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Quick Pay Assignments - HRPYQP

The Human Resources (HR) Quick Pay Assignments (HRPYQP) is an alternate page used for entering employee pay assignments. It does not contain all of the fields seen on the standard Pay Assignment page and can to be used for simpler types of pay assignments. These pay assignments do not require complex calculations relating to salaries.

Page Header

The header information section consists primarily of information from the HR Employee Master (HREMEN) page. An employee must be previously defined in the HR Employee Master before records can be created in this page. All the header fields are read only. However, the fields are enabled when in the search mode for use as search criteria.

Entity: System-derived from the HR Employee Master, based upon the entered Employee ID. The Entity is used to identify security clearance. The field defaults to the entity associated with the logged in user on HRRQUS, if a record exists. Code values are defined in the HR Entity Codes (HRRQEN) page.

Type: System-derived from the HR Employee Master, based upon the entered Employee ID.

Employee ID: Employee's ID Number from the Employee Master record.

Bargaining Unit: System-derived from the HR Employee Master, based upon the Employee ID entered.

Name: System-derived from the HR Employee Master, based upon the entered Employee ID.

HR Status: System-derived from the HR Employee Master, based upon the entered Employee ID.

Social Security #: System-derived from the HR Employee Master, based upon the entered Employee ID.

PY Status: System-derived from the HR Employee Master, based upon the entered Employee ID.

Pay Assignment

The pay assignment information section for the Quick Pay page is used for entering important information about the pay assignment including the effective pay dates, and the PCN/Position. Most of the fields are required and the record will not be accepted without this information.

Rec Tp: The record type is like an alias for the pay line that is created in payroll.  All employees must have at least a PM - Primary Pay Line.  Because a pay line is labeled with a PM does not mean it is more or less important than an R0, S0, T0, etc. In Add Mode, if the system finds another record for the employee with the same entity and record type, and where the As of Date falls within the pay date range, it will paint the entire page (those appropriate fields) with information from that record. The new pay begin date will be set to one day after the old record pay end date. Manually adjust the dates to reflect the new assignment. When the new assignment is saved, the old record will be end-dated one day prior to the new record begin date. Other appropriate changes may be made as well.  Code values are restricted to static system codes.

Pay Begin/End: The dates for which the assignment will be effective. They are sent to payroll and are associated with the pay line. In add mode, if the system finds another record for the employee, with the same entity and record type with pay dates encompassing the as of date, the page will be painted with all information retrieved. The new begin date will be one day after the old record end date. Manually adjust the date to reflect the new assignment. Upon saving the new record, the old/existing records' end date will be adjusted to one day prior to the new records' begin date.

PCN: The PCN identifies the position control number associated with the entry. If a PCN/Position Code Definitions (HRTBPC) entry has not been defined for the PCN, an error will be displayed and input blocked. If the PCN has been defined for a unique position, then the Position field will be populated with the position automatically. However if the PCN has been defined multiple times for different positions, the PCN description field will display MULTIPLE and the Position field will display ENTER prompting the user to define a specific Position.
Although the PCN can be manually entered, a lookup is also provided to facilitate PCN selection. Each row in the lookup represents a valid PCN Profile Definition entry and contains the PCN, PCN Description, Position, and Position Description. The PCN is used in position control checking which occurs when funding sources (distributions) are defined for the pay assignment.

Pos: The position number indicates what the employee is doing and where they work. If a PCN/Position Code Definitions entry has not been defined using the position, an error will be displayed and input blocked. If the position has been defined for a unique PCN, then the Position field will be populated with the Position automatically. However, if the Position has been defined multiple times for different PCNs, the Position field will display MULTIPLE prompting the user to define a specific Position.

Pay Class: The pay class is used by Payroll to perform hours and benefit patching and distribution. Codes are defined on the PY Pay Class Definitions (PYUPPY) page.

As of Dt: The As of Date is used for consideration purposes. It defaults to today's date. It is used for reference purposes when determining whether a record is new or if existing information needs to be brought to the page for modification.

