Convert To XML
With the introduction of 7i, the storage format of CDD information was changed to use an XML format. This required that all report items from prior releases be converted to the new format. To accommodate this, the Convert to XML utility is available to convert report items.
Select items to be converted from the main list. Hold down the Ctrl or Shift key to select multiple items. Press the "Convert" button to start the conversion process. A progress bar at the top displays how far along the conversion is. The item list below is updated as individual items are converted.
The user may cancel the conversion by pressing the "Stop" button. However, the conversion process will not be canceled until it is at a logical breaking point.
Technical Notes
The actual conversion is performed by creating an instance of Click Drag & Drill that is then used as a "Report Server" similar to the way 7i uses CDD instances in the report pool. Because of this interaction, performing the conversion on an active 7i server is not recommended. However, if that is the only option available, change the DCOMCNFG settings for "Report Processing Server" to run with an identity of "Interactive" before performing the conversion, then turn it back to the prior user setting (most likely IUSR_IFAS) once the conversion is complete.
If the conversion is being performed on a machine that is not set up for 7i, it may be necessary to install Click, Drag & Drill well as the Administrative Console on that machine to perform this conversion.