Account Directors - GLRESR07
Reports Annual Budget to Monthly and YTD Actual showing detail transactions within selected date range. This is sorted Object Code within Org. Key within Org. Key Director's Name/Title. Separate Income/Expense totals with Income minus Expense. Standard Report 07 prints a column: budget minus YTD. This amount is suppressed if there is no budget for a specific account. The suppression can be overridden with the common code: GLRP/507 with a Y in the first position of the short description. (Standard report 08 has a similar common code: GLRP/508).
You will be asked if this report being run for a single fiscal year. How you respond to this question affects the way budget values and prior values are represented. If you answer 'Y' to this question, budgets listed will be taken from the last fiscal year in the date range and prior values will be calculated from the beginning of the fiscal year that contains the Begin Date. If you answer 'N' to this question, you will be asked to enter the beginning fiscal year to calculate budgets and prior values. Budgets will be the sum of all fiscal years from the year entered through the last fiscal year in the date range. Prior values will be from the beginning of the fiscal year requested up to the begin date entered. Optionally, one may set budgets to reflect only the first fiscal year in the fiscal year range. This is controlled by the default value in question GQ2A (set to NO for this to activate). Some clients use this strategy to handle multi-year budgets.