General Information - ARUPGN
Use the Accounts Receivable (AR) General Information (ARUPGN) page to define basic functionality of the AR subsystem. The page is defined with a set of standard (or default) settings. The standard settings enable AR to function without having to define the AR General Information page first, allowing the AR base package to run immediately. Any additions, for example category codes, are optional and can be added at any time. With the AR General Information page, the user has the ability to define global groupings with categories, term specific categories, global settings, and customized summary totals.
Select an existing Ledger code to edit the existing records, or select Add to define new records for a specific ledger from the drop-list. Define up to six Category codes used for customer grouping. Define Numeric Category codes for assigning numeric values to customers.
Account Category Tab
Category Definitions
Default Status: Enter a category status code. You must first define the status codes in the AR Codes Definitions (ARUPCD) page. The most common category status is AC for active. Another possible status code is IN for Inactive.
Category: Name the new account category definition, using either alpha or numeric values with four or less characters. Enter up to four digits containing letters and/or numbers.
Description: Enter the description (up to 16 characters) for the category. The Description is what the user sees when assigning values to a customer in the AR Account Information (ARUPAC) page, and when selecting using selection criteria.
Default: To assign a default value to ALL new customers, enter that value here. For example, if there is a category code of STAT for status, this field can be used to assign a category value of "ACT" (for active) for all new accounts (customers).
Numeric Category Definitions
Numeric Category definitions are used the same way as Account Categories, except that the values assigned to a customer are numeric.
Category: To indicate what the numeric category will be used for. Enter an alpha or numeric value with four or less characters.
Description: Enter the description (up to 16 characters) for the category that will appear when assigning category code values and selecting using selection criteria.
Default Value: To assign a numeric category default to ALL new customers for this category, enter the value in this field.
Term Category Tab
Use the Term Category tab to group together various types of client information with up to six category codes, and the added option of allowing values to change as a term (period of time) changes. The most common use for Term codes is to identify a school year. However, Term codes can also be used to identify a fiscal year or a fiscal quarter.
The difference between Term Categories and Account Categories is the Reset Term field. Rather than having a default value like Account Categories, this box allows using the same assigned value for ALL terms unless this box is flagged with a Y to reset every term.
Term Category Definitions
Category: Name the new term category definition, using either alpha or numeric values with four characters or less.
Description: Enter the Description for the category that will appear when assigning category code values and selecting with selection criteria.
Reset Term: To assign a different category value each time the term changes then select "Y". To have the same category values remain regardless of the term, select "N" or leave the field blank.
Numeric Term Category Definitions
Category: Indicate the use for the numeric term category by entering an alpha or numeric value in this field with four or less characters.
Description: Enter the description for the category that will appear when assigning category code values and selecting with selection criteria.
Reset Term: To assign a different category value each time the term changes then select "Y". To have the same category values remain regardless of the term, select "N" or leave the field blank.
Global Settings Tab
Use the default Global Settings to direct the AR subsystem how to respond to various transactions. These settings define areas such as age method, code validation, reference checking, and adjusted balance totaling.
Age Method: When running aging reports, inquiries, or printing aging buckets on statements, the system will look at this setting. One thing to know before you make your decision is that the reference date is a required field when inputting a record; therefore, this date value is always available for aging calculations. Because the due date and statement date are optional fields at data entry time, they can be assigned during the invoice/statement printing process. If no due date or statement date is found, the system typically assigns the amount into a current aging bucket. The default age method is Reference Date. The available options are:
- RReference Date
- DDue Date
- SStatement Date
'Smart' Age Net Logic: Smart age net logic refers to the method in which cash receipts or credits are applied to outstanding balances. Select "Y" to apply credits to the oldest receivable. Select "N" will apply charges and payments into the appropriate age bucket based solely on the date specified in the Age Method field. The default value is "Y".
Check Deposit Information: Select "Y" to require the Bank ID, Deposit Slip, and Deposit date on all cash receipt records. Select "B" to require only the Bank ID on all CR records. Select "N" (the default value) if these fields are not required.
Check Payment Type: To validate and require the Payment Type on cash receipt records, select "Y". Select "N" to allow the payment type to be blank on a CR.
Check Finance Code: If you are interfacing data from an external system or another BusinessPlus module into AR, PowerSchool recommends that this flag be set to "Y". This will ensure that whenever a finance code is referenced, the system will validate the code definition.
Check Miscellaneous Code: If you plan to use the Check Miscellaneous Code field for AR or CR records, this value can be set to "Y", which indicates that the miscellaneous codes must first be defined in the AR Code Definitions (ARUPCD) page. Select "N" to use the field, but be able to use any value.
Enable CR Auditing: This value must be set to "Y" to enable the Original CR field on the CR pages. This field will not be available if you select "N".
