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Produce 1095-C Forms - PYACP5

Common code ACAR/1095CPRT must be created before running the PYACP5 process to print 1095-C forms. Employees selected for the PYACP5 process will be those where Produce 1095-C is selected and the Employee Opted Out of Printed Copy is not selected on the 1095-C Information page (PYACUPF5).

Tax Year / Entity: Enter the Tax Year and Entity.

ACA / Employee Selection Criteria: Employee selection criteria and ACA selection criteria are available. The same selection criteria rules apply here as they do for the reports. ACA selection criteria selects strictly from the ACA database and is limited to SSN and Name. If you use employee-level selection criteria and the person does not exist in payroll, they will not be included on the report.

Selection criteria of some sort must be entered or processing will not complete/produce any results.

Number of Alignment Forms: To turn off printing the alignment form, enter 0 (zero).

Also send forms to DO? If this question is marked Yes, you can skip running PYACEOSE when sending the forms to EO. You can just run PYACEOAT against the PYACP5 job number.

Update with Latest Name and Address from Payroll? If this option is selected, the program will obtain and apply the employee name and address from PYUPEM during processing. If this box is not selected, the information on the PYACUPF5 record is used.


Mask SSN: If this option is selected, all social security numbers on the form will be masked as **-*-1234 and only show the last four digits, as allowed by the 1095-C instructions. The full SSN will be reported to the IRS no matter what option is chosen for the printed form. The Forms Printer will need to be changed to match the new NULPcommon code setup to print your 1095-C forms.

After you run the job, the following fields are present in the printed form:

  • Age - if its available in yr_1095_mstr table

  • ZIP or Annual ZIP

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