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Automatically Generate Org Keys
An option exists on the Funding sources tab of screen PAUPPR (Project Information), to automatically generate an Org Key for the entry based on the underlying project definition and the funding source. It is activated by creating this code for the appropriate ledger (or for ledger @@ if the feature is to be used by all ledgers). If different rules for Org Key generation are to be used by different ledgers, multiple common codes must be created. When this feature is active, any change made to the Funding Source will result in an update to the Org Key.
Code Category: PAFG
Code Value: FSNEWKEY
Short Description: If short description contains "OFF" then it is the same as if the common code did not exist.
Medium Description: Not required.
Long Description: Not required.
Associated Numeric Values
1-5: Reserved for future use.
Associated Codes
1-5: The 5 Associated Codes will indicate what pieces of the "Parent Key" are to be used for generating a new Org. Key.
Associated Descriptions
1-5: Reserved for future use.

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