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Create AR Set and Coded Calcs - ARSPCL

For the AR Calc Code requested, the system will analyze all Calculation Assignments set up in ARUPAC and will create new charge amounts, and write these new transactions to a set file.

Selection Criteria: Enter the selection criteria of the Calculation Codes to be used in the creation of the set file. These fields are defined through These fields are defined through ARUPCD, Calc Code Assignment tab.
Select how the transaction reference number is to be generated?

  • CD — By System Code
  • SY — System Unique Reference
  • RL — Reloads derived values. After entering the name of the set file, the question "Use NUUPDF Pass 2 defaults?" will be asked. A "Y" response will reset those fields in the set file to their default values as defined in a PREACCEPT method for ARsetDetail in NUUPDF. An "N" response will bypass the reloading of these defaults.

Enter the method by which the AR Reference will be generated for each transaction created by the process. If SY is selected, the user will be prompted for the system seed which is to be used.

System Seed Prefix: Enter the system seed prefix. Enter the system seed that will be used to generate AR References.
Set name for resulting transactions: Enter the set file name into which the resulting transactions are to be placed.
Override Term Code (Optional): Enter the Term Code for the new transactions - Enter the Term code for which the new transactions will be created. If the AR Account has not had any transactions created with the term specified, the next most recent term information will be used. If the AR Account is new and does not have any history at all, the values for the specified term will be considered to be all zeroes. Numeric values for new accounts can be established via the mask ARUPAC.
Override Description:
Date for new Transactions: Enter the reference date that the new transactions will have.
Calculation "As Of" Date: Enter the last date that the Calculation Assignment page (ARUPAC) will have if update is toggled.
Update the Last Calc Date field with Ref Date (Y/N)?: Refer to the online help (attached to the software) for field level information and descriptions of each tab. Toggle the flag that will activate an update of the calculation assignment, Last Calc Date field.
Show Skipped Entries (Y/N)?

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