JE Table Interface - GLUTRITI
JE Table Interface. This process reads ALL undistributed interface records from the GLJ-JEINT-DTL dataset, extracts them into Journal Entries Set files, and optionally posts them to GL. The GLDS/GL245C common code must be set up to automatically distribute created sets. The GLJE/REDIRECT common code may optionally be set up to automatically (at run time) redirect invalid accounts to a designated suspense account. The GLEM/REDIRECT common code may optionally be set up to automatically send (at run time) email notification of account redirection to a selected list of users. The data items in the GLJ-JEINT-DTL are similar to the formats used by GLUTRIIJ. Use GLUTRILJ to populate this table.
282 byte JE INTERFACE Record Layout
To create a JE set using this layout, the file can be created by a text editor or generated by a program. Remember to pad all fields with spaces so that they equal their fixed field size. Each record must have a length of 282 bytes.
FD Field Name | BusinessPlus Field Name | Fixed Field Size |
RJE-SET-ID | Set ID | 16 |
RJE-REF | JEID (Primary Reference) | 16 |
RJE-DESC | JE Description | 30 |
RJE-SUBS-REF | Secondary Reference | 16 |
RJE-PEID | PEID | 12 |
RJE-CK-ID | Check Stock ID | 2 |
RJE-CK-NO | Check Number | 8 |
RJE-DATE | JE Date | 8 |
RJE-GL-KEY | GL Org. Key | 10 |
RJE-GL-OBJ | GL Object Code | 8 |
RJE-JL-KEY | JL Org. Key | 10 |
RJE-JL-OBJ | JL Object Code | 8 |
RJE-OFFSET | Offset method | 2 |
RJE-MISC | Miscellaneous Code | 4 |
RJE-GL-CODE | GL Ledger Code | 2 |
RJE-JL-CODE | JL Ledger Code | 2 |
RJE-TYPE | JE Transaction Type | 2 |
RJE-UNITS | Units | 18 |
RJE-MSUR | Units of Measure | 4 |
RJE-DR | Debit Amount | 18 |
RJE-CR | Credit Amount | 18 |
RJE-HIT-EN | Hit EN Flag | 1 |
RJE-EN-TYPE | EN Transaction Type | 2 |
RJE-BUDGET-OVERRIDE | Budget Override Flag | 1 |
RJE-WORK-ORDER | Work Order Number | 12 |
RJE-PREP-ID | Prep. ID | 8 |
RJE-CONTRACT-NO | Contract Number | 16 |
RJE-POST-DATE | JE Posting Date* | 8 |
RJE-JEID-ACG | JEID Approval Class Group | 4 |
RJE-TRNS-ACG | Transaction Approval Group | 4 |
FILLER | Reserved For Future Use | 6 |
*This posting date should only be used if the set is posted using the Multiple Posting Date Distribution (GLJEDM). In this case, this date will become the Posting Date and RJE-DATE will become the Secondary Date after the Journal Entries have been posted.
512 byte Comma-Delimited JE INTERFACE Record Layout
To create a JE set using this layout, the file should be created using a spreadsheet. The file should be saved in comma delimited format. Unused fields must use a column. Each record must have a record length of 512 bytes.
FD Field Name | Column | BusinessPlus Field Name | Maximum Field Size |
RJE-SET-ID | A | Set ID | 16 |
RJE-REF | B | JEID (Primary Reference) | 16 |
RJE-DESC | C | JE Description | 30 |
RJE-SUBS-REF | D | Secondary Reference | 16 |
RJE-PEID | E | PEID | 12 |
RJE-PEDB | F | PEDB | 1 |
RJE-CK-ID | G | Check Stock ID | 2 |
RJE-CK-NO | H | Check Number | 8 |
RJE-DATE | I | JE Date | 8 |
RJE-GL-KEY | J | GL Org. Key | 10 |
RJE-GL-OBJ | K | GL Object Code | 8 |
RJE-JL-KEY | L | JL Org. Key | 10 |
RJE-JL-OBJ | M | JL Object Code | 8 |
RJE-OFFSET | N | Offset method | 2 |
RJE-MISC | O | Miscellaneous Code | 4 |
RJE-GL-CODE | P | GL Ledger Code | 2 |
RJE-JL-CODE | Q | JL Ledger Code | 2 |
RJE-TYPE | R | JE Transaction Type | 2 |
RJE-UNITS | S | Units | 18 |
RJE-MSUR | T | Units of Measure | 4 |
RJE-DR | U | Debit Amount | 18 |
RJE-CR | V | Credit Amount | 18 |
RJE-HIT-EN | W | Hit EN Flag | 1 |
RJE-EN-TYPE | X | EN Transaction Type | 2 |
RJE-BUDGET-OVERRIDE | Y | Budget Override Flag | 1 |
RJE-WORK-ORDER | Z | Work Order Number | 12 |
RJE-PREP-ID | AA | Prep ID | 8 |
RJE-CONTRACT-NO | AB | Contract Number | 16 |
RJE-POST-DATE | AC | JE Posting Date* | 8 |
RJE-JEID-ACG | AD | JEID Approval | 4 |
RJE-TRNS-ACG | AE | Transaction Approval | 4 |
*This posting date should only be used if the set is posted using the Multiple Posting Date Distribution (GLJEDM). In this case, this date will become the Posting Date and the JE Date will become the Secondary Date after the Journal Entries have been posted.
The following is a listing of the all the individual data elements included in the JE Interface Set File Layout with a comprehensive description of each.
- RJE-SET-ID - Up to 16 characters representing the Set ID or control code which uniquely identify this set of Journal Entries (e.g., JEBOBSMITH010196).
- RJE-REF - Up to 16 characters which indicate the primary reference for this Journal Entry.
