Cashier Balancing - ARBTCRBL
After transactions have been entered into a CR batch through Summary or Direct Cash, the Accounts Receivable (AR) Cashier Balancing (ARBTCRBL) page may be used to enter payment type and payment amount totals for the payment types in that Set (batch). The primary use for this page is for cashiers to balance their cash drawer to the CR batch file by payment type. The cashier will be waned of those payment types that are out of balance from the system-calculated totals. The system will not display its calculated total values.
The cash receipt batch proof report will show the cashier provided totals by payment type along with the current calculated payment type totals. The batch proof and distribution process will be used by the supervisor for verification that the cashier is in balance. A warning will be issued on the report if these totals are not in balance.
Procedurally, the client can use the Cashier Balancing page to have the cashier sign-off and have the supervisor review it to ensure that the batch is in balance.
Set: Enter the previously defined Cash Receipt Set (batch) to balance.
Cashier ID: Display only. The ID of the current user.
Payment Type: Display only. The Payment Types that are used in the current batch. If there is no Payment Type for a transaction, "**" will be shown.
Description: Display only. The description of the corresponding payment type.
Amount: The user is allowed to enter a user-calculated dollar amount in this field for the Payment Type listed. This amount should balance with the system-calculated total for this Payment Type. An error message is given if these totals are not in balance.
Total Payments: Display only. The system totals the user-entered amounts for all Payment Types and displays it in this field.
Cash Drawer Beginning Balance: Display only. Displays the user-entered Cash Drawer Beginning Balance from the Interactive CR Setup (ARBTCRIC) page.
Total: Display only. A total of the user-entered amounts plus the Cash Drawer Beginning Balance.