Create of Update Transfer Sets - GLBUBATR
The General Ledger (GL) Budget Transfers (GLBUBATR) page is used for "intra-fund" budgeting. Its purpose is to allow users to distribute budgets from a fund holding account to the "lower level" accounts they are responsible for controlling. When using these pages to create sets, the entries must balance by fund and reference. Only one fund may be used per reference.
If the intent is to use this page to do "inter-fund" budgeting, a holding account for each fund must exist. Money can then be transferred from each fund holding account into their corresponding "lower level" accounts. If this is not feasible, then the GL Create/Update Budget Set (GLBUBAUB) page should be used to create budget sets.
The amount posted from this set is a change (increase/decrease) to the budget, not the new amount of the budget.
Set Tab
The Set tab displays the unique Set ID. Once the new set is saved, the word "none" in the tab label will be replaced with the actual Set ID. Below the tab are system-derived data showing a series of fields that describe and summarize basic elements of the Set.
Set ID: Up to 16 characters used as a batch identifier. Define NU Common Codes Category/Value SYNO/BTCHIDBU to enable system-generated Set ID seed values.
Status: When entering a new Set, the system automatically populates this field with BE, indicating Batch Entry status and that the Set has not been distributed. In find mode, this field can be used to search for JE Sets with a particular status.
Create User: A display-only field showing the user ID who is creating or created the given set.
Create Date: Display-only field showing the date of creation. This is useful in determining current from non-current sets.
Update User: A display-only field showing the user ID who created or last updated the given set.
Update Date: A display-only field showing the date of the batch update.
Set Totals
The page footer holds the Set ID and fields that are displayed no matter which tab you select to view. The footer summarizes all the budget adjustments defined on the Budget Adjustment tab.
Total DR: The sum of the Debits for the entire batch.
Total CR: The sum of the Credit for the entire batch.
Net: This is the conclusive difference of the sum of the Debit and Credit; the total balance for the current reference(s). Each reference must have a zero Net for the batch to be accepted.
Record Count: The number of records in the batch.
Reference Count: The number of References in the batch. A Reference is to a Budget Set as an Invoice Number to an Invoice.
Budget Increase: The sum total of the batch's budget increase.
Budget Decrease: The sum total of the batch's budget decrease.
Budget Transfer Tab
The Budget Transfer tab is used to input increases and decreases to accounts. The bottom of the page duplicates information regarding the input on the batch as a whole. This page includes two sub-tabs: Main and Text.
Set ID: A read-only field that fetches the Set ID value from the Set tab.
Reference: Up to 16-characters used as a batch identifier. Define NU Common Codes Category/Value SYNO/BUIDxxxx to enable system-generated Reference seed values.
Reference Totals
Total Dr: The sum of the Debits for the entire batch.
Total Cr: The sum of the Credit for the entire batch.
Net: This is the net Debit/Credit balance for the batch current references. Each reference must have a zero Net for the batch to be accepted.
Budget Increase: The sum total of the batch's budget increase.
Budget Decrease: The sum total of the batch's budget decrease.
Main Tab
Description: Up to 30 characters used to describe this Budget Transfer.
Fiscal Year: Four-digit fiscal year of the budget to be adjusted. When the budget fiscal year spans two calendar years, the fiscal year is either the year beginning or year ending the accounting span, as defined in the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page, Calendar tab.
Date: The Date field holds the effective date of the changes. The FY field is derived from the Date field.
Account: Enter the account string to which the budget change is made. The account number may be typed in, selected from the ellipsis (…) as individual segments, or selected from a list of complete account numbers. Selecting "Lookup Account" will display a list of account numbers that have already been created in the selected fiscal year. The account string format defaults to OB (Object Code Level), but can be changed to any group level defined in GLUPGN, Object tab, for the ledger code.
To Account Type: This field displays the Object Type (e.g., "XP" = Expenses) of the chosen object code as defined in GL Object Codes.
Adjustment: Describes how the system will respond to the entry placed in the Amount field, either Debit or Credit.
IF Balance Type of account = | AND Adjustment Amount is | THEN Adjustment is a | Signifies a: |
DR | + (positive number) | Credit | Budget Increase |
DR |
| Debit | Budget Decrease |
CR | + (positive number) | Debit | Budget Increase |
CR |
| Credit | Budget Decrease |
Individual Object Codes and/or ranges may be forced to a different "Normal Balance type" for budgeting. This can be set by using NU Common Codes, with a Category/Value of GLBU/BALTYPE. "SAME" in Associated Code 1 will reverse the above page displays. Additionally, NU Common Codes Category/Value of GLBU/TROBJxxx may be defined such as to alter whether a debit or credit will increase or decrease the budget. This common code should be set to one setting and should not be changed unless there is a change in policy as to how the budget debits and credits should be posted.
To Balance Type: This field displays the normal balance type ("DR" = debit; "CR" = credit) for the chosen object code as defined in GL Object Codes (BLUPOB or GLUPOS) page.
Increase-Decrease: This field denotes whether the entry is an increase or decrease to the budget.
Reason: A code to associate a reason for these adjustments. Codes available for selection are client-defined in NU Common Codes, with a Category/Value of BURS/xxxx, where XXXX is the (up to four-character) reason code; the description of the reason should be entered in the Medium Description field. Defining NU Common Codes Category/Value of BURS/CHECK will make this field a required field. Defining NU Common Codes Category/Value of GLBU/GL371C can set a default for this field by entering the Reason code in Associated Code 1.
Budget Version: Select the budget version to be changed. Budget versions available in the drop-down list are ledger-specific and are derived from the GLUPGN page, Budget tab.
Defining NU Common Codes Category/Value of GLBU/GL371C can set a default for this field by entering the Budget Version code in Associated Code 2.
Fund Type: A code that describes the Fund Type of this transaction. Codes available for selection are client-defined in NU Common Codes, with a Category/Value of BUFT/xx, where XX is the (up to two-character) type code. Defining NU Common Codes Category/Value of BUFT/CHECK will make this field a required field.
Debit / Credit: Read-only fields. Describes how the system is responding to the entry placed in the Amount field; either Debit or Credit. The fields update after entering an Amount and then tabbing to another field or hitting ENTER.
Amount: Enter the desired effect for the account; then the Debit/Credit fields will update accordingly. Typically enter a positive amount to increase and a negative amount to decrease an account.
Text Sub Tab
The Text tabbed page is for any additional notes that you wish to record and accompany with the adjustment. To save text, press the <Shift><Enter> key combination.
The Links sidebar provides additional features for the user without having to exit the page. From Links the user may print and/or post the Set. There is also a direct link to the Budget Update (GLBUUP) page.
From Tools, a user may copy an existing Set (posted or un-posted) to a new Set name. The user will also be prompted to enter a new Reference.