View Security XML
Role-based security uses a combination of XML and XSL to generate a particular user's version of the Security Structure. The View Security XML plugin in the Administrative Console (Security Admin > Analysis) allows an administrator to view the actual Security Structure XML, Security Role XSL and the resulting user's Security XML documents.
When a type of document is selected, the system retrieves the corresponding information from security. If a document was previously generated and persisted into the IFAS_DATA table, it will use that one. Otherwise, it will generate a new version of the document from the current security setup. The Save button on the toolbar allows the current document to be saved to the file system.
When viewing a User Security XML document, the XML viewer will attempt to gray out the nodes that have no access for that user. This is to assist in identifying how much of the security structure is available to this user in the software.
In the case of both the User Security XML and the Role Security XSL, the Refresh button will attempt to clear the persisted version of security and reload the most current version.