Interactive Cash Receipts - ARBTCRIC
The Accounts Receivable (AR) Interactive Cash Receipts (ARBTCRIC) page records both Accounts Receivable related receipts and cash receipts. The Set tab provides a reference to recall the set and the Interactive Cash Receipt (ICR) tab records detail. The ICR tab is broken down into three tabs: Summary, Direct Cash, and Text. Summary details are receipts created and distributed using the AR Transactions (ARBTARUB/ARBTARBP/ARBTARDS) page targeting a specific Account ID. The Direct Cash tab typically relates to non-related AR receipts but can document posting to either AR or CR (cash) transactions. Both of these tabs within the AR Interactive Cash Receipts System immediately feed into the "Summary Balance", located in the footing of the Interactive Cash Receipts tab. The third tab is the Text tab, where the user may document receipt comments or account comments.
To update the set after using the Process Receipt button, edit the set using the CR Transactions (ARBTCRUB) page. Update the User Set Total (ARBTCRUB) and perform a set proof with ARBTCRBP. Distribute with ARBTCRDS or a similar option to distribute within the AR Cash Receipts group. Various distribution options exist to allow the user to choose which subsystem(s) are targeted for the set distribution.
ARBTCRIC's hub of control rests within an XML file, described in the Configuration and Settings section. Within the XML file, various field reference codes are defined on the AR Code Definitions (ARUPCD) page. The XML configuration file, directly and indirectly, refers to these codes for defaults, such as the Finance Code, establishing preferred codes to streamline postings or complete data entry. For example, define a Finance Code to accommodate overpayments or post partial payments. In contrast to other subsystems, AR relies little on NU Common Codes but does use some common codes for setting dates and late fees.
The ENTER key is disabled on the Interactive Cash Receipts tab. Use the Process Receipt button to send the receivable to the ARBTCRUB page for distribution.
Set ID: Up to 16 characters that uniquely identify a set of transactions
User Set Total: This field should default to a negative penny (-0.01) to accommodate system processes
Created By: Display-only field showing the User ID of the person who created the Set
Create Date: Display-only field showing the date of creation
Updated By: Display-only field showing the User ID of the person who last updated the Set
Last Update Date: Display-only field showing the date of the last update
Status: Display-only field showing the progression of the records related to that set
System Totals
Set Total: Display-only field showing system-generated totals of the amounts entered, showing the running total of distribution amounts for the given Set ID
Receipt Count: Display-only field showing the invoice count
Record Count: Display-only field showing the total sum of records for all related invoices of the given set
Set Default Information
Receipt Date: Date of the receipt
Beg Balance: If you are using a cash drawer, enter the beginning balance that the cash drawer holds before opening for the day. This is used for daily balancing purposes.
Distribute Immediately: If this field is set to Y, the AR database is updated immediately when the receipt is processed. The transactions are placed in the Cash Receipts Set specified for later posting to the GL database. If this field is set to N, the transactions are not posted to the AR database until the standard distribution process. The default for this question is defined in the settings file ARBTCRIC_Settings.xml.
Bank Slip: The bank deposit number or internal reference number per administrative guidelines
Bank Date: The actual or intended bank deposit date
Trans Format: Select the system code, which directs the manner in which the description, as it would appear in the general ledger, is to be created by the system. The following describes each code:
Code | GL Transaction description consists of : |
IN | PE ID, followed by a blank, 15 characters of the PE name |
NI | 15 characters of PE name, followed by a blank, then PE ID |
IB | PE ID, a blank, and description (name if desc blank) |
NB | PE name, a blank, and description |
NM | The full name of the Person or Entity |
DX | Full Description |
Receipt Format: The Cash Receipt form (or Elf form) to use when printing cash receipts. Files should be located in each web server's inetpub\wwwroot\IFAS7\XML\Layout\Custom\ARReceipts folder with file type of XML (.xml). The drop-down menu displays the file name of any .xml file in this folder.
Journal Format: The Cash Receipt form (or Elf form) to use when printing cash receipts. Files should be located in each web server's inetpub\wwwroot\IFAS7\XML\Layout\Custom\ARReceipts folder with file type of XML (.xml). The drop-down menu displays the file name of any .xml file in this folder.
Validation/Endorsement Formats:
Format 1: Specifies the validation formats to use. Files should be located in each web server's inetpub\wwwroot\IFAS7\XML\Layout\Custom\ARReceipts folder with file type of XML (.xml). The drop-down menu displays the file name of any .xml file in this folder.
Format 2: Specifies the validation formats to use. Files should be located in each web server's inetpub\wwwroot\IFAS7\XML\Layout\Custom\ARReceipts folder with file type of XML (.xml). The drop-down menu displays the file name of any .xml file in this folder.
