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FA Information - FAUPAS

The Fixed Asset (FA) Update (FAUPAS) page is the primary page for defining assets. The top portion of the page identifies each separate asset that is to be recorded within the system. The Asset ID, Desc (Description), Ledger, Tag Number, Status, Primary Class, Secondary, Tertiary, and Link ID fields are considered the parent fields on this page. This page contains tabs to record additional information about the asset: Asset ID, Components, Depreciation, Location, Warranty, Insurance, Funding, Disposal, Maintenance, Use Fee, and Lease. Each tab holds data within its own table (referred to as a child record).


Asset ID: Enter up to 12 characters to record the Asset ID or physical tag number assigned to the asset. The ID can be entered manually or populated with a system-generated seed value if NU Common Codes (NUUPCD), Code Category/Value SYNO/FAIDNUMSis defined. The Asset ID is often referred to as the FAID (fixed asset identification number).

Desc: Enter up to 30 characters to describe the asset. If using the PO/AP interface, the description will be taken from line one of the purchase request Description field. The first 30 characters of the item description will cross into the FA system.

Tag No: A reference field. Enter up to 20 characters to record the physical tag number of the asset. Set NU Common Code with a Code Category/Value POFA/REQUIREto make Tag No a required field.

Ledger: The ledger referenced upon the creation of the asset record. When adding a new asset manually, select the ledger code to associate with this asset. The code will default to the user ledger settings per NUUPUS, the active ledger code, or the ledger used to process the asset acquisition. When the record is in Add Mode, the ledger may be overridden.

Primary: Select the code used to identify the primary classification of the asset. Codes are defined in the FA Code Values (FAUPCD) page, with a Code ID of PC. The PC codes may be strung together along with SC (Secondary) and TC (Tertiary) codes in FA Primary Class Definition (FAUPPC) page to define and standardize how specific classes of assets will depreciate, to define life cycles, types of depreciation, and more.

Secondary: Select the code indicating the secondary classification of the asset. Codes are defined in the FA Code Values (FAUPCD) page, with a Code ID of SC.

Tertiary: A code indicating the third classification level of the asset. Codes are defined in the FA Code Values (FAUPCD) page, with a Code ID of TC.

Use the Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Classes to default data into the FAUPAS Depreciation tab. Classes defined within FAUPPC can be automatically applied to new assets; this feature creates a Depreciation tab record on new assets in preparation for processing depreciation via FADPDS (FADPRS). To trigger the feature, visit the FA General Information (FAUPGN) page and activate the question: Create FADEPR Using Primary Class Default (set to Y).  Accounting staff ought to reference and conform to state guidelines and generally accepted accounting principles for defining the various class codes, developing accounts, posting codes, depreciation methods, and other data. Staff can then create codes to help outline the structure of the fixed asset management process. Each code to be used will need to be first defined within the FA Code Values (FAUPCD) page; each class is a group of similar assets. Next, define a Primary Class record within the FA Primary Class Definition (FAUPPC) page that will link the three tiers of asset classes to distinguish one unique class, how the class will depreciate, the useful life of the asset class, frequency, the account that will hold the depreciation expense, and the types of depreciation methods used to calculate depreciation for that class. After the structure is defined and ready for use within FAUPPA (or FAUPAS, if using the PO to FA Interface), add the defined combination of codes (the three that make up the desired Primary Class record within FAUPPC: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary) into their respective fields to tell the system how to process depreciation for the given asset. Then when creating a new asset, the three class codes (Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary) placed into the asset record will automatically populate the Depreciation tab.  When Creating assets via FA Potential Asset (FAUPPA), place the three class codes into FAUPPA while the record has the status New or On Hold. After the tool Create Asset creates the asset, see the Depreciation tab in FAUPAS populated and ready with the essentials for processing depreciation. When creating assets via POUPRC (known as the PO to FA interface flagged on POUPGN), upon successfully receiving the asset, the Asset ID will display. Find that Asset ID in FAUPPA and add the three class codes. Press Enter to generate a record within the FAUPAS Depreciation tab that prepares the asset for processing depreciation.

If the following message displays, A depreciation record will not be created for this asset. FAGen PCFlag='N' (FA52), it indicates that the FA General Information (FAUPGN) page has the question Create FADEPR Using Primary Class Default set to N. Therefore, the data entry of the Depreciation tab settings would need to be manually added (or change the N to Y). Also consider using the NU Default Rules (NUUPDF) page to default the various class codes per a predetermined protocol. Default Rules should be written by an experienced user well versed in XML and VBScript. Rules are written for a particular subsystem and specific to a ledger.

Link ID: This field is used to link component pieces (individual assets) together. Link IDs can be created through the FA Asset Link Definition (FAUPLK) page. Links may be useful for reporting purposes.

Status: A code that indicates the status of the asset: active, disposed, or other user-defined status. The codes AC and DI are required for depreciation. Assets will only be depreciated with a status of AC and DI. The DI status is automatically updated from the disposal process. Other codes may be added through FA Code Values (FAUPCD) page by defining a new Code ID of STAT.

