Duplicate PEID Name Checking
If this common code is active, the PE Update screen will check for duplicate names upon entry in "Add" mode or changing the name in "View" mode. If a name match is found, regardless of case, the user will be blocked from adding the new PEID. The error message will identify the number of matching entries and the reason from the block. A "Find" may then be executed to locate all the offending entries or the user may continue entering the PEID by pressing enter again.
Code Category: PENM
Code Value: CHECK
Short Description: Leave blank to enable duplicate PEID name checking. Enter "OFF" to disable.
Medium Description: Leave blank to include all PEID statuses in the duplicate name checking. Enter "NOINACTIVE" to prevent inactive PEIDs from being included in the duplicate name checking (i.e., only PEIDs with a status of "AC" will be included).
Long Description: Used to describe the common code (not required).
Associated Numeric Values
1: Number of characters of the PEID to compare (0-12). If no entry or zero, then the PEID will not be used in the duplicate name checking criteria. The system, by default, will not allow a duplicate PEID to be entered.
2: Number of characters of the PE Name to compare (1-128). If no entry or zero, then all characters of the PE Name will be used to find duplicates.
3-5: Reserved for future use.
Associated Codes, Associated Descriptions
1-5: Reserved for future use.