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System Timecard Correction - PYTCDTSY

This utility reconciles System timecards to history records and writes offsetting SYSTM timecard records. The utility asks for a date range to load appropriate periods for verification. These periods are selected by check date. Users can change the date selection, to select any period within the beginning and end date, by using common code PYFG/PY999C. The utility then reads all the history and SYSTM timecard records for the selected periods and compares them. If there is a difference, then an offsetting SYSTM timecard is generated. When the utility has completed, SYSTM timecards will match all distributed/paid history records. This utility has the ability to run in trial mode which only produces a report of the changes; otherwise, it creates the report and the offsetting SYSTM timecards. After running PYTCDTSY, run PYUTRA to recompute accumulators.

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