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Grant Reporting - GMUPRE

Use the Grants Management (GM) Grant Reporting (GMUPRE) page to define the reporting obligations associated with a grant. Once the necessary reports are defined, due dates, and sent dates, may be tracked. The upper portion of this page is read only.

Proposal: The proposal number is a unique identifier that represents the grant application.
Project ID: The project ID represents the task or activity that will be funded by the approved grant.
Project Title: The project title is a short description that describes the project.
Status: The status represents the current phase of a grant.
Org Key: The ledger/organization key designates the associated general ledger account key that represents the financial activity for this grant.
Award: The award number is an identifier that represents the actual award or grant monies that are distributed by the funding agency or sponsor.
Cash Match: This cash match check box is used to signify whether this grant is a cash match or not.
Department: The department represents the grantee department.
Division: The division represents the grantee division.

Report Summary

The report summary tab is used to establish information for reporting purposes, and to specify which reports are required, the frequency, number of copies, and when they are initially due. It also contains a report tracking section at the bottom of the tab.

Address Type: The Address Type field is a coded value that designates the address to which the report will be delivered. Selecting the combo box drop-down list displays values used by the Person/Entity Information (PEUPPE) page when defining various addresses for the PE ID.
Category: The Report Category field classifies the report that is being defined (e.g., technical, financial, program, etc.). Code values in the drop-down list are defined on the GM Codes (GMUPCD) page, under the Code ID of REPORTCAT.
Type: The Report Type represents the actual report that will be generated (e.g., FSR - Financial Status Report, or SER - State Aid Expenditure Report). Report Type Codes are defined on the GM Codes page, under the Code ID of REPORTTYPE.
Frequency: The Report Frequency field represents how often this report is generated (e.g., monthly, quarterly, etc.). Code values in the drop-down list are defined on the GM Codes page, under the Code ID of FREQUENCY.
Copies: The Number of Copies field represents the number of copies of this report that need to be generated. This will be a numeric value.
Deliverable Day: The Deliverable Day represents the initial day in which this report needs to be delivered by. This will be a numeric value.
Initials: The Initials field notes the individual that will be responsible for this report.

Report Tracking

The Report Tracking section of the Report Summary tab is used to track the due dates, and submit dates of the reports that have been defined in the report summary section. A record in this section pertains to a single report, whereas the prior section designates all of the reports that pertain to the active grant. The data from this section may be used in conjunction with report writing tools to generate "tickler" reports in order to identify report due dates and distribution history. Each entry in this section relates to the current report summary entry selected.

Due Date: The Due Date field represents the date in which the report is due by.
Date Sent: The Sent Date field represents the date in which the report was actually sent.

Report Summary Notes

The Reporting Notes tab allows the user to enter any notes concerning reports that are either required or printed to support the grant module. Press the keyboard combination of the <Shift>+<Enter> keys to save the text.

Text: This is a free form text area to describe the report in detail.
Page No: System generated field indicating the current page.


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