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Timecard Processing Setup

The following common codes are used with Payroll Timecards.

PYFG/PY397BU: Configuration Options for Default Include in Subtotal IDs. This common code works with PYFG/PY397C01 and the Department in Batch name feature. This will allow the user to have an automatic Subtotal Grouping created if the field is left blank on the Timecard page. If the "Include in Subtotal" combo box on the Timecards page is left blank (and assuming the PYFG/PY397BU common code is set up properly), the py_batch_name for the record will be set to the value in the database associated with the Associated Code Value plus the period. For example, if the period is 1604020, the Associated Code Value for the common code is set to EmpUnit, and the value of that py_emp_unit column in the hr_pe_master table of the database is "ADMIN," the py_batch_name for the Timecard record would be set to "ADMIN1604020."

PYFG/PY397C: Daily Timecard Settings. Refer to common code for specific settings for build 7.9.9 and up.

PYFG/PY397C01: Daily Timecard Settings. Refer to common code for specific settings for build 7.9.9 and up.

PYFG/PY397C02: Daily Timecard Settings. Refer to common code for specific settings for build 7.9.9 and up.

PYFG/PY397C03: Daily Timecard Settings. Refer to common code for specific settings for build 7.9.9 and up.

PYFG/PY397DEF: GL Default Mapping. Use this common code when using standard GL default mapping in Payroll. Default mapping allows a user to type in part of the Pay String and, based on mapping codes set up in GL (GLUPDF), it will default the other parts. It might be used, for example, to type in a JLKEY and have it default in the GLKEY. This change works with any combination of the parts GLKEY, GLOBJ, JLKEY, JLOBJ for input or output. Associated codes 1-4 are necessary when, in default mapping, "@@" is used to signify any valid GL / JL code and that JL code does not exist on the Pay String. For example, if "@@" is in the JL object code in the default mapping, and the object code is not part of the Pay String, putting a valid JL object or "@@" in code 4 will cause that to be the default value. GL mapping will then work as if that value entered was the object code on the Pay String.

PYFG/PY397NLK: This common code is specifically for PYTCDTTM and is used to limit the CDHs that will appear in the list. CDHs defined in the Payroll (PY) Hour Definition (PYUPHH) page with a code in the Relate To 08 field will be seen if this common code is defined.

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