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Person Entity - PE

A number of different codes can be associated with Person/Entities in the Person / Entity system. These common codes keep track of pre-defined values of specific screen fields so that at data entry time entered codes are validated. Two of these common codes allow BusinessPLUS to automatically generate Person/Entity numbers. These common codes are referred to as "seeds" for the ID numbers. The first type of entry is for ID numbers that are "added" to the PEDB as permanent IDs. The second type of entry is for ID numbers that are temporary IDs, commonly temporary vendors. The remaining Codes used by the Person/Entity system are required codes used for the definition of a Person/Entity. These codes must be defined prior to their use in the PEDB. Codes are maintained on NUUPCD.

In addition to the PE common codes, zip codes may be logged by City and State. After Zip Codes are recorded, they may be entered at Person/Entity data entry time and the system will retrieve the appropriate City and State. This is an optional feature. Clients who choose to use another database for the storage of Person/Entity information must have a common code defined that redirects the validation process from subsystems requiring PE IDs. The common code, PECD/SEARCH, will aid in the validation by defining an appropriate search hierarchy for alternate name and address databases.

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