Fiscal Year: The fiscal year for the assignment. When creating a new pay assignment, the field defaults to the Fiscal Year defined in HR System Set Up (HRRQSS) for the Entity.

Assign St: Indicates an assignment status and can represent whatever a client wishes. Code values are defined in the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page under the Code ID of ASSIGNMENT_STAT.

Reason: Indicates a reason code. If a code of 00 is selected, a description must manually be entered in the description field. Codes are defined in the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page under the Code ID of REASON_CD.

Wages Tab

Calculation Details

Prorate Salary: Checkbox indicating that the Actual Annual, Per Period, Daily, and Hourly salary amounts are to be pro-rated by the PCN FTE. Leaving the box cleared will result in the amounts not being pro-rated.

PCN FTE: Indicates the PCN FTE that can be applied to the Actual Salary Amounts. Pro-rating may or may not be applied depending on the Pro-Rate Salary checkbox. The PCN FTE is divided by the Total FTE from the HR Employee Master entry, to calculate the total effort for the pay assignment (PCN Effort). The system checks to make sure the FTE does not violate the FTE entered on the Employee Master page.
To recalculate PCN FTE based on Actual hours to Default Hours:

  1. Set the PCN FTE field to blank or zero

  2. Tab or click out of the field

  3. Tab or click back into the field and the recalculated amount will display

Overriding calculate PCN FTE:

  1. Set the PCN FTE field to the desired value

Setting PCN FTE to zero:

  1. Set the PCN FTE field to blank or zero

  2. Tab or click out of the field

  3. Do not tab or click back into the field since the 0.00000 value will cause a recalculation

  4. Each time the value is recalculated by focusing back to the field it will need to be reset to zero

Total FTE: This is a derived value from the HR Employee Master entry representing the employee's total FTE for all PCN/Position assignments.

PCN Effort: This is a derived value. The field represents the amount of effort being put forth towards a position. If an employee has a total FTE of 1.00000 and they work one position, then all of their effort is going to that one position. Therefore, a value of 1.00000 should be entered for the PCN FTE resulting in a PCN effort of 1.00000. Likewise, if an employee is a part-time employee at .50000 FTE and they work one position, then all of their effort is going to that one position. Therefore, a value of .50000 should be entered in the PCN FTE field resulting in a PCN effort of 1.00000.

Index Key: The salary index key is used in calculating employee pay. It enables the system to determine the employee's base and actual pay. Valid index keys are those that encompass the pay begin and end dates on the pay assignment. If a default salary index exists in PCN/Position Code Definitions for the PCN/Position combination, it will default the value to the field when the PCN/Position are entered. However, that value may be overridden.
Although the Index Key can be manually entered or derived, a lookup is also provided to facilitate Index Key selection. Each row in the lookup represents a valid Salary Schedule & Amount entry and contains the Index Key and Description. Codes are defined in the HR Salary Definitions (HRTBSL) page.

Period Tp: The period type indicates the pay schedule for the pay assignment (for example M = Monthly). Code values are restricted to static system codes.

Override Salary: To override the calculated actual salary amounts, enter the appropriate override code. Anything other than N (system-derived) is considered an override and allows the user to manually enter amounts in the actual salary amount fields. In addition, the user can enter a Re-Calc code to derive other actual salary amount fields using one as a base. Code values are restricted to static system codes.

Re-Calc: Indicates which actual salary field is to be manually modified. After that particular field has been modified, the other actual salary fields will be modified by the system. The Re-Calculate field, used in conjunction with the Override Salary field, will disable the automatic feature that obtains the salary from the salary table. Code values are restricted to static system codes.

Reg Rate: The value to be sent to payroll and used as the Regular Rate. It may be a Daily (D) or an Hourly (H) rate. Code values are restricted to static system codes.

Spread Info: Indicates how the payroll pay assignment and benefit information is to be spread.

Budget Override: Checkbox indicating the current distributions for the pay assignment are currently over budget. System-derived.

Over Budget: Indicates if the budget is being overridden. System-derived.

