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State Income Tax CDH Defaults - HRRQSD

The Human Resources (HR) State Income Tax CDH Defaults (HRRQSD) page stores the states codes and SIT deduction numbers for all of the states that an organization represents in payroll. When used in HRPYPR, Taxes tab, the State CDH number populates after the State Code is selected.

This page needs to be set up after the HR install.

Entity: The Entity is used to identify security clearance. The field defaults to the entity associated with the logged in user on HRRQUS, if a record exists. Code values are defined in the HR Entity Codes (HRRQEN) page.

State CDH: Select the State deduction CDH number. Code values are defined in the Payroll CDH Master (PYUPDD) where Misc Code #1 = "SIT".

State Codes: Enter the State Codes associated with the State CDH. This same code must exist as the first two characters of Misc Code #2 in the Payroll CDH Master (PYUPDD).

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