Asset ID

Acquisition: A code indicating how the asset was acquired (for example, open purchase or grant). Codes are defined in the FA Code Values (FAUPCD) page with a Code ID of AQCD.

Job Number: Indicates the job number assigned by BusinessPlus resulting from the bar code inventory transfer process. If the asset does not exist at the time of inventory, the asset will be created and assigned a job number that matches the job number on the FAUTVI page.

Condition: A code indicating the physical state of the asset (for example, new or used). Codes are defined in the FA Code Values (FAUPCD) page with a Code ID of COND.

Title: A code indicating who owns title to the asset. Codes are defined in the FA Code Values (FAUPCD) page with a Code ID of TITLE.

Quantity: A number indicating the quantity of assets maintained within the same Asset ID.

In Service: Indicates the date the asset is available for use. This field is required if using the depreciation posting process. Depreciation will be calculated based upon this date. The date can be transferred into the field using NU Common Codes: Code Category/Value POFA/CONTROL2can be set to copy the item receiving date as the In-Service Date, and Category/Value POFA/CONTROL3(when using PO to FA interface) will add the check date as the In-Service Date after the item invoice is paid. See the Common Code Reference Manual as needed.

Purchase Amount: The value of the asset at the time of acquisition. This value is required if using the depreciation posting process. Use NU Common Codes Category/Value POFA/CONTROL2to establish a dollar amount for automatically selecting which assets will be depreciated (optional). This value is updated automatically from the PO/AP interface, only after the first invoice is paid to avoid duplicate payment information for partially paid invoices.

Maint Total: A system-derived field displaying the total maintenance amount.

Improve Total: A system-derived field displaying the total improvement amount.

Salvage: A user-defined field that indicates the salvage value of the asset. This field is not required if using the depreciation posting process; however, the salvage amount will be used in calculating depreciation if it is not blank or zero.

Replacement: A 12-character field representing the Asset ID for which this asset is replacing. This is not a validated field, thus the old Asset ID is not required to exist in the system.

Activity: A selection field indicating the primary activity of the asset.

Parents: Fields representing the parent assets previously entered in the system. The entries used here must be existing Asset IDs.

Asset Control Options

Tagged? Selected = Y (Yes) to indicate that the asset has been physically tagged. This can be useful for reporting which assets have not yet been tagged.

Leased? Selected = Y to indicate the asset is leased. This can be useful for reporting on such assets.

CIP? Selected = Y to classify the asset as construction in progress. Typically, CIP assets do not begin depreciation until construction is complete. This can be useful for reporting on such assets.

Method: Drop-down list selection, indicates the method of improvement. These are hard-coded values.

Method Established: Selected = Y to indicate that the method of improvement has been established.

General Info

Make: Up to 25 characters to describe the make or manufacturer of the asset. Information added in this field will be displayed on the Vehicle Info tab.

Model: Up to 25 characters to describe the model number of the asset. Information added in this field will be displayed on the Vehicle Info tab.

Ser Num/VIN: (Serial or VIN Number): Up to 25 characters to record the asset unique identification number, for example, a Serial or VIN (vehicle identification number)). Information added in this field will be displayed on the Vehicle Info tab. The field is also unique in that it may be configured on the FA General Information (FAUPGN) page to validate the field content to block or warn when the data is duplicated. Set NU Common Code with a Code Category/Value POFA/REQUIREto make Ser Num/Vin a required field.

Other: Up to 25 characters to indicate any other information regarding the asset.

Misc 1: Up to four characters to indicate any other information regarding the asset.

Misc 2: Up to eight characters to indicate any other information regarding the asset.

Prod Id: Up to 16 characters validates against the products defined in Person/Entity (PE) Product Information (PEUPPR). The system populates the field with the value from the Purchase Order.

Brand Code: The Brand Code field is a drop-down list showing all brand codes defined for the current product ID. Brand codes are defined in the PE Product Information page for the given Product ID.

Brand Description: This echo field shows the brand description for the current product ID and brand code. The Brand Description field in PE Product Information allows up to 50 characters. This field echoes the complete description, allowing at least 30 characters to be displayed within the box margin.

Vehicle Info

Make: Up to 25 characters to describe the make of the vehicle. Information added in this field will be displayed on the General Info tab.

Model: Up to 25 characters to describe the model name of the vehicle. Information added in this field will be displayed on the General Info tab.

Ser Num/VIN: Up to 25 characters to record the asset serial number or vehicle identification number (VIN). Information added in this field will be displayed on the General Info tab. Set NU Common Code with a Code Category/Value POFA/REQUIREto make Ser Num/VIN a required field.

Year: The year the vehicle was made.

License: The license number of the vehicle.

Mileage: The mileage of the vehicle upon acquiring the asset. The Location and Maintenance tabs may record mileage upon transfers or when maintenance performed. The final reading of mileage may also be recorded within the Disposal tab.

