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Report Definition - GLUPRD

Report Definition Files (RDFs) are used to create client-specific reports. They differ from Ad Hoc reports by allowing selection criteria to be assigned to each individual line of the report as well as grouping in any order specified. Each report supported by an RDF may have as many different definitions as needed. 


Report ID: Enter a unique report ID (up to 16 characters).
Title: Enter a report title (up to 50 characters).

General Info

Use this tab to set various standard defaults. 

Round to Nearest: Enter a dollar amount as the nearest amount to round to.
Show 'Rounded To' Message? Select this option to display a 'Rounded To' message.
Print all lines? Select this option to print all lines.
Print Negative signs instead of brackets? Select this option to use negative signs to indicate negative amounts, rather than brackets.
Download all lines? Select this option to download all lines of the report.


Used to define page elements and headings.  the Page tab to define the page and its headings. 

Include: Allows one report to be linked to another. This function is available on every tab except for the General Info tab. To link reports, type the report file name of an existing report in the Include field for every tab that needs to be linked.
Line No: Numeric field to hold the line number.
No: Two-character field to define the report heading. A value of SS (Suppress Standard Heading) tells the system to print the client's customized heading at the top of the report instead of the standard system heading.
Heading: The Heading column is where the text for each individual line in the header is defined. The text is reproduced on the report header exactly as it is typed in this column, including spacing and capitalization. 


Use the Lines tab to define the text to print on each line and the value to be assigned to that line. 

Include: Allows one report to be linked to another. This function is available on every tab except for the General Info tab. To link reports, type the report file name of an existing report in the Include field for every tab that needs to be linked.
Line No: Numeric field to hold the line number.
Type: The type column defines the type of line. Possible types are:

  • BLANK — Tells the system to leave the line blank
  • HEADING — Tells the system that the line is a text-only line
  • DETAIL — Tells the system that the line will be a detail item that has text with a value assigned to it
  • PAGE — Tells the system to insert a page break.
  • SECTION — Indicates the beginning of a group of detail items; for instance, "Revenues".
  • TOTAL — Once all the detail items have been input within a section, the TOTAL command can be used to total all the values input.
  • SUBSECT — If a report has groups within a section, the SUBSECT command can be used to group those detail items together. 
  • SUBTOTAL — Once the detail items have been input, the SUBTOTAL command can be used to total the items within the subsection.
  • DERIVED — If a computation is needed of individual lines, the DERIVED command is used. In order for the DERIVED command to work, the total and detail lines must be properly named.
  • COMPUTE — If a DERIVED calculation does not fit in the computation field the COMPUTE command can be used. This command, when used on the line directly following the DERIVED command, will take the calculation typed into the TITLE field and attach it to the DERIVED calculation. 

Name: Used to assign a name to the DETAIL lines and the various TOTALS lines. The name will then be used to assign values to that line of text on the Selects tab. The name can also be used to add amounts from various lines together, i.e., T1+T2-T3 or R1+R5-E8. 
Title: The title column is where the text for each individual line on the report is defined. The text will be reproduced on the report exactly as it is typed in this column, including spacing and capitalization. 
Computation: The computation column is where formats for the values are indicated as well as formulas for calculations such as T1+T2. Available formats are:

  • underline (\U) 
  • double underline (\UU) 
  • dollar sign (\$)

Either underlining format can be used with the dollar sign, and any of the above formats can be used with a calculation. There are also three designations that can be used in this column:

  • \PRIOR which tells it to print the beginning balance of an account
  • \CASH which would show cash flow from monthly ending values  
  • \ENCB which would replace the actual values with Encumbrance values for that particular line item

The process is case sensitive so it is important that the TYPE and the NAME are in caps. The system will automatically upshift what you type into these columns. The text in the TITLE column should be input exactly as you want it to appear on the report.


Use the Selects tab to assign values to the lines defined on the Lines tab. Values are assigned to the detail lines using the background parts that were defined during the General Ledger setup. Any of the background parts can be used to define the lines, including object codes.

Include: Allows one report to be linked to another. This function is available on every tab except for the General Info tab. To link reports, type the report file name of an existing report in the Include field for every tab that needs to be linked.
Line No: Numeric field to hold the line number.
Selection: The selection column is where the background part to be associated with a detail line is identified. There can be two selection codes identified on any one line to pertain to a given detail line. However, the parts cannot be the same type (i.e., OBJ OBJ). 
Code: Enter the value(s) for the background part(s) identified in the Selection column. 
Negative: Used to designate if an amount should be seen as a negative. The program's default is to print all numbers as positive numbers. This feature is often used in variance items and in contra-asset accounts. 
Reference: Enter the name used to identify the detail line to link it to the value specified in the previous columns. 
And: Used when two lines need to be "ANDED" together. The default for the column is to "OR" together lines with the same name.