Use the Receipt tab for recording cash receipts that can be applied to both Accounts Receivable related receipts and non-related Accounts Receivable receipts. There are three record forms within the Interactive Cash Receipts system: Summary Cash Receipts, Direct Cash Receipts, and Text. The Summary CR relates only to A/R related receipts, while the Direct CR relates to both related and non-related A/R receipts. Both tabs within the Interactive Cash Receipts page can provide an immediate balance because of automatic updating. The Text tab includes a form for Receipt text and Account text.
To clear Receipt tab data, use the Refresh function located in the side menu of the page.
The header row identifies an AR Account ID and description (both optional), receipt area, and description of the payment amount.
The first row identifies the AR Account ID and description. After typing an AR Account ID into the ID field and tab out. If the chosen account has outstanding invoices or undistributed transactions, the page typically populates the Summary tab with a list of invoices pending payment. If not using the ID, or the ID used does not have pending invoices or charges, the page's typical default setting is to open the "Direct Cash" tab. The typical default is how ARBTCRIC's XML settings within a driver file are set for a typical install. Refer to Configuration and Settings for customizing the page.
To review the details of an invoice displayed in the Summary tab, which is associated with the AR Account ID entered in the ID field, navigate to the AR Direct Transaction Update (ARUPTR) page. Search for the desired Account ID. Associated invoices (or summary charges) appear along with more detail about the transactions.
Account No: An optional field for posting the payment to an AR account ID. When tagging a defined AR Account ID, the ID used must first be a valid AR Account ID, and that ID must also first exist in the PE Information (PEUPPE) page. The ID's Accounts Receivable data is managed within the AR Account Information (ARUPAC) page. Update non-AR related information, like the actual name, address, contact info, Tax ID number, and more, using the PE Information page.
Name: Account name as defined on PEUPPE for Account ID/PE ID.
Desc: Description of the transaction. Text entered in this field appears on the transaction if the payment was entered via the Summary tab. For payments entered via the Summary tab with the Desc field left blank, the description defaults to "PAYMENT" when the receipt is successfully processed via the Process Receipt button.
Set ID: It is a read-only field that will fetch the Set ID value from the Set tab.
Receipt: Up to 10 characters that identify the Cash Receipt. This is typically an internally controlled number or identifier and is used to uniquely identify the transaction for audit trail purposes. If a Receipt number is not known, a system-generated Receipt Number can be assigned by defining a seed value through NU Common Codes, with a Category/Value of SYNO/CRREF. For multiple seed values, the code value is "CRREF" plus the two-character suffix (e.g., SYNO/CRREFAA). To assign a seed number, use the Ctrl+T key combination, or click on the ellipsis, to see a list of available defined seeds. This field may be locked through a setting in the ARICDVR driver file. If a user attempts to edit this field while it is locked, an error message appears.
Bank ID: Select the Bank ID code, which identifies the bank that receives the deposit. This field is used for any payments made via the Summary tab. This field is also used for any payments made via the Direct Cash tab, but only if the Bank ID column on the Direct Cash tab is blank. This field can be validated based on a flag on the AR General Information (ARUPGN) page. In AR, only the Cash Receipt process uses a Bank ID. Bank IDs may be automatically derived from the Bank ID/Check ID Preferences (GLUTSPCK) page. (See the GL User Guide for more information).
Term: The Term Code to which this transaction belongs. This code must be previously defined in the AR system through AR Code Definitions (ARUPCD) page, Term tab.
Misc: When transactions are entered into the Accounts Receivable system, each transaction may have an optional Miscellaneous Code associated with it. Miscellaneous Codes are four-character codes, which are used for a variety of purposes. These Miscellaneous Codes may be free form or they may be code validated when defined in AR Code Definitions, Misc tab. If the system is to accept only Miscellaneous Codes that have been previously defined, check the flag on the Global Settings tab of the AR General Information (ARUPGN) page. MIsc Codes appropriate for the Accounts Receivable module are defined within the AR Code Definitions (ARUPCD) page, Misc tab.
Amount: The measure of value to be applied to a specific Account ID or value of cash received for general purposes. The amount must be accompanied by a "Type" code, which is the payment type like Check or Cash. The amount does not have to be directly related to an ID in the header row. The value typed into the Amount field is applied and distributed per XML settings (refer to Configuration and Settings). When the payment hits an AR Account ID, if that Account ID has an AR balance, the amount typically applies first to the oldest open invoices displayed in the Summary tab. If the amount causes overpayment, the unapplied cash flows over into the Direct Cash tab. Overpayments need to be applied using AR Apply Overpayments (ARSPOV) utility.
When an ID is not stated, the amount is applied and visible to the Direct Cash tab as cash where the value may be applied to an invoice and hitting AR is optional. However, if Hit AR is checked, a division code and ID is required.