Mileage Date: The date corresponding to the mileage field.

Land Info

Parcel: The field to reference a plot number or other reference related to piece of real property.

Acres: The numeric size or number of units that represent the area of the land asset.

Asset ID - Text tab

This is an expandable, free form edit area for text that describes the asset ID. Press the Enter key for line breaks. Press Shift and Enter key combination to save text entered.


The Components tab (formerly AP PO Info) is used to record all relevant accounting information for the fixed asset record. From the time an asset is acquired or enhanced, the transactions related to payables for an asset can be followed within the Components tab. If the NU Common Code with a Code Category/Value APFA/MULTIis defined, AP data from Pay Selected Open Hold Entries (APOHPPPA) is automatically inserted into the Components tab. The data interfaced here is the same accounting information shared between multiple subsystems, depending on setup. Without the common code, the various fields would be manually updated (optional). This common code is required to interface AP data regardless of how the FA data is migrated from PO to AP to FA.  The FA General Information (FAUPGN) page may be configured to validate the amounts within the Components tab against the Funding Source.

Manually adjusting the Item Amount or adding a record within the Components tab will ripple to the Purchase Amount fields on the Asset ID and Depreciation tabs.

Adding a record to the Components tab when there is not already a record updates the purchase amount to the amount of the added record. For example, if the goal is to impair the asset 200.00, entering a negative 200 within the Components tab will update the purchase amount to -200.00.

Invoice Number: The number on an AP invoice associated with the purchase of the asset. The system updates field if configured to interface AP data (APFA/MULTI).

Invoice Date: The date on an AP invoice associated with the purchase of the asset. The system updates field if configured to interface AP data (APFA/MULTI).

Job Number: The job number is a system-generated field populated when details are transferred to the FA subsystem. It is the job number required to undo transactions.

Contract Number: The contract number from an AP invoice associated with the purchase of the asset.

PO Number: The purchase order number on an AP invoice associated with the purchase of the asset. The system updates field if configured to interface AP data (APFA/MULTI).

Item Description: Up to 50 characters used to describe the component information. The Description field from the Purchase Order will insert within this field and the Asset ID Desc field. The system updates field if configured to interface AP data (APFA/MULTI).

APOHPPPA Job #: The job number generated in the payment of the AP invoice associated with the purchase of the asset, like the Job Number from processing the check payment for the asset's invoice. The system updates field if configured to interface AP data (APFA/MULTI).

Bank ID and Check Number: Also known as Bank ID or Check Stock. The bank ID and number used to pay an AP invoice associated with the purchase of the asset. The system updates field if configured to interface AP data (APFA/MULTI).

Bid Number: The bid number from an AP invoice associated with the purchase of the asset.

Vendor ID: The vendor ID on an AP invoice associated with the purchase of the asset. This field can be updated automatically via the interface from AP to Fixed Assets. The system updates field if configured to interface AP data (APFA/MULTI).

Item Amount: The item amount on an AP invoice associated with the purchase of the asset. The system updates field if configured to interface AP data (APFA/MULTI).

Retail Amount: The retail amount of list price on an AP invoice associated with the purchase of the asset.

Invoice Amount: The total amount of the AP invoice associated with the purchase of the asset. The system updates field if configured to interface AP data (APFA/MULTI).

Fixed Asset ID: This is the asset ID that the component is currently assigned to. In order to transfer components from one asset ID to another, you may change the Fixed Asset ID, press Enter to save the record and this will move that component from the current asset to the newly chosen asset ID. The system updates field if configured to interface AP data (APFA/MULTI).

Check Date: The check date echoes to the right of the Bank ID and Check Number fields. The system updates fields if configured to interface AP data (APFA/MULTI).

Account: The GL/JL Ledger Code and account string used to pay an AP invoice associated with the purchase of the asset. This page supports fully qualified account format. For Lookup and display formats, select the ellipsis. The account input format is derived from the ledger definition on the General Ledger General Information (GLUPGN) page. The system updates fields if configured to interface AP data (APFA/MULTI).

Component Status: Drop-down list based on codes defined in the FA Code Values, Code ID of APPOSTAT, such as ON HOLD or ASSIGNED. Spelling of the Status is important for processing Potential Assets from FA Potential Asset page into FA Update page. The system updates fields if configured to interface AP data (APFA/MULTI).

The following fields echo data input to the Disposal tab:

Disposal Method: Codes are defined in the FA Code Values, Code ID of METHOD.

Disposal Date: The date the asset was disposed as of.

Sale Price: The amount the asset was disposed of if the disposal method was Sold.

Disposal Type: Type codes are defined in the FA Code Values, Code ID of DTYPE.

Purchased By: Validates to PE ID defined on the Person/Entity Information (PEUPPE) page. The purchaser name will echo to the right of the Purchased By field, within the data box.


