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Attach Instance

After a Workflow model is opened, the Workflow model instance record can be loaded using the Tools > Attach option. In the Attach dialog, the following functions are available:

Show In Progress Only: "In Progress" Workflow model instance records are displayed in the results box. These are the instance records that are marked with a status of "I" (In Progress) or "P" (Process Immediately).
Show This Version Only: Workflow model instances for the currently loaded Workflow model version are displayed in the results box. These are instance records that are marked with a version number for this Workflow model.
Show Next < Now Only: When this box is selected, only Workflow model instance records with a Next Date less than the current date/time are displayed in results box. These are records that are ready to be processed again by the Workflow Engine when it wakes up next.
Use Match Key: Used in conjunction with the Match Key edit field to search for and display any Workflow model instance records in which the partial unique key match is used as an indistinct search when the user is attempting to locate a particular record. The value entered in the Match Key field is matched against the current Workflow model instance records that match the other check box settings in addition to matching against the partial key.
Match Key: When the "Use Match Key" checkbox is selected, this field is used to enter the unique key that the user is searching for. It is only necessary to enter the partial unique key. It is not necessary to enter any special characters ("*", "%"). The field is disabled when the "Use Match Key" checkbox is not selected.
Use Match Description: Used in conjunction with Match Description field to search for and display any Workflow model instance records in which the wf_description match is used when the user is attempting to locate a particular record. The value entered in the Match Description field is matched against the current Workflow model instance records that also match the other check box settings in addition to matching against the description. 
Match Description: When the "Use Match Description" checkbox is selected, this field is used to enter the description that the user is searching for. The field supports wildcard searches using the % sign. This field is disabled when the "Use Match Description" checkbox is not selected.
Refresh List: Selecting the Refresh List button results in the dialog box list being refreshed using the new criteria.

Results Window
Description: Current description of the Workflow model instance record.
Status: Current status of the Workflow model instance record.
Next: The next date/time the Workflow model instance record will be processed.
Creator: The BusinessPlus ID of the user who initially triggered the Workflow model for this instance.
Start: Initial date/time the Workflow model instance was created.
Key: The unique key of the BusinessPlus table record that triggered the instance.
Version: The version of the Workflow model that the instance record is currently executing against.
Unique Key: The unique key of the particular Workflow model instance record.
Matching Entries: The total count of Workflow model instance records found that match the search criteria currently being used.

Attach: Loads the selected Workflow model instance record into Workflow Designer.
Cancel: Closes the Attach dialog.
Copy: Selecting this button copies the list to the Clipboard.

Once an instance is selected, the following options will be available for further information about the progress and history of the Workflow model instance.

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