Check AR Reference on AR: There are three settings that can be selected for this option:
- Y - Warn when inputting an AR invoice/reference that already exists in AR.
- N - Do not issue any warning if a duplicate AR invoice/reference is used.
- P - Warn when inputting an AR invoice/reference that already exists for the Account ID referenced.
Address Level Override: There are three settings that can be selected for address information printing:
- A - Always use the address code referenced on the AR Account Master page.
- R - Always use the address code referenced on the Third Party Billing page.
- T - Always use the address code input on the transaction.
Check AR Reference on CR: There are three settings that can be selected for this option:
- Y - Block when inputting a CR and the AR invoice/reference do not exist in AR.
- N - Do not issue any block if the AR invoice/reference on the CR do not exist in AR.
- P - Block when inputting a CR and the AR invoice/reference do not exist in AR for the Account ID referenced.
Warn on New Account: There are three settings that can be selected for this option:
- Y - Issue a warning if the Account ID referenced on a transaction has never been used in AR.
- N - Issue no warning if the Account ID referenced on a transaction has never been used in AR.
- B - Block input of a transaction where the Account ID referenced has never been used in AR.
Exclude Divisions from Adjusted Balance
The system automatically keeps track of two account totals for each Account ID. These values are stored on the AR Account Information (ARUPAC) page and are available in reports and inquiries. These values are Account Balance and Adjusted Balance. The account balance represents the sum total of all transactions for an ID. The adjusted balance is the account balance less any transactions with the division codes listed here. The use of this section is optional. If you opt to use this option, the system will provide you with a list of valid division codes to choose from.
Summary Totals Tab
Summary Totals are optional. Using the Click, Drag and Drill (CDD) report writing tool reduces the need for customized summary total reports. Not every client will have CDD implemented and ready. In this case, we recommend that you use the Summary Totals tab.
To define a customized Summary Total file listing, determine which available fields to sort and total. Give the report a meaningful description.
Steps below to activate a new Summary Total file listing:
- Create one or more summary total definitions – ARUPGN
- Exit the General Information page
- Run the Recompute Summary Records Utility – ARUTRT
- Access the Accounts Receivable Reports, File Listings menu – ARREFLxx
The new summary reports are created with the two-character codes T1 through T6.
Total T1 - T6: User-defined File Listing number one.
Level 1 - 4: Choose sort level one from Account ID, Division code, Finance code, Miscellaneous code, Term code or No code.
Description: Enter a description for the new file listing. This is what you will see when selecting the option to print.
Total Definitions Tab
Use the Total Definitions tab to indicate if additional field values such as discount, tax, charge, or duty should be included into the reference totals of an AR invoice or cash receipt as well as the tape totals on AR and CR batches/sets.
AR Tape Total
Discount: To include discount amounts that should be included in the AR set total, click this box to place a checkmark in the field. Leave blank to exclude.
Tax: To indicate that tax amounts should be included in the AR set total, click this box to place a checkmark in the field. Leave blank to exclude.
Charge: To indicate that charge amounts should be included in the AR set total, click this box to place a checkmark in the field. Leave blank to exclude.
Duty: To indicate that duty amounts should be included in the AR set total, click this box to place a checkmark in the field. Leave blank to exclude
AR Ref Total
Discount: To indicate that discount amounts should be included in the AR reference total, click this box to place a checkmark in the field. Leave blank to exclude.
Tax: To indicate that tax amounts should be included in the AR reference total, click this box to place a checkmark in the field. Leave blank to exclude.
Charge: To indicate that charge amounts should be included in the AR reference total, click this box to place a checkmark in the field. Leave blank to exclude.
Duty: To indicate that duty amounts should be included in the AR reference total, click this box to place a checkmark in the field. Leave blank to exclude.
CR Tape Total
Discount: To indicate that discount amounts should be included in the CR set total, click this box to place a checkmark in the field. Leave blank to exclude.
Tax: To indicate that tax amounts should be included in the CR set total, click this box to place a checkmark in the field. Leave blank to exclude.
Charge: To indicate that charge amounts should be included in the CR set total, click this box to place a checkmark in the field. Leave blank to exclude.
Duty: To indicate that duty amounts should be included in the CR set total, click this box to place a checkmark in the field. Leave blank to exclude.
CR Ref Total
Discount: To indicate that discount amounts should be included in the CR reference total, click this box to place a checkmark in the field. Leave blank to exclude.
Tax: To indicate that tax amounts should be included in the CR reference total, click this box to place a checkmark in the field. Leave blank to exclude.
Charge: To indicate that charge amounts should be included in the CR reference total, click this box to place a checkmark in the field. Leave blank to exclude.
Duty: To indicate that duty amounts should be included in the CR reference total, click this box to place a checkmark in the field. Leave blank to exclude.