Create Positive Pay File - BKUTPP
Generate a positive pay file on demand or reprint the file. Add at least one valid Bank ID and click Submit. Providing various BKPP common codes are in place, the file will be saved to the server location defined within BKPP/xxGEN.
Apply filters before running the utility by defining a range using dates and/or check numbers. The records that populate the positive pay file will be limited to records that fit within the criteria set. Additional filters are available to limit records reported within the file that are common codes. For instance, BKPP/xxDTYPE can be configured to limit the file to only checks, a combination of checks and EFTs, or other ideations.
After running BKUTPP, review the job's tail sheet for particulars concerning the file creation. The tail sheet will describe counts, amounts, and where the file was saved on the server. Submitting a file will not update or change system data, but simply creates a positive pay file as configured by common codes.
Please enter the two-character bank/check ID code(s): Enter the two-character code(s) used internally to identify a bank account. Multiple bank IDs should be separated by commas without spaces (e.g., AP,PY,A2). Caution is advised when entering these details as the system will not validate the code(s). Bank IDs are defined in common code CKID/XX.
Enter the name of the Positive Pay File to be created: Enter the name (up to 16 characters) to give the positive pay file. This file will be created on the Job Server defined within BKPP/xxGEN. (required)
Enter the Beginning Check/Reversal Date: Enter a begin date for the selection that is equal to or before the End Date (optional). Checks created before the "Begin" date will be omitted from the file regardless of the check numbers documented within the utility. (optional)
Enter the Ending Check/Reversal Date: Enter the end date for the selection that is equal to or later than Begin Date (optional). Checks created after the "End" date will be omitted regardless of the check numbers documented within the utility. (optional)
Please enter a starting check number to use for selection: Enter a specific check number or the beginning check number if printing a range or series of checks for selection (optional).
Please enter an ending check number to use for selection: Enter the same specific check number (create file with the one check) or the ending check number if printing a range or series of check numbers to be selected (optional).
Is this the Final Report for the month? A flag that serves a few purposes.
- Append - Configure the common code BKPP/xxGEN to APPEND multiple files to one master file before submitting the master file to a bank. When using the Append feature, the file's MPE label will be visible until the Final Flag is updated to "Y" (yes). Note: When using Append, use the default file name "Pyymmddx" that requires leaving the Short Desc of BKPP/xxGEN blank. The system may be designed to use the append feature with each check run via APOHPPPA (see BKCS/BK200) and then schedule a nightly report to run via Workflow; Consult with a BusinessPLUS professional for assistance.
- Display a Transmission Footer (BKPP/xxTRFOOT) - Setting this flag to Yes (BKUTPP's Final Report) will prompt the display of the transmission footer as the last line of a file, if defined. When flag is No (not checked), the transmission footer will not display. (Transmission Header will always display, if defined.)
Please enter the Cutoff Date: Enter the certification cutoff date (optional). Will typically default to the last date of a month.