Assign Security Roles
The Assign Security Roles plugin in the Administrative Console (Security Admin > Setup) is used to assign Security Roles to BusinessPlus users. This information was previously accessible via BusinessPlus mask NUUPSA.
The Assign Security Roles screen consists of three panels:
- Role Entity List — A list of the current role IDs and role titles.
- Assigned Users — Displays users assigned to a security Role ID.
- User List — Contains user IDs and names, displaying all defined users.
Adding Users to a Role
To add a BusinessPlus user to a role, first select the role from the Entity List panel on the left. Then locate the user on the User List panel on the right. The user list can be paged using the forward and reverse arrows at the top of the list similar to a standard entity list. Double-clicking a user ID from the list will add that user to the highlighted role in the central panel. After changes are made to the Assigned Users list, the Save button becomes active; use this button to save any changes prior to closing the plugin or selecting a new Role ID.
Removing Users from a Role
To remove a BusinessPlus user from a role, first select the role from the Entity List panel on the left. Then select the desired user from the Assigned Users list in the central panel. Using the keyboard, multiple users can be selected by holding down the Ctrl key to select specific users or by using the Shift key to select a group of users. Once selected, the Remove button in the toolbar is activated. Pressing the button will remove the selected users from the role assignment. The Save button becomes active upon changes to the Assigned Users list; use this button to save the changes prior to closing the plugin or selecting a new Role ID.