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Requisition Update Transaction Request

The following is an example of a "Requisition Update" transaction request. This transaction is sent by the eSchoolMall Service (Easy Purchase) when the initial creator or a subsequent approver (Easy Purchase approval, not BusinessPlus/Workflow) updates the order before it becomes a Purchase Order.



Unique Identifier of Transaction. Populated External Ref 2 field.




Date/Time stamp of transaction. Populates requested date field.


Unique ESM identifier for the client. Not used by BusinessPlus Purchasing.


ESM Vendor ID. Validated against PEUPPE PE ID.


ESM Supplier Address ID. Validated against Common Code.


ESM unique number for client's order. Used to generate PR Number.


Same as the Order ID. Used to generate PR Number.


ESM Vendor Name. Not used by Purchasing.


This value reflects the ID passed back to ESM during requisition creation. Used to locate encumbrance records.


Internal Notes for the Order. Populates PR Notes.


External Notes for the order. Populates PR Notes.


ESM Supplier Address ID. Validated against Common Code.


ESM User ID for creator. Populates requested by field.


User who updated the order last. Not used by Purchasing.


ESM Ship To Address ID. Populates Ship To ID Field.


Taxes to be added to the order. Used in generating extended amounts


Shipping/handling added to order. Used in generating extended amounts.


ESM Fiscal date for order. Used to populated encumbrance record fiscal date.


Minimum of one is mandatory on an "Requisition Insert" transaction


Item sequence number. Populates Item Detail sequence no.


Item product description. Populates item Detail description.


Product quantity ordered. Populates Item Detail quantity.


Product unit of measure ordered. Populates Item Detail quantity.


Product unit price. Populates Item Detail Unit Price.


Product item ordered internal notes. Populates PR Notes.


Product item ordered external notes. Populates PR Notes.


Minimum of one is mandatory per item.


Account number for item ordered. Populates PR EN records


Amount distributed to this account. Populates PR EN records.

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