Default CDH Rate or Information - PBSTCD
The Position Budgeting (PB) Default CDH Rate/Information (PBSTCD) page is used to set up a default amount for any CDH that is in PB Employee Information (PBUPEM) page with a 0 entry in the Amount and Percent Fields. These types of benefits usually are calculated in Payroll (e.g., an amount of 0 is entered in HR).
Model: Select the Model that uniquely identifies records the default CDH rate/information. Model values are defined on the PB Setup (PBSTRQ) page.
CDH: Select a CDH number. Code values are defined in PYUPCC/DD (py_cdh_mstr table).
Description: This field will display the short description from the CDH definition page in payroll.
Amount: Enter a flat dollar amount for the CDH. If both an amount and percent exist, the amount value is used.
Percent: Enter a percent for the CDH. If both an amount and percent exist, the amount value is used.
Axp: Select the Axp (amount expressed as). If the percent field has been entered, this value is assumed to be an "A" for annual. Code values are defined in static system codes.
Comments: Enter any desired comments.
Delete All
Deletes all of the entries for the displayed model.