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Purge PEIDs Not Recently Used - PEUTPI

This utility is used to purge PE IDs that haven not been recently used.

Cutoff date for PEID activity: Enter or select the cutoff date for PE ID activity. This date will determine what is considered "recent" activity. The default date provided by the system is the beginning of the previous fiscal year. If the activity for a PE ID is on or after this date, the PE ID will not qualify for purging.
Choose the Subsystems to check for PEID activity: The system defaults to "00 All Subsystems," to check each subsystem for activity. If you do not use a particular subsystem, the utility will recognize this and not open that database. Alternatively, a single subsystem may be selected. It is recommended that the default be used.
PE Selection Criteria: Additional selection criteria may be used to create a subset of PE IDs without recent activity if desired.
Select the action to take on qualified PEID's: The PEUTPI utility has the option of simply inactivating the PE ID rather than purging it. Another option is to run this utility in test mode to allow you to see a report of PE IDs that qualify prior to updating the database.
Print all entries (qualified or not)? (Y/N): By default, the utility will print only PE IDs that qualify for purging. If the question "Print All Entries?" is checked Yes, the system will print all PE IDs processed regardless of their qualification. All qualified PE IDs will be marked with an asterisk before the PE ID.

Both the PEUTPI and PEUTPU utilities will allow the deletion of any PE ID in the system, even if they are referenced in other datasets and databases. Purging a PE ID means that any PO, check, or other record, still referencing that PE ID will no longer display the name or address associated with the PE ID. With either utility, perform a complete backup of the database in case of any errors in selection criteria.

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