Schedule Details

Actual Hours/Day: System-derived from PCN/Position Code Definitions for the PCN/Position combination. The field can be manually overridden when Ovrd Hours/Days/Perds checkbox is selected. A value greater than zero must be entered.

Actual Days/Year: System-derived PCN/Position Code Definitions for the PCN/Position combination. The field can be manually overridden when the Ovrd Hours/Days/Perds checkbox is selected. A value greater than zero must be entered.

Actual Periods: System-derived from Pay Period Definitions (HRRQPR), using the pay begin and end dates and the Period Type. The field can be manually overridden when the Ovrd Hours/Days/Perds checkbox is selected. A value greater than zero must be entered.

Ovrd Hours/Days/Perds: Checkbox indicating that Actual Hours, Days and/or Periods may be overridden manually by the user. Leaving the checkbox cleared results in the Actual Hours, Days and Periods being derived.

Wage Details

Actual Annual: System-derived actual salary amount, when the Override Salary field contains a value of N. Can be manually entered if the Override Salary field does not contain a value of Re-Calc field contains an A (Annual). Is derived from one of the other actual salary amount fields if the Re-Calc field contains a value other than A.

Actual Per Period: System-derived actual salary amount when the Override Salary field contains a value of N. Can been manually entered if the Override Salary field does not contain a value of N. Can be used to calculate other actual salary amount fields if the Re-Calc field contains a P (Per Period). Is derived from one of the other actual salary amount fields if the Re-Calc field contains a value other than P.

Actual Daily: System-derived actual salary amount when the Override Salary field contains a value of N. Can been manually entered if the Override Salary field does not contain a value of N. Can be used to calculate other actual salary amount fields if the Re-Calc field contains a D (Daily). Is derived from one of the other actual salary amount fields if the Re-Calc field contains a value other than D.

Actual Hourly: System-derived actual salary amount when the Override Salary field contains a value of N. Can been manually entered if the Override Salary field does not contain a value of N. Can be used to calculate other actual salary amount fields if the Re-Calc field contains an H (Hourly). Is derived from one of the other actual salary amount fields if the Re-Calc field contains a value other than H.

Distribution Worksheet

By default, records with duplicate account information are not allowed to be entered into the Distribution Worksheet for HR Pay Assignments. To accommodate the instance where duplicate account information is needed, NU Common Codes Category/Value of HRPY/MISCDIST may be defined. Each record in the distribution is still required to be unique but with the MISCDIST common code defined the item that is checked for uniqueness is the Misc field. The MISC field must be part of the pay string and the common code needs to exist in order for the functionality to work.

Values entered into the Percent field need to be positive values however, NU Common Codes Category/Value of PYHR/PERCENT can be set up If negative values or zero need to be allowed.

The field labels display based upon the Input Format defined on the Presentation Tab of the General Ledger (GL) General Information (PYUPGN) page. 

+Add Account: Select to enter pay assignment distribution.

Import Default Budget: The PCN/Position Code Definitions (HRTBPC) page, PCN Budget Status code indicates whether budget should be predefined on the Regulation of PCN page. If budget is pre-defined, clicking on the DFLT BUDG button will cause all appropriate lines to be defaulted to the Distribution Worksheet.

View Budget: The PCN/Position Code Definitions (HRTBPC) page, PCN Budget Status code indicates whether budget should be predefined on the Regulation of PCN page. If budget is pre-defined, clicking on the VIEW BUDG button will cause all appropriate lines to be displayed in a popup. One or more lines can then be selected for insert into the Distribution Worksheet.

Total: Indicates the total distribution percentage for the assignment and must equal 100 percent. System-derived.

Remaining: Indicates the total percentage remaining. System-derived.

Rec Type: Derived from the pay assignment definition on the page header. Record type used in the new distribution must match the active record type on the pay assignment.

Account Information: This field will display the input fields based upon the Input Format defined on the Presentation Tab of the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page. The General Ledger account control functionality is used for validation and lookup of account parts. The JL Ledger fields are optional. 

Percent: Percent for this distribution. There can be multiple distributions but the total of all distributions must equal 100%.