The Dep (Depreciation) tab is used to define the expected life, depreciation method, posting frequency, and posting code for the automatic GL posting of depreciation. Accumulated Depreciation and Last Depreciation Date should be initialized when first entering data. When the system calculates depreciation, these fields are automatically updated. When adding a new fixed asset not previously depreciated, the Accumulated Depreciation field must contain 0.00. The date of acquisition may be entered in the Last Depreciation Date field, although the program will gather this information from the In Service Date on the Asset ID tab. When using the standard methods of depreciation based on the life of an asset, enter the number of periods in the Life/Units field to define the total length of the depreciation cycle.

The Depreciation tab is required in order to complete the automatic depreciation posting process. Upon completion of data entry on this tab, the asset is ready to be depreciated on a monthly or annual basis. Before posting depreciation, a selection template must be created that tells the system which assets will need to be depreciated. Creating a selection template is a one-time process and can be updated by typing in the FA Depreciation Selections (FADPUS) page. Then, when it comes time to depreciate the assets, it is recommended that a report of the selection that is to be depreciated be printed with the FA Report Depreciation (FADPRS) process; this is like a batch proof that will show the user what accounts will be affected and how these accounts will be affected. The depreciation posting is completed by distributing the selection with FA Distribute Depreciation (FADPDS) process. Distributed depreciation can be undone by visiting FA Undo Depreciation (FAUTUN) process. Postings to GL by FADPDG requires GLUTSUUN.

Depr Method: Several types of depreciation methods are provided. The system defaults to the Straight Line method. However, BusinessPlus provides several versions of the straight-line method as described in the table:




Each period depreciation is calculated using the following formula:
Cost of Asset - Estimated Salvage Value /
Estimated Useful Life in Months
BusinessPlus calculates depreciation on a monthly basis. The system then multiplies the result by the number of months the asset has been in service for the period specified. This means that the system provides for posting depreciation for partial as well as full years of service.

Within the SL method of depreciation, the NU Common Code with a Code Category/Value FADP/CONTROLaffects how the system calculates depreciation.

  • Option 1 references ADJUST in the first Associated Codes field to use the following calculation: (Total Cost – Salvage Value) / Total Useful Periods * Periods In Use.

  • Option 2 references LIFEREM in the fourth Associated Codes field to use the following calculation: (Total Cost – Salvage Value – Accumulated Depreciation) / Remaining Useful Periods.

Refer to the Common Code Reference Manual as needed.


This method is identical to SL except it does not place the asset into service until the beginning of the fiscal year following the acquisition for purposes of calculating depreciation. No depreciation will be posted for the initial portion of the year in which the asset was actually acquired.


This method is identical to SL with the exception that the program shifts the acquired date to the beginning of the month in which the asset was acquired for purposes of calculating depreciation.


This method is identical to SL with the exception that the program shifts the acquired date to the beginning of the month following the acquisition for purposes of calculating depreciation.


This method is identical to SL with the exception that the program looks at the acquired date of the asset and chooses between methods SL3 or SL4 based whether the acquisition date is closer to the beginning or end of the month in which the asset was acquired.


This method is identical to SL with the exception that the program shifts the acquired date to the middle of the fiscal year for purposes of calculating depreciation.
The Sum of the Years Digits (SYD) method provides rapid depreciation in the early portion of the life of the asset. Each yearly period depreciation is computed as a decreasing fraction multiplied by the cost minus the salvage value. The SYD method uses the following formula: Cost of the Asset - Estimated salvage value x Useful life - # of years old SYD (Where SYD = Nx (N +1)) Where N is the life of the asset in years


Non-Depreciating (ND). Select this method if you do not wish to depreciate the asset.

The FA Update page will use NU Common Codes Category/Value FAFG/DISPOSEto determine what status to use for a disposed asset. The first Associated Code in this common code will contain the new status for a disposed asset. If the common code does not exist, then it will use DI as the disposal status.

When depreciating by running FADPDS, if the FA ID has been depreciated earlier (the Last Depr. date is not null), the FA Type is SL8, and the FA Status is the same as the second Associated Code in FAFG/DISPOSE(defaults to DI if blank), then it will depreciate 6 months.
If the third Associated Code in FAFG/DISPOSEis not blank, when the FA Type is SL8 and the FA Status is the same as the second Associated Code (or the FA Status is DI if the second Associated Code is blank), it will update the FAUTVI page to set the Status to the value in the third Associated Code.  Also review Common Code FARE/DISPRwhich allows a disposal date to be entered and the asset to continue depreciating until the disposal date has been crossed.

Type of Life: Select the type of life; valid entries in this field are YR (years), MO (months), or UN (units).

Life/Units: The life or maximum units for this asset. The life can be expressed in months or years as denoted by the next field. Entries in this field can be YR (years), MO (months), or UN (units).

Last Usage: The total usage amount for the asset since the last time depreciation was calculated. This field needs to be updated manually for each asset prior to calculating depreciation for usage-based assets.

