AR Code Definitions - ARUPCD
Unlike most other BusinessPlus subsystems, the accounts receivable (AR) database does not use many NU Common Codes. Rather, the AR code tables store most of the required and optional AR codes. The Accounts Receivable Code Definitions (ARUPCD) page is used to maintain these codes.
The following definitions are stored in AR Code Definitions:
- Calculation Codes
- Category Codes
- Division Codes
- Finance Codes
- Misc Codes
- Payment Type Codes
- Status Codes
- Term Codes
Once codes are defined, they will become available on any AR page where they are used. Most pages have a drop-down list on coded fields, and these tables are what the system uses.
Calculation Tab
Calculation codes are used to generate recurring AR transactions. The benefit of calculation code assignments is the fact that the user can create a single code that, when assigned to an Account ID (PE ID), can have different the calculation values. For instance, if the site rents out hangar space at an airport and the size of the hangar changes per client, the user can define a single calculation code that represents square footage multiplied by the rate. When the calculation code is assigned to the individual customer, the user can specify the square footage and rate. Once the calculation code is defined and assigned to a customer, the new AR set/batch is created by running the special functions option Create AR Set, Coded Calcs (ARSPCL).
Calc Code: Up to eight characters used to identify the calculation code. This is the code referenced when assigning coded calculations to a customer in the AR Account Information (ARUPAC) page.
Ledger: The ledger can be used to identify calculation codes that are ledger specific. If the calculation code can be used across ledgers then the default of @@ can be used.
Status: Select the Status to indicate if the calculation code is active or inactive. Status codes are defined on the Status tab.
Description: Up to 16 characters used to describe the calculation code.
Long Description: Up to 30 characters used to describe the calculation code.
Period: This field represents the time frame in which the calculation will be run. Some sample period strings include: EVERY DAY, EVERY WEEK, EVERY MONTH, EVERY YEAR, 90 DAY, 2 WEEK, or 3 MONTH.
Finance Code: Select the Finance Code to associate with the Calc Code being defined. Because the calculation code and assignment pages do not store the GL account number, posting code, or division, the system requires a finance code to be created and used to extract this data. Finance Codes are defined on the Finance tab.
Group: The group code is an optional field used to identify a similar group of calculation codes. The group code can then be selected when processing the Create AR Set, Coded Calcs function.
Expression: The expression field represents the calculation to be applied each time the calculation amount is derived. It can be as simple as a static amount value, or as complex as deriving the value from the Account Numeric field and multiplying by calculation value one then dividing by calculation value two. It is typically a simple calculation, multiplying "calc value one" by "calc value two", for example charging a rate times the square footage leased or rented, which would be entered as follows: CALC.VAL1*CALC.VAL2). In this example CALC.VAL1 would refer to the rent and a description of Rent would be entered into the Value 1 field. CALC.VAL2 might refer to the rate and a description of Rate would be entered into the Value 2 field. The actual values associated with these fields would be entered into the first two fields of the Values for CALC.VALn fields section of the Calc Code Assignment tab of the customer records that were assigned the Calc Code on the ARUPAC screen. If a static amount value is used, the amount should be enclosed in parentheses, such as in the following example: (125.00). Valid expressions include:
ACCT.DFNUMn Account Numeric values from the Account Information page
TERM.DFNUMn Term Numeric values from the Term code definition page
CALC.VALn Calculation values 1-6
+ Add
- Subtract
* Multiply
/ Divide
( ) Subset grouping
Variable Descriptions for CALC.VALn > Value 1 through Value 6: Description used to define the titles of the calc values. These values are displayed on the Calc Code Assignment tab of the AR Account Information page. You will only need to fill in the values that have been used in the expression field.
Category Tab
Once Account Categories have been established in AR General Information (ARUPGN) page, the Code Values are then assigned to the categories here. The final step in category assignment is to attach a category value to a customer in the AR Account Information page (ARUPAC).
Code Value: Up to four characters used to identify the category code value. This becomes the selection criteria option when selecting for reports or inquiries.
Ledger: The ledger can be used to identify category codes that are ledger specific. If the category code can be used across ledgers then the default of @@ can be used.
Description: Up to 16 characters used to describe the code value.
Long Description: Up to 30 characters used to describe the code value.
