Manage Workflow Groups
Security Roles that involve Workflow are separated into their own entity known as Workflow groups. The Manage Workflow Groups plugin allows a security administrator to define and configure Workflow groups and to assign users to those groups. These pages may be accessible using the BusinessPlus mask NUUPMW.
The Manage Workflow Groups screen consists of three panels:
Entity List: A list of the current role IDs and role titles.
Assigned Users: Displays users assigned to a security role.
User List: Contains user IDs and names, displays all defined users.
Group ID: Value used to reference the Workflow group. From the Toolbar, click Add ( + ) to create a new Workflow group, then enter a Group ID.
Group Title: Description of the Workflow group. This description appears in the group combo box on the activity setting dialog box.
Enable Workflow Instance Hold Capability: The Hold option allows users in the group to place a task-listed item on hold indefinitely, and add threaded notes to indicate the reason for the hold. Anyone in the same group can take an action to move it from the Hold status by approving, forwarding, or rejecting the task-listed item. The task list displays an enabled white hand when the hold option is available. If not selected, the hold capability is disabled for all users in the group and the task list displays greyed-out inactive hand.
Choose User From Group By:
< none >
N (Priority within Group): Select this option from the list to assign to the Workflow group on a priority basis. The first available ID in the group definition will always be selected first when assigning a BusinessPlus User ID within a Workflow group. If the first one is not available, then the second BusinessPlus User ID will be assigned the activity, and so on.
Y (Round Robin): Select this option from the list results to assign to the Workflow group on a round robin basis. This means that the assignment will be made in an attempt to balance the workload. If the first BusinessPlus User ID in the Workflow group has two current assignments for the Workflow model and the second BusinessPlus User ID has none, then the second one will be assigned the activity.
Workflow Group Assignments
After you create a Workflow group, you must assign BusinessPlus User IDs to the group.
From the Entity List panel or from Find mode, select the Workflow group.
From the User List panel, double-click a user name to add the user to the group. A user icon will display in the Assigned Users panel. Add users as required. Priority is set automatically as you add users.
Click Save.
If the Workflow group type is Priority within Group, the order of the BusinessPlus User IDs in the Workflow group is the order followed when making Activity Action assignments. To change the order of the list, select the assigned user, use the arrows on the Assigned Users list to move the user to the preferred priority within the list.
To remove a BusinessPlus User ID from the Assigned Users list, click the user icon once to highlight the user, then from the toolbar click Remove User.
The Workflow Group console section has an optional setting to control user list rows. From the Preferences drop-down list, select Settings. Navigate to the Manage Workflow Groups tab to update the number of rows and apply the changes.