Job Number: The job number established when details are transferred to the FA subsystem. This is needed to undo transactions. It is a system-generated field entry.

Depreciation Fq (Frequency): The frequency at which depreciation is calculated against this asset. Select either MO for monthly or YR for annually. The frequency is primarily used as selection criteria when posting depreciation.

Purchase Amount: The system-derived purchase amount.

Last Depreciated Date: The date this asset was last depreciated. This field is updated automatically by the depreciation posting process and should be left blank for new assets.

Life Remaining: The remaining life of this asset will always display in months. This field is updated automatically by the depreciation posting process.

Percentage: Percentage of the depreciation that goes to a particular account line. Value must not be 0 (zero) and all lines must total to 100%.

Book Value: The current book value of the asset. This field is automatically updated when the depreciation posting process is run. While the default calculation is a straight-line method, exactly how the book value is calculated depends on NU Common Codes, specifically the code with a Code Category/Value FADP/CONTROL. Refer to the Common Code Reference Manual as needed.

Last Depreciation Amount: The planned decrease of the asset value. When using straight line depreciation, the value is typically the purchase price less the salvage divided by the life remaining (in months). The value in this field appears rounded to two decimals, but the Accumulated Amount field will be based on this field's full value to the fourth decimal place.

Accumulated Amount: The sum of previously depreciated amounts; typically the Last Depreciation Amount times the number of life units that have past. The field updates automatically when the depreciation posting process is run (FADPDS). The amount is based on the Last Depreciation Amount full value, calculated to the fourth decimal place.

Last Year Amount: The last fiscal year sum of depreciation for this asset or value depreciated with FADPDS during the previous fiscal year. The amount is updated automatically by the depreciation posting process and will typically be the sum of the year's Last Depreciation Amounts declared. An exception would occur if processing multiple periods in a catch-up batch or the period of depreciation cross over 2 years. For instance, a fiscal year ends in June. The asset's last depreciation was May 2016 and now being run for May 2017, the full amount of that calculation would display within the Year to Date (and added to the Accumulated Depreciation) fields while Last Year Amount would exclude this value since calculation took place during 2017.

Year To Date Amount: The current fiscal year accumulated depreciation for this asset. This is updated automatically by the depreciation posting process.

Depreciation Account: The Org. Key/Object Code combination, or fully qualified account string, which represents the depreciation expense account in the posting of depreciation.

Accum GL Acct: The Org. Key/Object Code combination, or fully qualified account string, that represents the accumulated depreciation account in the posting of depreciation.

Depr and Accum Posting Codes: Enter the posting codes for the depreciated expense and the accumulated depreciation.

Location - Main tab

The Location tab designates the physical location of the asset. The system is installed with four location designators: Department, Building, Room, and Location. The department and building fields are validated and require code values to be entered into the system; codes may be ledger specific. If more location parameters are required, the client may define additional attributes and associate them with the location tab. This is especially helpful for items such as desks and chairs, which may be located in many locations but are grouped together as one asset.
The FA Room Change (FACSRC) page can be used to update or change the Location or Room number. Once the FACSRC record is saved, the information will be immediately updated for that specific asset within FAUPAS. The FACSRC Comment fields (three blank lines) feed into the Location Main tab Contact Information fields.

Several fields can be populated with default codes or become required when migrating assets from the Purchasing (PO) module, also known as PO to FA migration. The various fields on the Main tab can be populated with default codes by defining valid codes within the NU Common Code with a Code Category/Value POFA/LOCDEFS. The assets location may also be a required field upon Receiving in the PO Receiving (POUPRC) page by adding a Y in the Associated Description 4 field of NU Common Code POFA/CONTROL. Refer to the Common Codes Reference Guide as needed.

Location: Select the code indicating the geographic location of the asset. Codes are defined in the FA Code Values, with a Code ID of LCTN. Use the FA Room Change (FACSRC) page to update room and Location field data.

Dept: Select the code indicating the department that owns the asset. Codes are defined in the FA Code Values (FAUPCD), Code ID of DEPT.

Resp ID: Select the code indicating the person, job title, or department responsible (or accountable) for the asset. Codes are defined in the FA Code Values (FAUPCD), Code ID of RPID.

Building: Select the code indicating the structure that houses the asset. Codes are defined in the FA Code Values (FAUPCD), Code ID of BLDG.

Room: Up to four characters used to indicate the specific part of a building in which the asset resides. Use the FA Room Change (FACSRC) page to update room and Location field data.

Room Name: Up to 30 characters to describe the room indicated in the room field.

Count: Up to four digits indicating the number of assets physically located at this site.

Contact Information

Use the FA Room Change (FACSRC) page to update Locaction tab fields. The Location, Room No, Room Desc, and Contact information may be updated efficiently within FACSRC. FACSRC Comment fields ( first three lines) feed into FAUPAS, Location tab Contact Information fields.

Contact: Up to 40 characters to record the contact person at the location (or Comments field 1 in FACSRC).

