Timecard Online Live - PYTCIFPY
This process is used to create a Daily timecard Set from the interface table IFPY_TC_IMP, assuming that the table was populated by Timecard Online.
Enter the Period as YYccIII (YY=Year, cc=Pay Cycle, III=Number): Enter the pay period number in YYccIII format, where YY = Year, cc = Pay Cycle and III = Period Number. This pay period must be defined in the Pay Period Definition (PYUPPR) screen.
How would you like employees selected: Enter the selection criteria to be applied.
Please enter the name of your TIMECARD Set: This is the name of the destination timecard set. To import multiple timecard sets for the same pay period, use wildcard % followed by :MULTI. For example, T%:MULTI results in all timecard sets starting with âTâ to be imported from the Timecard Online system into Daily Timecards.