When the ID's account balance is zero or displays an overpayment, the amount is applied and visible to the Direct Cash tab as well.
When the Amount is applied wholly or partially within the Direct Cash tab, the transaction may default to a particular account per the XML.settings file.
Type: Select the code which indicates the form the payment is being made in (e.g., CA=Cash or MC=MasterCard). Pay Types are defined through AR Code Definitions (ARUPCD) page, Payment Type tab. If one of the pay types is "check", then a prompt to validate checks appears at the end of the receipting process. When validation is complete, simply click the OK button to close the window.
Reference: Up to 10 characters that refer this transaction to a source document. This is typically an internally controlled number or identifier and is used to uniquely identify the transaction for audit trail purposes.
Authorization: The given credit card authorization number for the transaction. This may be a required field depending upon the AR Code Definitions (ARUPCD) page, Payment Type tab. Check the box titled, "Require Credit Card Auth / Exp Date", for each applicable Payment Type code.
Expiration: The date the given credit card expires. This may be a required field depending upon the setup of information in AR Code Definitions page, Payment Type tab.
Description: This display-only field provides a summarized description of the charge. Customize the content within this field via the XML configuration file. The content is typically defined at installation or updated by a high-level user. When printing a receipt, the Description field prints what appears in the Summary tab's Description field. Specific details of the transaction are limited to those defined using the XML file.
Charge: This display-only field displays the sum of all line items on the Account ID's invoice; the charge associated with the transaction for the specified Account ID within the Header. To see the detail of the line's transaction, review the AR Direct Transaction Update (ARUPTR) page.
Applied: This field indicates the spread or portion of the payment "Amount" for the invoice of that line item in the Description. The amounts displayed are applied per XML settings; the default is oldest first. However, to reapply manually, do not delete the amount, but type the Applied amount within the line to reapply the payment. When overriding the system's application of payments in this manner, the text color changes to red. So red amounts in the "Applied" column indicate that the amount is manually applied.
Balance: This display-only field is a calculation of the amount in the Charge field offset by the amount in the Applied column. The balance immediately updates depending on the application of the "Amount" being distributed into the various lines of the "Applied" column of the Summary tab.
Finance Code: This column only appears if the "FinanceCodeOnSummaryLine" setting in the XML settings file (described below) has its Value attribute set to "Y". (The Data Processing Service on the 7i server(s) does not need to be restarted once this change is made; users with the 7i page open simply need to close it, and then re-open the page to see the column appear.) Finance Code is an optional field used for AR interface. The Finance Code is created through the AR Code Definitions (ARUPCD) page.
Summary Tab Footing
Various system-generated and system maintained fields that include totals, overpay amounts, and other summaries. The content within the footing is constantly visible and provides immediate feedback on how the Amount impacts the data displayed on the page for the chosen ID. Should the transaction process "as is", using the Process Receipt button, the footing shows how the various values would be applied or how they would impact those balances.
Term Filter: Obsolete. This field is present for backward compatibility.
Total Due: Sum of the various invoices displayed within the Summary tab.
Total to Pay: The value entered into the Amount field of the header area.
Overpay: The value of an overpayment.
Summary Charges: The ID's account balance from the AR Account Information (ARUPAC) page plus taxes, charges, duties, and less a discount given on the account's invoice. These various charges appear as receivable on the Interactive Cash Receipts (ARBTCRIC) page and roll up to sub-ledgers, accounts, or other customized outcomes per posting strategies and various administrative settings. To see detailed content that feeds the Summary Charges and AR Account balance for the given ID, see the AR Direct Transaction Update (ARUPTR) page. Consider running a query for the ID and export to Excel for analysis.
Summary Applied: The amount or value entered into the Amount field. If the value exceeds the Summary Charges, the Summary Applied equals the Summary Charge with the remaining value appearing with Direct Cash.
Summary Balance: The remaining balance for the ID after the given payment is distributed.
Direct Cash: when the Summary Applied (Amount) exceeds the Summary Charges, the remainder appears under Direct Cash.
Bottom Menu Bar: The back and next buttons navigate between invoices displayed within Summary tab. The "Options" for Record Info and Delete Record are mostly present for backwards compatibility.
Direct Cash
The Direct Cash tab is used to apply payments against transactions recorded in the Accounts Receivable database, or receipt cash not associated with AR, that is distributed to the GL only. A maximum of 75 line-item transactions can be associated with each receipt.
Quantity: Enter the individual transaction units.
Unit Price: Enter the price per unit (may auto-populate if using the Product ID field).
Ext. Amount: The system calculates and displays the extended amount, a calculation of Quantity x Unit Price.