Address Line 1: Up to 40 characters to record line one of the location address (or Comments field 2 in FACSRC).

Address Line 2: Up to 40 characters to record line two of the location address (or Comments field 3 in FACSRC).

City: A 15-character field indicating the city where the asset is located. Type in the zip code in the Zip field, then select the City drop-down list to see valid city names for that zip (as defined in PE Zip Code Translation (PEUPZP) page).

State: The two-character state code.

Zip: Up to 10 characters for the zip code. Enter a five-digit zip code or zip code plus four-digit extension in 99999-9999 format.

Phone: The phone number at this location.

Fax: The fax number at this location.

Additional Information

The Fixed Assets module can optionally track specific transactions that occur for a given asset. Those include additions, transfers, disposals, and adjustments. When entering the location information for an asset, this tab allows certain transaction-related fields to be edited prior to going to the Fixed Asset transaction table. If the location information has already been entered, but a change in location occurs, then this tab can also be used to enter similar information to the transfer transactions that can be created. There are settings in the FA General Information page that determine if transaction tracking is to occur and at what level (in other words, which location fields are to be tracked). The Location, Department, Responsible ID, and Asset Account fields are all available for transaction tracking, and may be required for data entry, depending on the General Information settings. These fields can be used, but they will only create transactions for posting to the GL if the options to track these changes are chosen in FA Information (FAUPGN) page.

Date: Select the date from the drop-down menu.

Amount: The system will display the book value here.

Requested By: System-derived field displaying the name of the individual who requested the addition.

Mileage: Optional field tracking the mileage traveled to move the asset.

Comments: Enter any comments associated with this addition.

Account: The first field indicates the General Ledger Code. The remaining fields contain the account numbers relating to the asset. The format of the account field is derived by the ledger code selected and the input format defined in GL Information (GLUPGN) page for the active ledger. Select the ellipsis for field lookup or display options.

Location - Employee Assignment tab

Entity: Selections in drop-down list of root entities are defined on the Human Resources (HR) Entity Codes (HRRQEN) page.

Employee ID: Validates to HR Employee Master (HREMEN) page.

Action: Selections in drop-down list are defined on HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page, Code ID = ACTION_CODE.

Equipment Cd: Selections in drop-down list are defined on HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page, Code ID = EQUIPMENT_CODE. The HR Tracking (HREMET) page tracks which employees have been assigned to an asset within the HR module. The FA data interfaces with HR within FAUPASand HREMET.

Assign Dt: Date asset was assigned to employee.

Return Dt: Date asset was returned by employee.

Detail: Short information on asset.

No Code: Selections in drop-down list are defined on HR Non-Entity Specific Codes, Code ID = NUMBER_CD.

No: Tracking form number if applicable.

Return Code: Selections in drop-down list are defined on HR Non-Entity Specific Codes, Code ID = RETURN_CD.

Returned: Selected = Y (Yes).

Notes: Text up to 72 characters.


The Warranty tab defines all information relating to the warranty of the asset. All information regarding the warranty can be logged for easy access. Several different types of warranties may be set up in the FA Code Values for easy lookup at data entry time. The comments field allows the user to enter specific information pertaining to the asset warranty, which may need to be accessed when maintenance or warranty work is ordered and processed. The description, status, class, and Link ID fields all echo from the Asset Identification tab to the Asset Warranty tab.

Warranty Number: Up to 20 characters to record the warranty number for the asset.

Start and End Dates: The date the warranty begins and expires.

Type: Select the warranty type. Codes are defined on FA Code Values, Code ID of PERIOD.

Warranty Terms: Select the terms of the warranty. Codes are defined on FA Code Values, Code ID of TERMS.

Vendor: Up to 30 characters for recording the name of the vendor supporting the warranty.

Contact: The primary contact person for the vendor supporting the warranty.

Address Line 1 & 2: Two 40-character fields for the vendor address.

City: Vendor city.

State: Vendor state. Select the combo box for a list of valid options to select from.

Zip: Vendor zip code.

Business Phone: Vendor phone number.

Fax Phone: Vendor fax number.

Service Phone: Customer Service phone number for the vendor supporting the warranty.

Tech Phone: Phone number for technical support of the vendor supporting the warranty.

Warranty - Text tab

This is an expandable, free form edit area for text that describes warranty information. Press the Enter key for line breaks. Press Shift and Enter key combination to save text entered.


The Insurance tab holds all information relating to the insurance policy for the asset. The policy information and carrier information details may be entered on this tab for easy look up. The Vendor ID field provides access to the vendor information defined on the PE Information page, where all insurance carriers for the organization are stored.

Policy Number: Policy number insuring the related asset.

Carrier: Select a code indicating if the carrier is primary P or secondary S. These codes are defined in FA Code Values, Code ID of CARRIER.

Start and End Dates: The date the insurance policy for the asset begins and expires.

Replacement Value: The current replacement value for the asset.