- RJE-DESC - Up to 30 characters which describe the purpose or action causing the need for this Journal Entry.
- RJE-SUBS-REF - A Subsystem Reference Code of up to 16 characters which represents a secondary reference for this particular Journal Entry being interfaced. This element can be used to store the Purchase Order number if this is an Accounts Payable Journal Entry.
- RJE-PEID - Up to 12 characters which uniquely identify the Person/Entity (Vendor, Employee, or Customer) to be associated with this Journal Entry. This field may not be NULL.
- RJE-PEDB - Up to 2 characters which identify the Person Entity database which holds the record for this Vendor, Employee, or Customer which has incurred this Journal Entry.
- RJE-CK-ID - Up to 2 characters which identify the check stock ID used with this Journal Entry. Check Stock IDs must be defined in Nucleus Common Codes file under the code category CKID.
- RJE-CK-NO - Up to 8 characters which identify the check number which was used with this Journal Entry.
- RJE-DATE - Up to 8 characters which identify the secondary date of the Journal Entry, in CCYYMMDD format. REQUIRED
- RJE-GL-KEY - Up to 10 characters which indicate the GL Org. Key to which this Journal Entry should be associated. The Org. Key in this field must be defined in the GLK-KEY-MSTR (see GLUPKY screen). A Fully Qualified account may be used instead of an Org Key when using the comma-delimited format. If an FQA is used in place of an Org Key, the GLObject Code field should be left blank. REQUIRED
- RJE-GL-OBJ - Up to 8 characters which indicate the GL Object Code to which this Journal Entry should be associated. The Object Code in this field must be defined in the GLO-OBJ-MSTR (see GLUPOB screen). A Fully Qualified account may be used instead of an Org Key when using the comma-delimited format. If an FQA is used in place of an Org Key, the GLObject Code field should be left blank. REQUIRED
- RJE-JL-KEY - Up to 10 characters which indicate the JL Org. Key to which this Journal Entry should be associated. A Fully Qualified account may be used instead of an Org Key when using the comma-delimited format. If an FQA is used in place of an Org Key, the GLObject Code field should be left blank.
- RJE-JL-OBJ - Up to 8 characters which indicate the JL Object Code to which this Journal Entry should be associated. A Fully Qualified account may be used instead of an Org Key when using the comma-delimited format. If an FQA is used in place of an Org Key, the GLObject Code field should be left blank.
- RJE-OFFSET - A 2-character field describing which automatic offsetting entries should be made at distribution time. The first character position is the intra-offset code, the second character position is the inter-offset code. A blank offset field will be set to the last non-blank offset in this Journal Entry. Default offset values may be set through use of a NUCLEUS Common Code entry; Code Value "GLJE," Code Category "OFFSET." See Section VII of the General Ledger user guide for a detailed discussion of the options available.
- RJE-MISC - Up to 4 characters to indicate a miscellaneous code associated with this Journal Entry. This may be used for any type of historical analysis, data extraction, or reporting which may be desired.
- RJE-GL-CODE - A two-character code which indicates the General Ledger to which this Journal Entry relates. REQUIRED
- RJE-JL-CODE - A two-character code which indicates the Job Ledger to which this Journal Entry relates. If no JL ledger is associated, enter "--" in this field.
- RJE-TYPE - Up to two characters representing the type of Journal Entry. Journal Entry Types include "ST" for Standard Transaction, "CL" Year End Closing Transaction, "AJ" Audit Adjustment Entries, "AC" Accrual Entry. Journal Entry will be converted with a transaction type of "ST" unless otherwise noted.
- RJE-UNITS - The number of units purchased for this particular Journal Entry. This element has an implied 5 decimal places to the right of the decimal point. For example, 5 units will be placed into this element as 500000.
- RJE-DR - The debit amount of the Journal Entry in dollars and cents. If the amount is to be a debit, the value will be converted as a positive amount and placed in this element. This element has an implied 2 decimal positions to the right of the decimal point.
- RJE-CR - The credit amount of the Journal Entry in dollars and cents. If the amount is to be a credit, the value will be converted as a positive amount and placed in this element. This element has an implied 2 decimal positions to the right of the decimal point.
- RJE-HIT-EN - If this field is set to Y or E (Exclusive ENDB posting, no GL), the transactions will be posted to EN with the given type in the field RJE-EN-TYPE. Note: In this case the PO number must be entered in the RJE-SUBS-REF field.
- RJE-EN-TYPE - This field contains a code for the type of encumbrance for this Journal Entry. Valid values for this field are EN for Encumbrance, DE for Disencumbered, PP for a Partial Payment, and FP for a Full Payment.
- RJE-BUDGET-OVERRIDE - If users creating sets have the required Budget Override security defined in Nucleus Database Security, a "Y" can be placed in this field to override budget blocks at data entry time allowing exit from and thus creation of an over budget JE set. NOTE: This flag only allows creation of the set. Correction of the over budget condition is still required before the set will post.
- RJE-WORK-ORDER - Up to 12 characters which identify the work order reference associated with this Journal Entry.
- RJE-PREP-ID - A 4-character code used to indicate the Nucleus User ID of who is responsible for the preparation of this Journal Entry.
- RJE-CONTRACT-NO - Up to 16 characters which identify the primary contract reference of this Journal Entry.
- RJE-POST-DATE - Up to 8 characters which identify the posting date (primary date) of the Journal Entry, in CCYYMMDD format. Note: This date will only be used if the JE set is distributed as a multiple-date set (GLJEDM).
- RJE-JEID-ACG - Up to 4-characters which define the approval class group for this JEID. Approval definitions may be updated using mask GLUPAP.
- RJE-TRNS-ACG - Up to 4-characters which define the approval class group for this transaction. Approval definitions may be updated using mask GLUPAP.