For Category: Drop-down box that contains the Account Categories assigned on the AR General Information page.
Division Tab
The Division tab is used to define AR division codes, which are required by the system when entering AR (and optionally CR) transactions. The AR database is logically divided up into groups of transactions defined as divisions. Since divisions must be used on all transactions that are stored in the AR database, they may be used to generate selected reports and aging analysis of groups of transactions. Divisions can also play an important role in the automatic posting to the general ledger since a GL account number can be assigned to each individual division code. Another component to the division code definitions is the ability to assign division specific late notice information. You are given the option to assign the amount of days you want to indicate as late as well as a specific form set to print late notices on.
Division: Up to four characters used to define the division.
Ledger: The ledger can be used to identify category codes that are ledger specific. If the category code can be used across ledgers then the default of @@ can be used.
Description: Up to 16 characters used to describe the division code.
Long Description: Up to 30 characters used to describe the division code.
General Ledger Interface
Account: These fields are made up of a two-character ledger code, the general ledger (GL) organization key and object code or fully qualified account. The format of the account field is derived by the ledger code's definition in GL General Information (GLUPGN). Each field has a drop-down or lookup option; therefore, only valid codes can be selected.
Late Notices
Days Late 1-6: These boxes represent division specific aging buckets for the late notice process. All transactions using the division will then use that division's specific late notice aging method. For example, if a division is defined as "SHRT", with the aging buckets set to 15, 30, 45, 90, 105, 120, then all invoices using the SHRT division that are 30-44 days past due would receive late notice #2.
Form Set: There are six different late notice forms loaded with the system, and the default Form Set is LN that indicates the special form files SPFMLN01-SPFMLN06. If you opt to use a different form set then make sure new special form files are created in the following format; SPFMxx01-SPFMxx06, where xx indicates the new form set.
Finance Tab
The primary purpose of Finance codes is to interface records from other BusinessPlus subsystems or non-BusinessPlus software systems. There is specific Finance code setup required for utilizing these interfaces. For AP to AR the code is defined, APAR or APARxxxx where xxxx is the AP division code. This allows the option to have different criteria entered on the new AR records by division. The GL Journal Entry to AR interface works the same way, either JEAR or JEARxxxx where xxxx indicates the GL miscellaneous code. For Stores Inventory to AR, the Finance code definition is SIAR or SIARxxxx, where xxxx represents the SI warehouse ID. Another important function of the Finance codes is the use with the AR coded calculation process. Anytime the coded calculation process is defined, a finance code must be set up to indicate the GL account, posting code, and division that will be placed on the resulting transactions.
Finance Code: Up to eight characters used to identify the finance code. To interface with BusinessPlus subsystems use the following standards:
APAR or APARxxxx - AP to AR interface, where xxxx can be the AP division code
JEAR or JEARxxxx - JE to AR interface, where xxxx can be the GL miscellaneous code
SIAR or SIARxxxx - SI to AR interface, where xxxx can be the SI warehouse code
Ledger: The ledger can be used to identify category codes that are ledger specific. If the category code can be used across ledgers then the default of @@ can be used.
Description: Up to 16 characters used to describe the finance code.
Long Description: Up to 30 characters used to describe the finance code.
Account: If this finance code is to be used on a coded calculation then ledger code and account number is required. If this code is to be used for a BusinessPlus subsystem interface then the fields are optional, since the account number from the original transaction will be used. If this is a non-BusinessPlus interface then these fields are most likely required since the originating transactions typically do not contain GL account information.
Post Code: This field represents the posting code to be used on the new transactions. Since the posting code determines how transactions post to the general ledger this should be in sync with your GL Posting Preferences (GLUTSPPP).
Division: Drop-down box listing the valid AR division codes that can be selected. The only time that this can be left blank is if the type code is CR and the Hit AR flag is not set. Any transaction that posts to the AR subsystem requires an AR Division.
Type: Drop-down box that indicates what type of set/transaction will be generated when running an interface. This is either an AR or CR set/transaction.
Misc: Drop-down box that lists the valid AR miscellaneous codes that can be selected. When this field is used it simply indicates that the new interface records should contain the given miscellaneous code, perhaps for reporting purposes.