Vendor ID: Indicates the PEID of the vendor who insures the asset.

Name: Name of the insurance carrier as echoed from the PEID field.

Address Code: A two-character, user-definable code indicating which carrier address is being used (for example, billing address, claims address, street address). The codes are defined through the PE Information page.

Contact: The primary contact person of the insurance carrier.

Address Line 1 & 2: Two 40-character fields for the insurance carrier address.

City: The city in which the carrier is located. Select the combo box for a list of valid options to select from.

State: State in which the insurance carrier is located.

Zip: Zip code for insurance carrier.

Phone Number: Phone number for the insurance carrier.

Fax Number: Fax number for the carrier.

Insurance - Text tab

This is an expandable, free form edit area for text that describes insurance information. Press the Enter key for line breaks. Press Shift and Enter key combination to save text entered.


The Funding tab is used to track funding source information for a particular asset. It is for informational purposes only. It is possible to track the dollar amount allocated from a particular fund or grant on this page. To use the funding source tab, it is necessary to define codes in FA Code Values.

Funding Source: Select the funding source. Multiple funding sources can be allocated to a single asset; the sources validate to the FA Funding Source Definition (FAUPFS) page. Before a Funding Source is defined, create the code to describe that unique funding source. These codes are defined on FA Code Values (FAUPCD) page, Code ID of FS.

Amount: The amount allocated by this funding source for the current asset.

Accumulated Depreciation: Accumulated depreciation for asset (from the Depreciation tab).

Year To Date: Year to Date depreciation for asset (from the Depreciation tab).

Last Year Amount: Last year's depreciation for asset (from the Depreciation tab).


The Disposal tab is used to define the status of the asset when it is no longer carried on the General Ledger. The disposal process is completed when the information on this tab is entered. A record is entered into the database for future reference. Also, the status of the asset will be changed from AC (active) to DI (disposed). This prevents depreciation from being calculated on the asset. There is no interaction with the General Ledger when this tab is completed.

The FA Update page will use NU Common Codes Category/Value FAFG/DISPOSEto determine what status to use for a disposed asset. The first associated code in this common code will contain the new status for a disposed asset. If the common code does not exist, then it will use DI as the disposal status.

When depreciating by running FADPDS, if the FA ID has been depreciated earlier (the Last Depr. date is not null), and the FA Type is SL8, and the FA Status is the same as the second associated code in FAFG/DISPOSE(defaults to DI if blank), then it will depreciate 6 months.
If third associated code in FAFG/DISPOSEis not blank, then when the FA Type is SL8, and the FA Status is the same as the second associated code (or the FA Status is DI if the second associated code is blank), then it will update the FAUTVI page to set the Status to the value in the third associated code.

Disposal Date: The date the asset was disposed.

Sale Price: The amount the disposed asset was sold for.

Job Number: Reserved for future use.

Retirement Auth (Authorization): Up to 12-characters to record the authorization for the retirement of this Asset.

Disposal Method: Select the code indicating the method of disposal. Codes are defined on FA Code Values, Code ID of METHOD.

Disposed to Type: Select the code that identifies the type of entity that acquired the asset. Codes are defined on FA Code Values, Code ID of DTYPE.

Mileage: The mileage of the asset at the time of disposal. This typically only applies to vehicle assets.

Vendor: Up to 40 characters to record the entity acquiring the disposed asset.

Contact: Up to 40 characters to record the contact person associated with the entity acquiring the disposed asset.

Address Line 1 & 2: Two 40-character fields for the vendor address.

City: Indicates the city of the entity acquiring the asset.

State: Indicates the state of the entity acquiring the asset.

Zip: Indicates the zip code of the entity acquiring the asset.

Phone Number: Phone number for the entity acquiring the disposed asset.

Fax Number: Fax number for the entity acquiring the disposed asset.

Disposal - Text tab

This is an expandable, free form edit area for text that describes disposal information. Press the Enter key for line breaks. Press Shift and Enter key combination to save text entered.

Disposal Transaction

The Fixed Assets module can optionally track specific transactions that occur for a given asset. Those include additions, transfers, disposals, and adjustments. When entering the disposal information for an asset, this tab allows certain transaction-related fields to be edited prior to going to the Fixed Asset transaction table. There are settings in the FA General Information page that determine if transaction tracking is to occur, and at what level (in other words, which location fields are to be tracked). The Location, Department, Responsible ID, and Asset Account fields (all of which are located on the Location tab) are all available for transaction tracking and will automatically populate into this tab, depending on the General Information settings.

Date: The date the asset was disposed.

Book Value: Enter the book value of the disposed asset (from the Dep tab).

Purchase Price: Enter the purchase price of the disposed asset (from the Asset ID tab).

Requested By: The system user name of the individual requesting asset disposal.

Location: A system-populated field with information from the Location tab.

Comments: A short comment field.

Department: A system-populated field with information from the Location tab.

Mileage: Mileage at time of disposing or retiring the asset.