In the previous tabs, the detail lines are created and assigned values. In the next three tabs, the focus shifts from the lines of the report to the columns of the report. This only applies to reports that will be using user-defined multiple columns, such as standard reports 04 and 06. Each report can have up to eighteen columns; nine columns per page. The columns can be defined by whatever background part is needed in the GLPART field; e.g., Fund, Division, Officer, Department.

Include: Allows one report to be linked to another. This function is available on every tab except for the General Info tab. To link reports, type the report file name of an existing report in the Include field for every tab that needs to be linked.
Part 1 & 2:
Line No: Numeric field to hold the line number.
No: Designates the column number where a value is to be assigned. There can only be one code of calculation per column. 
Code Columns: The values entered in the Code section correspond to the FTYPs defined on the GLUPKY page. If a column needs to be more than one value—for example, Trust and Agency and Expendable Trust—then additional values can be entered in each Code section as long as the Column No is defined the same for each value. Any given column can have as many as 40 items assigned to it using this method.  The TOTAL (i.e., Code 4 column) tells the program to total up all GLPARTS assigned for each line. A wild card can also be used when defining the background parts. For example, 1@ will include all items starting with 1. @@ would include everything of the designated part (assuming a two-digit part number). 
Code or Calculation: The code or calculation field define the value for the column. 

MBMonthly BudgetMAMonthly ActualMEMonthly EncumbrancesCx+CyAdds
where x and y are column numbers
QBQuarterly BudgetQAQuarterly ActualQEQuarterly EncumbrancesCx-CySubtracts
where x and y are column numbers
YBYTD BudgetYAYTD ActualYEYTD EncumbrancesC2%C3Where C2 is a % of C3
Prints a percent sign
FBAnnual BudgetFAAnnual Actual

B#Specific Month
where # is the fiscal month
A#Specific Month
where # is the fiscal month

Budget versions may be designated by adding the two-character code to the selection, such as FBWK (Annual Budget - Working Budget version). If no other version is specified, the default version will be used. 



Used to define headings for the columns in the report. 

Include: Allows one report to be linked to another. This function is available on every tab except for the General Info tab. To link reports, type the report file name of an existing report in the Include field for every tab that needs to be linked.
Line No: Numeric field to hold the line number.
No: Designates the column number where a value is to be assigned. There can only be one code of calculation per column. 
Heading Text: Up to five lines per heading. Column headings will appear exactly as typed. The heading is also limited to the size of the field so imaginative spellings for some column names may be necessary.
Bar:  Enter a "Y" to place a bar between columns. 
Start Col & Length: Used to define where the column is to begin on the page and the width of the column. The starting position can range from 1 to 240. It is not advised to start a column before 25, leaving ample room for the description column. If no starting position is specified, the columns will be evenly spaced across the page beginning in position 25 and ending at 132. If a range is specified beyond 132, a printer definition must be configured to compress the print. The length of the column can be defined between 4 and 18 characters. If no length is specified, the program will default to 11 characters. 


Include: Allows one report to be linked to another. This function is available on every tab except for the General Info tab. To link reports, type the report file name of an existing report in the Include field for every tab that needs to be linked. 
Columns: Line columns.
Line No: Numeric field to hold the line number.
Part or Code:


Include: Allows one report to be linked to another. This function is available on every tab except for the General Info tab. To link reports, type the report file name of an existing report in the Include field for every tab that needs to be linked.
Line No: Numeric field to hold the line number.
Old Part
New Part
Old Value
New Value

Report Definition Files - Quick Commands 






Page numbering - use RrCcLl as the heading 


Place whatever is in the heading column as a footer at the bottom of each page 


Suppress standard heading 



Single underline 


Double underline 


Dollar sign 


The beginning of a group of detail items 


A grouping within a section 


Text entry with no value 


Individual line items that will be assigned a value 


Totals all detail items entered within a section 


Totals all detail items entered within a subsection 


Calculates based on previously defined lines i.e. T1 + T2 - T3 


Inserts a blank line 


Inserts a page break 


Continues a DERIVED comp. that did not fit. (Put comp. in Titles column) 


Uses prior year value 


Uses cash basis value 


Uses encumbrance value 



Will total all the columns with values 



Monthly Budget 


Quarterly Budget 


YTD Budget 


Annual Budget 


Specific Month - Budget 


Monthly Actual 


Quarterly Actual 


YTD Actual 


Annual Actual 


Specific Month - Actual 


Monthly Encumbrances 


Quarterly Encumbrances 


YTD Encumbrances 



Current fiscal year end 


Prior year end 




Will print the date of the report in the mm/dd/yy format 
(space with six space and a ^ for correct centering) 

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