Over Code: The budget override code. This code is used to allow a record to be approved and submitted to payroll even if adding the record causes an over budget status in position control.

Misc: Miscellaneous field.

Over Budget: Indicates if the budget is being overridden. Determination is based on how/if the PCN/Position is set up for budgeting on HRTBPC. If budgeting is set up, then HRTBRG is set up for budget amounts and dates. If a budget tolerance value is to be considered then common code HRPY/PC TOL needs to be set up. Calculations are done based on PCN/Position, pay assignment dates, distribution account details. System-derived.

Delete: Select to delete distribution.

Misc Tab

The miscellaneous information tab on the Quick Pay Assignments page contains additional information that can used to further define the pay assignment and how it is to be handled.

Special Values

Special Function: The special function code is client defined and can be used for any purpose. Codes are defined in the HR Entity Specific Misc HR Codes (HRTBCE) page, Entity Specific tab, under the Code ID of SP_FUNCTION, where Entity matches. If the code STIPEND or STP is detected and the salary table amount has an Axp of A, the salary amount in the salary table is pro-rated to allow the stipend amount to be broken down into the individual period amounts defined by the client.

Bargaining Unit: The bargain unit code is derived from the PCN/Position Codes Definition Profile for the PCN/Position combination. However, the field may be overridden by entering another code. Codes are defined in HR Entity Specific Misc HR Codes (HRTBCE) , Bargain Unit tab, for the Entity.

Department: The department code is derived from PCN/Position Codes Definition Profile for the PCN/Position combination. However, the field may be overridden by entering another code. Codes are defined in HR Entity Specific Misc HR Codes (HRTBCE) , Entity Specific tab, under the Code ID of DEPARTMENT_CODE, where Entity matches.

Division: The division code is derived from PCN/Position Codes Definition Profile for the PCN/Position combination. However, the field may be overridden by entering another code. Codes are defined in HR Entity Specific Misc HR Codes (HRTBCE) , Entity Specific tab, under the Code ID of DIVISION_CODE, where Entity matches.

Payroll Open: Indicates additional information for use in payroll.

Auxiliary Salary: The auxiliary salary field is an integer that may be used to store an auxiliary salary amount or any miscellaneous amount and is referenced by PYPX.AUXSAL.

Lmt: Indicates the maximum budgeted amount for the pay strings. Payments will stop whenever the budgeted amount is exhausted for the time span specified by the Lxp field. The field stores the amount as a decimal (10,3) (3 decimal places). Updates pyp_pay_dtl.pyp_lmt.

Lxp: Indicates how the limit amount will be expressed in payroll, if applicable. The list of codes resides within the system and may not be modified. These codes are based on acceptable codes in payroll. Code values are restricted to static system codes.

Unique ID: A unique ID that is assigned to the pay assignment when it is created and used to link the pay assignment to the distributions defined for it.

Contribution / Deduction / Hours: Used for payroll vectoring All three fields are used in conjunction to direct the payroll system to post or not to post a contribution to the pay line.
Contribution updates pyp_pay_dtl.pyp_cdh_vect01. Deduction updates pyp_pay_dtl.pyp_cdh_vect02. Hours updates pyp_pay_dtl.pyp_cdh_vect03.

Status Information

Spec Cd 1: A four-character, client-defined code that can be attached to the pay lines of the pay assignment. The field may be used in payroll calculation codes and is referenced by PYPX.MISCCD{1}. Updates the payroll pay assignment Spec Code 1 field.

Spec Cd 2: A four-character, client-defined code that can be attached to the pay lines of the pay assignment. The field may be used in payroll calculation codes and is referenced by PYPX.MISCCD{2}. Updates the payroll pay assignment Spec Code 2 field.

Misc Cd 1: An eight-character, client-defined code that can be attached to the pay lines of the pay assignment. The field may be used in payroll calculation codes and is referenced by PYPX.MSCCHR{1}. Updates the payroll pay assignment Misc Code 1 field.