Responsible ID: This field is non-enterable and is populated automatically with information from the Location tab.

Account: This field is read-only and is populated automatically with information from the Location tab.


The Maintenance tab is used to define maintenance and improvements made to the asset. Improvements recorded that add value or life to the asset will be used in the depreciation calculation. Categories may be defined for different types of improvements and maintenance through the FA Code Values page. Information entered on this tab for the asset will create a maintenance history summary, which will be linked to this tab for easy lookup by the user.

Maint/Improv ID: A 20-character field that contains the user maintenance or improvement reference information.

Description: A 30-character field containing the description of the improvement or maintenance performed.

Category: A code that indicates the maintenance/improvement category. This value is user-definable through FA Code Values, Code ID of CATE.

Work Order: Enter the work order number for the maintenance or improvement.

Last Depr Date: The date this improvement was last depreciated. This field is updated automatically by the depreciation posting process and should be left blank for new assets.

Last Depr Amount: The depreciation amount last calculated for this improvement by the depreciation posting process. This field is updated automatically by the depreciation posting process.

Life Remaining: The remaining life for this asset always display in months. This field is updated automatically by the depreciation posting process.

Job Number: Display only; last job number generated to run depreciation.

Date: The date the maintenance or improvement was completed.

Method: Select the code indicating MA Maintenance or MI Improvement.

Type: Select M for maintenance or I for improvement.

Amount: Cost of the improvement or maintenance performed.

Mileage: Enter the mileage or hours of use for the asset at the time the maintenance or improvement is completed.

Life: Enter the number of additional years, months, or units the improvement will add to the asset life, if any.

Life Type: Enter the type of units the improvement will add to the asset life.

Book Value: The current book value of the improvement. This field is automatically updated when the depreciation posting process is run.

Accumulated Amount: The total accumulated depreciation for the improvement. This field is updated automatically when the depreciation posting process is run.

Account: The Org. Key/Object Code combination, or fully qualified account string, which represents the account for posting depreciation.

Increased Efficiency? Selected = Y (Yes) indicates the maintenance or improvement has increased the value of the asset and allows the value to be included in the depreciation calculation of the improvement Amount.

Increased Capacity? Selected = Y indicates that the improvement increases the capacity of the asset.

Increase Value? Selected = Y indicates the maintenance or improvement has increased the value of the asset and allows the value to be included in the depreciation calculation.

Maintenance - Text tab

This is an expandable, free form edit area for text that describes maintenance information. Press the Enter key for line breaks. Press Shift and Enter key combination to save text entered.

Use Fee

This page is used to keep a track of amount that will be required to replace the asset.

Percentage: Percentage value. This value must be between 0 and 100.

Starting Date: The starting date for calculating user fee. By default, this date is set to 1 year plus the In Service Date in the Asset ID tab.

Last Amount: The depreciation amount last calculated for this asset before the depreciation was run according to the deprecation date and job number on this record.

Last Date: The date this asset was last depreciated before depreciation was run according to the depreciation date and job number on this record.

Accumulated Amount: The total accumulated depreciation for the asset before the depreciation was run according to the depreciation date and job number.

Last Year Amount: Last year's accumulated depreciation for this asset before the depreciation was run according to the depreciation date and job number on this record.

Year to Date Amount: The current year accumulated depreciation for this asset before the depreciation was run according to the depreciation date and job number on this record.

Job Number: The job number established when details are transferred to the FA subsystem. This is needed to undo transactions. It is a system generated field entry.

Frequency: The frequency at which depreciation is calculated against this asset. This can be either MO for monthly or YR for annually. By default, Frequency is set to the value set in Depreciation tab.

Post Code: The Depreciation tab establishes where account numbers and posting codes are pulled from. Each posting code will have a description that will tell you which code to use. For example, Post Code 1 may have a description of Equipment. Then you only have to know what type of asset you are dealing with to select the correct code.

Account: The Org. Key/Object Code combination, or fully qualified account string, which represents the account for tracking use fee.


This tab is used to keep track of the assets that are taken/given on lease.

Lease ID: Lease ID used to identify a specific lease related to the asset.

Lease Type: Single-character field for the type of lease.

Inception Date: Date of commencement of lease.

Expiration Date: Date of expiration of lease.

Description: Description of lease.

Agency Leased To: Agency to which the asset is leased.

Agency Leased From: Agency from which the asset is leased.

Escalation Date: The date the lease is escalated.

Accrued Date: Accrual date of the lease.

Payment Method: Single-character field for the method of payment.

Lease Cost: Total cost of the lease.


Copy Fixed Asset

The Copy Fixed Asset tool is used to copy from one Asset ID to a new ID, leaving both records identical except for the ID number. The new ID can be entered manually or enter SYSTEM to use the next asset ID seed number.

Delete an asset using FAUTDE. The ability to delete assets may be limited by In-Service and/or Disposal Dates using the NU Common Code with a Code Category/Value FAUT/DELETE.

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