs at the contract/payroll level.
Department: Indicates a department code. On an existing record, if the field is changed, a warning message will display. The message is more to inform the user that the change they are making could be affecting important employee records and they should make sure the change is what they want to make. Codes are defined in the HR Entity Specific Misc HR Codes (HRTBCE) page, Entity Specific Codes tab under the Code ID of DEPARTMENT_CODE.
Supervisor: Indicates the supervisor ID or code value. If the supervisor ID is used in Timecard Online, this must be a valid Employee ID from HREMEN.
Holiday: Indicates a default holiday value and is ONLY used for tracking purposes. Actual holiday accruals/amounts used are handled through the payroll system.
Division: Indicates a division code. On an existing record, if the field is changed, a warning message will display. The message is more to inform the user that the change they are making could be affecting important employee records and they should make sure the change is what they want to make. Codes are defined in the HR Entity Specific Misc HR Codes (HRTBCE) page, Entity Specific Codes tab under the Code ID of DIVISION_CODE.
Position APU: APU for the position.
Vacation: Indicates a default vacation value and is ONLY used for tracking purposes. Actual vacation accruals/amounts used are handled in the payroll system.
CBEDS/Misc: Usage of this field will vary depending upon client setup. For credential purposes, the field can be used for job or position identification. Codes are defined in the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page under the Code ID of CBEDS/MISC_CODE.
Exam Code: Indicates an exam code and refers to any standardized examinations that are required to be met prior to assignment. Codes are defined in the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page under the Code ID of EXAM_CODE.
Para Course:Indicates the position is considered Paraprofessional. If the equivalent field is populated on the Job Codes (HRTBJB) record it will appear here as a default. Codes are defined in the HR Course Codes (HRTBCT) page where the Course Number begins with PPRO.
Schedule: Indicates a salary schedule to be defaulted onto the employee's new pay assignment record. Codes are defined in the HR Salary Schedule Codes (HRTBSC) page.
Column/Range: Indicates the base range value associated with the record. Codes originate in the hr_rangtble table where the Entity and Schedule match the record.
Step: Indicates the base step associated with the Schedule and Range. Codes are defined in the HR Salary Definitions (HRTBSL) page. Validation is based on the Entity, Schedule, and Range.
Misc Codes 1-4: Up to eight characters to record miscellaneous data.
Misc Values 1-4: Miscellaneous values.
Notes: Up to 45 characters to record associated notes.
Position Purpose/Summary
Position Purpose/Summary: Indicates the purpose of the position. This information can appear in the Applicant Online page for the Position Description.
Position Requirements
Type: Indicates the type of requirement. Codes are pre-defined in the system.
Code: Indicates a requirement code for a given type. Codes are defined in the HR NCLB Requisition Lookup Codes (HRTBRC) page where Code Type matches the record.
Hurdle Score: Indicates a requirement minimum score.
Weight: Indicates the requirement weight.
Minimum: Marks the record as being a minimum requirement.
Required: Indicates whether this is a mandatory requirement.
Publish: Indicates whether to publish the requirement.
Under the Tools section of the side Option Bar, there are various tools to help with record processing.
Tool to Show All Positions for this PCN
The Show All Positions for this PCN tool displays, in a separate window, all the Positions and their Descriptions that are associated with the selected PCN.
Tool to Show All Employees assigned this PCN and Position
The Show All Employees assigned this PCN and Position tool displays, in a separate window, all the employees assigned to a particular PCN/Position combination plus the dates they were in that position along with their salary.
If there are too many records to display at one time, a vertical scroll bar will appear. The horizontal scroll bar allows for viewing all the columnar data.
Tool – Global Processing PCN Records
This tool adds or updates records in the PY Job/Position Definition (PYUPJB) page. Records processed are based on those in the last QBE/Search. The Job Code must already exist in the PY Job/Position Definition page in order for the PCN or Position to be sent over.