Common Codes - BK
Post New Checks (BKUTBK)
Purpose | Code Category/Value for BK Post New Checks from Bank File | Description |
General Setup Information (required) | CKID Specific: BKNC/XX | This common code is used to define the Bank File of new checks to be written to BK for the specified bank ID. |
Specific: BKNC/xxTAPE | Bank ID for the checks that will be uploaded followed by TAPE. | |
Additional MISC Records | Specific: BKNC/xxMISC BKNC/xxMISC2 | Bank ID for the checks that will be issued followed by MISC. |
Specific: BKNC/xxPEID | Bank ID for the checks that will be issued followed by PEID | |
Specific: BKNC/xxDATEID | Bank ID for the checks that will be issued followed by DATEID. | |
Specific: BKNC/xxRECSEL | Bank ID for the checks that will be issued followed by RECSEL. | |
Specific: CKIF/XX | Eliminates tail sheet error. |
Load Bank Reconciliation File (BKUTLB)
The common codes may be ledger-specific or set to "@@" ledger for all ledgers. Disable common codes by typing "OFF" in the short description field. The file must be bank-specific for BKUTLB, BKUPBA, and BKUPRC by replacing the XX with a specific Bank ID.
Purpose | Code Category/Value | Description |
General Setup Information (required) | Used to describe general characteristics of the Bank Reconciliation file. | |
Cancelled Check Indicator (required) | Indicates which records are cancelled checks (document type of "CHK"). | |
Deposit Indicator (optional) | Indicates which records are deposits (Document type of "DEP"). | |
Adjustment Indicator (optional) | Indicates which records are adjustments (Document type of "ADJ"). | |
Interest Indicator (optional) | BKRC/xxINT | Indicates which records represent Interest (document type of "INT"). |
Bank Fee Indicator (optional) | Indicates which records are fees (Document type of "FEE"). | |
EFT Indicator (optional) | Indicates which records are EFTs (Document type of "EFT"). | |
Check Number (required) | Defines check number position within the Bank Recon file. This same position is often used for non-check unique references as well. Use Common Code BKRC/xxTRANNO for non-check records. | |
CKID Position (optional) | This information will identify the CKID to use when writing records to BK. The CKID entered at run-time will only be used for reading the configuration common codes used by the program. | |
Non-Check Transaction Reference (required only if non-checks are to be reconciled) | Defines unique transaction reference position within Bank Recon file for non-checks. If this unique reference is not provided in the bank file, define seed code in medium description so that a unique reference may be derived. Import the bank reference number or generate a seed, but not both. | |
Check Amount (required) | Defines check amount position within bank file and if formatted with a decimal. It is assumed that the amount is fixed with no "." If not, update the Short Desc field. | |
Check Date (required) | Defines position and format of the date the document was processed by the bank within bank file. Note that this date will be titled "Clear Date" on the BKUTLB report; insert into BKUPBA as "Entry Date"; then become the "Cancel Date" on BKUPCD after reconciliation. | |
Skip Records (optional) | Defines string values that will prompt the interface to skip a bank input record(s). | |
Record Selection (optional) | Defines record selection based on specific character strings and column position. BKRC/xxSKIP takes precedence. | |
Define Type based on two fields (optional) | Determines the document type code based two fields within the bank file. BKRC/xxCOMBO takes precedence. |
Positive Pay (BKUTPP)
The positive pay file is compiled through relationship between the Common Codes, Output Codes, and the file content derived from BKUPCD. "xx" is a specific CKID code (or Bank ID). CKID-specific will supersede the generic setup.
- "nn" is a sequential number from 01 to 99. Codes with "nn" use Output Codes.
- Code Values should be numbered in a sequential manner, from 01 up to 99, such as BKPP/Header01, BKPP/Header02.
- Ledger-specific will supersede the @@ ledger – except when using CKID-specific vs. generic.
- Codes may be disabled by setting the Short Description field to "OFF."
See Positive Pay for information on how to create a positive pay file.
CKID Specific | CKID Generic | Purpose | Required |
Creates a lookup table to display a bank's account and/or routing numbers for a specific bank ID (CKID or check stock). | N | ||
An extension of BKPP/xxCKID or CKID to define additional bank IDs. | N | ||
Summarize control totals per bank IDs instead of check issue dates. | N | ||
Control Totals - Summarizes record clusters that share the same Issue Date (or CKID). Output Codes define fields, e.g., total count of "issued" or "voided" checks on a specific Issue Date. | N | ||
Check Type selection, e.g., HW, MW, VH, or VM. May be an Output Code. | N | ||
BKPP/xxDETLnn | BKPP/DETAILnn | Detail - First line of record details; dynamically defined by Output Codes. Record(s) displayed may be limited per BKPP/STATUS. | Y |
Exclude masks from positive pay. | N | ||
BKPP/xxEXTDnn | BKPP/EXTDTLnn | Extended Detail - Third line of record details based on BKPP/DETAILnn; dynamically defined by Output Codes. | N |
Alternate file name (when Short Desc within BKPP/GEN says "CUSTOM"). | N | ||
File footer displays after all record details; dynamically defined by Output Codes. Presence controlled by the footer flag on BKPP/GEN. | N | ||
FTP transfer setup. | N | ||
Core of Positive Pay file - Describes general characteristics of the Positive Pay file, i.e., header, footer, file name, file location, formats, and more. | Y | ||
File header displays before all record details; dynamically defined by Output Codes. Presence controlled by the header flag on the BKPP/GEN. | N | ||
If report records are defined, this common code identifies the report header to use. | N | ||
BKPP/xxREPTnn | BKPP/REPORTnn | Defines fields/columns in the report. Up to 99 may be defined. | N |
Limits record selection to statuses within the Associated Codes 1-5, e.g, IS, CX, RV and so on. (Compare to SUBDTL.) | N | ||
Further limits the writing of Sub detail records to statuses within the Associated Codes 1-5, e.g, IS, CX, RV and so on. May be an Output Code. (Compare to STATUS.) | N | ||
BKPP/xxSUBDnn | BKPP/SUBDTLnn | Sub Detail - Second line of record details based on BKPP/DETAILnn; dynamically defined by Output Codes. | N |
Transmission footer will display last within file when Final Report Flag is "Yes." | N | ||
Transmission header will display first within file. Will display when Final Report Flag is "Yes" or "No." | N |