Bank ID: Drop-down box listing the valid bank IDs that can be selected. The only time this will be used is if the type code is CR, since only cash receipt transactions utilize a bank ID.
Term: Drop-down box used to indicate the AR term code to be placed on the new records. This is typically used when interfacing from a non-BusinessPlus package. Most BusinessPlus interface processes will prompt for the term code at the time the interface is run.
Link Finance Code: Drop-down box that lists the available finance codes that can be selected. At this point, this is only used on client-specific programs.
Hit AR: Interface or coded calculation transactions typically always post to the AR subsystem, therefore the Hit AR flag should be set. The only time this option does not apply is if the new transactions generated are CR Direct Cash Receipts.
Amount: This field is only used if the amount from the interface record is not passed. Enter a specific amount for the resulting transaction.
Misc Tab
Both accounts receivable and cash receipt transactions can be flagged with a miscellaneous code. Typically, they are used to track certain types of transactions that are not already tracked by a GL account number, division code, or category code. Keep in mind that when the Check Miscellaneous code box is selected in the AR General Information page, when a miscellaneous code is used on a transaction it must first be defined here.
Misc Code: Up to four characters used to identify the miscellaneous code.
Ledger: The ledger can be used to identify miscellaneous codes that are ledger specific. If the miscellaneous code can be used across ledgers then the default of @@ can be used.
Description: Up to 16 characters used to describe the miscellaneous code.
Long Description: Up to 30 characters used to describe the miscellaneous code.
Payment Type Tab
Cash receipt transactions have a field to indicate the type of payment being received, for instance cash, check, or credit card. This page allows these payment methods to be defined since they are validated if the check payment type option is selected in the AR General Information page. Otherwise setting up of payment types is optional.
Payment Type: Two-character code used to identify the payment type.
Ledger: The ledger can be used to identify payment types that are ledger specific. If the payment type can be used across ledgers then the default of @@ can be used.
Description: Up to 16 characters used to describe the payment type.
Long Description: Up to 30 characters used to describe the payment type.
Require Credit Card Auth / Exp Date: Check box used to indicate that anytime a credit card payment type is accepted on a cash receipt, the authorization code and expiration date must be entered.
Status Tab
Status codes can be linked to Account IDs and/or Terms associated with an Account ID. For instance, AC for active, IN for inactive, DL for delinquent or CL for collections. These are optional codes that are a means to distinguish Account IDs for reporting or processing purposes. All status codes are assigned on the AR Account Information page.
Status Code: Two-character code used to identify the status code.
Ledger: The ledger can be used to identify status codes that are ledger specific. If the status code can be used across ledgers then the default of @@ can be used.
Description: Up to 16 characters used to describe the status code.
Long Description: Up to 30 characters used to describe the status code.
Term Tab
The term code can be a vital part of tracking transactions within the Accounts Receivable subsystem, because it can represent a specific period of time. AR and CR transactions require a term code, but CR transactions that post to the GL only (Direct Cash) do not require a term code.
Term Code: Up to eight characters used to identify the term code.
Ledger: The ledger can be used to identify term codes that are ledger specific. If the term code can be used across ledgers then the default of @@ can be used.
Description: Up to 16 characters used to describe the term code.
Long Description: Up to 30 characters used to describe the term code.
Default Term Status: Drop-down box that lists the valid status codes that can be selected. Whenever a new transaction is processed for a customer in this term, this will be the status assigned to the Account Information record.
Financial Aid: This field is only used by clients using a Financial Aid interface package. Used to define which financial aid bucket for the academic year is associated with this term. Enter 1, 2, 3, or 4 for the correct association.
Start Date: Date field used to indicate the start of the term. This is an optional field.
Group: Used to group terms together for reporting, selecting purposes.
End Date: Date field used to indicate the end of the term. This is an optional field.
Sort: Four-character code which assigns this term a unique chronological position. If all terms on this field are sorted, they will print in chronological order. If left blank the system uses the term code.
Default Category Values
Category 1 - 6: These boxes will display the description of any Term Categories that were defined in the AR General Information page, Category tab. The field is used to indicate the default value for a given term category.
Default Category Numerics
Numerics 1 – 6: These boxes will display the description of any Numeric Term Categories that were defined in the AR General Information page. The field is used to indicate the default numeric value for a given term category.