JE interface import - GLUTRIJI
JE Interface Import. This utility will look for entries in the ifgl_je_imp table and create a 7i JE set.
Table Name | IFGL_JE_IMP | Description |
tran_id | CHAR(38) | Client specific transaction id; used as selection criteria |
tran_dt | DATE | Date and Time transaction placed in this table |
ifgl_set_id | CHAR(16) | JE Set ID |
ifgl_set_desc | VARCHAR2(200) | Set Description |
ifgl_ref | CHAR(16) | JEID |
ifgl_desc | VARCHAR2(200) | JE entry description |
ifgl_subs_ref | CHAR(16) | Secondary Reference |
ifgl_peid | CHAR(12) | PEID |
ifgl_pedb_cd | CHAR(1) | PEDB |
ifgl_ck_id | CHAR(2) | CKID |
ifgl_ck_no | CHAR(8) | Check Number |
ifgl_date | DATE | JE Date |
ifgl_account | VARCHAR2(128) | Client specific account conversion to get IFAS account |
ifgl_gl_gr | CHAR(2) | GL Ledger Code |
ifgl_gl_key | CHAR(10) | GL Org Key |
ifgl_gl_obj | CHAR(8) | GL Object Code |
ifgl_jl_gr | CHAR(2) | JL Ledger Code |
ifgl_jl_key | CHAR(10) | JL Org Key |
ifgl_jl_obj | CHAR(8) | JL Object Code |
ifgl_wo | CHAR(12) | Work Order Number |
ifgl_offset | CHAR(2) | Offset code |
ifgl_misc | CHAR(4) | Misc code |
ifgl_type | CHAR(2) | JE type |
ifgl_units | NUMBER(20,5) | Number of units |
ifgl_msur | CHAR(4) | N/A |
ifgl_dr | NUMBER(20,2) | Debit amount |
ifgl_cr | NUMBER(20,2) | Credit amount |
ifgl_hit_en | CHAR(2) | Hit EN Flag |
ifgl_en_type | CHAR(2) | EN Type |
ifgl_budget_over | CHAR(2) | Budget Override Flag |
ifgl_prep_id | CHAR(8) | Preparer's Id |
ifgl_contract_no | CHAR(16) | Contract Number |
ifgl_post_dt | DATE | Posting Date |
ifgl_jeid_acg | CHAR(4) | JEID Approval Class Group |
ifgl_trns_acg | CHAR(4) | Transaction Approval Class Group |
ifgl_views | CHAR(4) | View Flags |
ifgl_seq_no | NUMBER(5,0) | JE Sequence |
system_id | CHAR(8) | Client specific |
processed_dt | DATE | Initially NULL; filled in by interface after processing |
JE Set ID: Enter a name of the JE Set ID to be created. If the user enters SYSTEM the Set ID will come from the SYNO/BTCHIDJE seed.
JE Interface Template Name: Enter a JE interface template name. If an item is blank, null, or "N/A...N/A" the system will look up the appropriate value from an entry in the ifgl_trns_dtl table where trans_id='TEMPLATE xxxxxx' where xxxxxx is the Template Name the user entered.
Transaction ID(S) to be processedEnter the Transaction ID (tran_id) to be selected from ifgl_je_imp. This can be entered in "like" format so "AB%" will work. If "ALL" is entered (which is the default) then all unprocessed transaction IDs will be processed. The process will run and select all entries with tran_id 's that match the above selection and where processed_dt is NULL. Use "like" criteria to process the request replacing any * or @ with a %. (Unprocessed entries are those that have a NULL processed_dt.) An "exceptions only" set proof will run immediately following the creation of the set. Sets without errors may then be posted manually. Sets with errors will need to be processed manually by the users of the system and then posted as needed.
Once the entries are processed they will then be updated with the current date and time on the processed_dt field. An entry will also be made in the new ifgl_je_ack table that indicates that this transaction was processed.