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Late Notices - ARRELN

The Late Notice report option is used to generate notices for AR accounts that are past due. The process is very similar to the Summary of Invoices process (ARRESI). The Late Notice process does not print line item text or reference text. It will, however, print transactions details. The determination as to whether or not an invoice is "late" is based off of the transaction's due date.

The default aging is 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 days past due. The user has the option to use a division specific aging instead of using the default aging bucket. The Division Definition page (ARUPCD, Division tab) includes six fields which represent the aging buckets for this late notice process. With this option, the user can define a division and set up specific aging criteria for that division. All transactions using that division will then use that division's specific late notice aging method. For example, if a division is defined, we'll call it SHRT, with the aging buckets set to 15,30,45,90,105,120, then all invoices using the SHRT division that are 30-44 days past due will receive notice #2.

Corresponding to the six aging buckets are six special forms used in the late notice process. These forms are labeled SPFMLN01 - SPFMLN06. If an account is 60 days past due with the default aging method, the late notice printed will use form SPFMLN02. However, another new addition to the Division Definition page is another new field labeled Form Set. The default Form Set is LN telling the system to use the special forms SPFMLN##, but along with the new aging bucket, a division can also have its own Form Set. Using the above example with the account 60 days past due, if the division does not specify an alternate Form Set, the late notice would print using SPFMLN02. If the division specified Form Set JK however, the late notice would print using SPFMJK02.

Major to minor Sort Fields: Enter the major to minor sort field, separated by commas.
AR Selection Criteria:

  • 01 – Command Selection
  • 02 – Account Information
  • 03 – Responsible ID Information
  • 04 – Category (By Term) Information
  • 05 – Transaction Detail
  • 06 – Special Information
  • 07 – AR Reference Date
  • 10 – IRIS Information
  • SF – Select File

Would you like separate criteria for the analysis/printing process? Specify separate criteria, if needed.
Single late notice cycle to print (1-6): If you only want one late notice cycle to print, for example you only want to print notices for people receiving their second late notice, you can enter that notice number here. Currently, you can either print one notice cycle or all.
Restart notice cycle from last payment made? Normally, the determination as to whether or not an invoice is due or not is based off of the invoice's due date. Answering Yes to this question will cause the system to use the date of the last payment made, instead of the due date, when determining whether an invoice is late or not.
Would you like address labels printed?
Address Hierarchy: Enter a two-character address code as defined in the Person/Entity (PE) subsystem.
Note: Late notices can create EVENT details connected to an invoice during the Late Notice process. This situation is dependent upon the common code ARLN/EVENT.

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