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Event Update - ARUPEV

The Accounts Receivable (AR) Event Update (ARUPEV) page enables users to add events associated with a reference to the database. These events are added to help track an invoice through its lifetime and for late notice generations. Invoice numbers entered will be validated against the Account ID as to its owner. All event codes must be predefined as Miscellaneous Codes.

Account ID: Refers to the Account ID. Account IDs are defined in the Person Entity Information (PEUPPE) page.
Ledger: A General Ledger (GL) account must be keyed into this field.
Invoice: This is the invoice number on the transaction that the event has taken place on. Invoices are validated against the Account ID.
Event: This is the MISC code of the event that is to be recorded. Codes available in the list are defined in the AR Code Definitions (ARUPCD) page, Misc tab.
Event Date: This is the date that the event takes place. If an invoice is being recognized, this date would be checked against the reference date of that invoice. It is to be older than the reference date. If it is left blank, the current date will be placed in this field.
Balance: The system derived calculation of the AR/CR amount fields (units are in U.S. dollars).
User ID: The system-derived user name of the person entering the event.

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