Product ID: Enter the product ID (optional). If the Description field is not empty and a user changes the Product ID a confirmation window appears asking the user if they want to replace the description. Click Yes to replace the Description with a new Product ID description and click No to maintain the existing description.
Account: The first box of the account number field is the ledger code, derived from the ledgers defined on the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page. Only valid ledgers can be selected from the drop-down list. The active ledger code defaults into this field. The account control is driven by the input format of the ledger code selected, fully qualified or key/object. If part of the account number is unknown, use the Lookup function.
Desc: This field is used for an explanation of the line/record details. (The Description may auto-populate if using the Product ID field.)
Hit AR: Check to have the transaction hit AR. Set to "Y" by checking the box, if this transaction should be applied to the AR balance for the (AR Account) ID specified. When this box is checked, an account ID is required when processing payment receipts. Leave the box unchecked if this transaction should post only to the GL and not be recorded in AR. Note that the option to default specific details within the XML_Settings file is available.
Invoice: If this payment is against an invoice (or contract), enter the invoice number in this field. The invoice number must have been previously entered in the Accounts Receivable database.
Div: Optional four-character code that identifies the AR Division to which this transaction belongs. This field is not required if the "Hit AR" box is set to "N" (unchecked). AR Divisions are defined through AR Code Definitions page, Division tab.
Bank ID: If this field is used, it overrides the Bank ID in the page header.
Item: User defined field (no validation is performed).
Finance Code: Select the code to associate with this transaction. This code is not required but if one is entered, only charges for the specified Term appear. Terms are defined through AR Code Definitions page, Term tab.
Direct Cash Tab Footing
The Direct Cash tab footing shows various system-generated and system maintained fields that include totals, overpay amount, and other summaries. The content within the footing is constantly visible and provides immediate feedback on how the Amount impacts data displayed on the page for the chosen ID. Should the transaction process "as is", using the Process Receipt button, the footing shows how the various values would be applied or impact those balances.
Total Due: Sum of the amounts entered into the Unit Price Column times the Qty column, which should equal the Ext. Amount (extended amount).
Total to Pay: Sum of the amounts entered into the Unit Price Column times the Qty column, which should equal the Ext. Amount (extended amount).
Overpay: Not applicable.
Summary Charges: Not applicable.
Summary Applied: Not applicable.
Summary Balance: Not applicable.
Direct Cash: The amount to be paid and applied to the account(s) described in the Account column.
Bottom Menu Bar: The back and next buttons navigate between line items displayed within Direct Cash tab. The Add button adds a line of detail to describe another account of incoming cash. If attempting to create a record where the sum of all extended amounts exceeds the Amount field, the message, "Not enough payments to cover total to pay. Please resolve." appears. However, if the detailed line items are updated and the extended amount is less than the Amount field, the system generates another line within the Direct Cash tab to document the remaining value. After a line item is generated, the ability to delete the line is blocked. To process the receipt without starting over, make the Unit Price zero and verify the Amount is fully documented in the other detail lines of the Direct Cash tab. Verify the Receipt field holds a unique receipt number and then process the Receipt as usual.
The bottom menu bar's options for Record Info and Delete Record are mostly present for backward compatibility.
This text box is used to indicate information associated with a customer. This text is not printed on receipts or statements.
Text entered in this box prints as part of the item description on the receipt. This text is attached to the previous receipt detail record and prints immediately after the transaction description on the receipt. As with all text fields, use the ENTER key to insert line breaks in the text. Use the SHIFT+ENTER key combination to save the text entered.
Footer Row
Print Receipt: Click to select the box that prompts printing the paper receipt. The receipt format is defined on the Set tab when setting up the Set.
Process Receipt: Click to process the cash receipt.
Tendered: This display-only field shows the total amount received from the customer. After the transaction has been processed, the system subtracts the TTL Payment field from the Total Tendered field and displays the result as Change field.
Change: The amount of change to return to the customer.
Tools Menu
Select from the tools menu in the sidebar to perform a variety of options related to this page - reprint receipts, view term information or reverse a receipt.
Reverse Receipt: The Reverse Receipt tool is activated by clicking the Tools icon in the side options bar. Enter the receipt number (which defaults to the current receipt), then click OK to reverse the receipt. The receipt total is shown and is updated if you change the receipt number and press tab.
Configuration and Settings
Control how the page presents and processes information via the ARBTCRIC_Settings.xml file. This XML file is typically located in the inetpub\wwwroot\IFAS7\XML\Config folder on each web server. Changes made to this file are very sensitive.
XML controls and enables customization of the subsystem logic and details such as how to apply a partial payment towards multiple open receivables, the display of open invoice content within the Summary tab, the default account to post cash, and more. Fully review the XML file before adjusting from defaults established during installation.
Defer changes to an authorized user with prior knowledge on modifying these types of files or contact PowerSchool.