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Common Codes - PE

The following is a list of PE Common Codes installed with BusinessPlus as base setup.

Person Entity Address Codes

PEAD/XX (sample codes are loaded during install)

Person Entity Phone Codes

PEPH/XX (sample codes are loaded during install)

Person Entity Association Codes

PEAS/W9WAIT - Indicates waiting on 1099 information
PEAS/W9FILE - Indicates 1099 information received
PEAS/BIDLIST - Creates Vendor bid list
PEAS/SEPCKINV - Creates a separate check per invoice

Person Entity ID Seed Numbers

SYNO/PEIDXXX (where XXX is the seed value; installed is /NUMS)

Person Entity PE ID and Name Min & Max Values


Person Entity Page Disable Code


Person Entity Logging Code


Person Entity Owner ID Code

PEOW/XXXXXXXX (client-specific code; some modules specify the value)

Person Entity Duplicate SSN Code


Person Entity Duplicate TIN Code


Person Entity SSN/TIN Required Code


Person Entity State Codes

PEST/XX (two-character State Code)

Person Entity Country Codes

PECO/XXXX (Country Codes; e.g., CAN - Canada)

Person Entity Salutation Codes

PESA/XXXX (Salutation Code; e.g., DR - Doctor)

Person Entity Add Salutation Codes


Person Entity Suffix Codes

PESF/XXXX (Suffix Code; e.g., JR - Junior)

Person Entity Add Suffix Codes


Person Entity Affiliation Codes

PEAF/XXXXXXXX (client-specific code)

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