Misc Cd 2: An eight-character, client-defined code that can be attached to the pay lines of the pay assignment. The field may be used in payroll calculation codes and is referenced by PYPX.MSCCHR{2}. Updates the payroll pay assignment Misc Code 2 field.

Numeric Val 1: A numeric field that can be attached to the pay lines of the pay assignment and may be used to store any client specific number. The field may be used in payroll calculation codes and is referenced by PYPX.MSCNUM{1}. Since the field is stored as an integer, it will need to be formatted in payroll calculation codes if the decimal places are required. For example, divide by 100 for two decimal places. Updates the payroll pay assignment Misc Numeric 1 field.

Numeric Val 2: A numeric field that can be attached to the pay lines of the pay assignment and may be used to store any client specific number. The field may be used in payroll calculation codes and is referenced by PYPX.MSCNUM{2}. Since the field is stored as an integer, it will need to be formatted in payroll calculation codes if the decimal places are required. For example, divide by 100 for two decimal places. Updates the payroll pay assignment Misc Numeric 2 field.

Notes: Indicates any appropriate notes.

Status Information

Approval: The approval code. When the approval code is set to SEND, the PCN/Position information will transfer to payroll. Codes are defined in the HR Entity Specific Misc HR Codes (HRTBCE) page, Entity Specific tab, under the Code ID of APPROVAL_CODE, where Entity matches.

PY St: The payroll send status flag is system-derived. Codes are WAITAP (waiting approval), WAITPY (waiting to be sent to payroll/approved), and SENTPY (successfully sent to payroll).

St: System defined value indicating the status of the pay assignment. Codes are defined in the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page under the Code ID of CONT/DEDUC_STAT.

Action: Indicates the action/purpose for entering or modifying a record. Codes are defined in the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page under the Code ID of ACTION_CODE.

Fq: The frequency or type of payroll for the pay line. Enter A if the field will not be used. Codes are defined in the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page under the Code ID of FREQ/PY_TYPE.

Box: The applicable box number, if frequency match codes are being used in payroll.

User ID: Displays the User's ID who last updated the record.

Updated: Displays the last time and date an update occurred to the record.


Send this Pay Assignment to Payroll

Sending Employee Pay Assignments to Payroll (PYUPEP) is handled using a utility, which manipulates and formats the records. The tool runs only in browse mode and supports only asynchronous processing. It works as follows:

  1. This option of the tool processes the currently displayed record only.

  2. The tool will only process the data if the Approval is set to SEND and Enable Payroll Interface is selected in HR System Setup (HRRQSS) page.

  3. The employee ID being processed needs to exist in payroll, otherwise an error is displayed.

  4. The Pay String is generated, validated, and stored in the PY Pay Assignment Code (PYUPAC) page.

  5. If the Pay String is valid, a search of PY Employee Pay Assignment will be conducted to find out if a record for the employee already exists.

  6. If there is no record available for the employee then a new record is inserted. If a record does already exist then it will be updated. The status and any errors resulting from processing can be viewed in the Admin Console.

Global Send Quick Pay Assignments to Payroll

Sending HR Employee Pay Assignments to Payroll is handled using a utility, which manipulates and formats the records. The tool runs only in browse mode and supports only asynchronous processing. It works as follows:

  1. The tool accepts the last QBE value as input. It will process all the records that meet the last queried results.

  2. When the tool starts processing it will show a message to the user indicating the number of records to be processed.

  3. The tool will only process the data if the Approval is set to SEND and Enable Payroll Interface is selected in HR System Setup (HRRQSS) page.

  4. The employee ID(s) being processed need to exist in payroll, otherwise an error is displayed.

  5. The Pay String is generated, validated, and stored on the PY Pay Assignment Code (PYUPAC) page.

  6. If the Pay String is valid, a search of PY Employee Pay Assignment will be conducted to find out if a record for the employee already exists.

  7. If there is no record available for the employee then a new record is inserted. If a record does already exist then it will be updated. The status and any errors resulting from processing can be viewed in the Console and the job output tail sheet.

Recalc Hours/Days for this Record

This tool will recalculate the Actual Hours/Day based on the (possibly modified) page information and settings.

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